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  1. Hair loss in B777
  2. Astigmatism
  3. Lower Back Pain
  4. Class 1 Medical - I passed!
  5. Aer Lingus/BA Sponsorships - Eye sight
  6. Class 1 in other JAA countries
  7. 146 pilots lose medical due to cabin air?
  8. prescription lenses ?
  9. Life after DVT
  10. Kidney Transplant
  11. Bicuspid Aortic Valve and the Class 1
  12. Bates, Fact or fiction
  13. Inital Class 1 medical soon..and I am worried!
  14. Class 1 Initial
  15. Malnutrition and Crew Meals
  16. Gingernut contact Propjet
  17. Gingernut contact Propjet
  18. Class 1 Medical
  19. Blood Pressure
  20. Vision Defects
  21. CAA Class 1 Medical - Problems
  22. First Aid Kits
  23. What the CAA and BA said about Haemophilia B
  24. CAA Medical & Contact Lenses
  25. Health and Safety Act
  26. ATCO - Eyes
  27. EYES What to do?
  28. IAA class one & training in the UK
  29. Strength to fly???
  30. CAA => JAR Class 1
  31. FAA and CASA 1st class medicals
  32. hey fever
  33. JET LAG............................
  34. Hearing chart??
  35. Speech Impediments and flying
  36. Where in New York/Las Vegas can I get a FAA Class 1 Medical?
  37. Creatine
  38. Class 1 renewal - eye test
  39. Dislocated Knee (Aaaaaargh!)
  40. Blood Pressure/Chloesterol
  41. Please help if you can
  42. CAA and Eyesight
  43. flu after-effects
  44. Airline Medicals
  45. Training Incapacitation
  46. JAA Class 1 Medical Taken Abroad (Colour Purposes!)
  47. Getting the medical overseas?
  48. Eyesight tests
  49. Post op flying
  50. RAF Colour Vision Tests
  51. More JAR JAR?
  52. Loss of Licence
  53. Melanoma and medical
  54. Perforated Ear Drum and Class One?
  55. 1st class medical requirements
  56. BA Medical
  57. Good news for colour deficient?
  58. CAA class 2 medical needed in Florida
  59. longsightedness
  60. Authorised Medical Examiner
  61. blocked eustachian tube
  62. Embolisms
  63. Class 1 medical history
  64. Heart rate
  65. Pilots to be drug tested randomly?
  66. Ortho-K
  67. Dull pain - sinuses?
  68. Dull headache - sinus related?
  69. Why does hypoxia act so fast?
  70. Dwayne's syndrome
  71. Atrial Premature Beat. Advice please.
  72. RAF/AAC Opinion of Laser Treatment
  73. Abnormal ECG
  74. Pupil Dilation HELP
  75. Pupil Dilations - How Long?
  76. Which type of contact lenses
  77. Chroma Gen for colour vision
  78. Class 1 renewal
  79. migraine attacks
  80. LASIK Surgery
  81. 20 +/ 20+ vision at Moorfield eye hospital UK
  82. Class 1 Medical
  83. Epilepsy
  84. Heart murmor
  85. Strabismus (crossed eyes)
  86. Confusion - Class 2 Eyesight
  87. Class 3 Medical Examinations
  88. Irish JAA Medical Validity - Licencing consideration
  89. HIV and JAR regulations
  90. Types of drugs or medcine that could affect a pilot's flying coordination.
  91. Can a pilot fly if he or she have hypertension or high blood pressure?
  92. Lightning strike may cause heart
  93. Can a pilot fly if he or she have a flu or headache?
  94. Flying if preggers.
  95. Can I fly with Haemophilia?
  96. Can I fly with Haemophilia?
  97. How long for class 1
  98. Hearing loss
  99. Farnsworth Lantern Test
  100. Malaria?
  101. Hearing test??
  102. Class 2 medical questions. . .
  103. Looking to contact Cirrus driver
  104. Class One renewal cost
  105. RAF medical, will they let you?
  106. Refractive Error - Any News on the December JAA meeting?
  107. ATPL medicals
  109. Brain tumour, getting back in the air
  110. Bowel Cancer , Flight Crew increased liability
  111. BA Medical Reqts Disparity
  112. Skin Cancer
  113. Motion Sickness
  114. Hypermetropia (longsightedness) limit changes possible
  115. surgery and a class 1?
  116. Hypermetropia (longsightedness) limit changes?
  117. Approved Blood Pressure Medication
  118. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  119. Local CAA registered doctors
  120. FAA medical Examiners in Europe
  121. Colour vision endorsement
  122. Medicals - renewals
  123. Loss of Licence insurance
  124. B.A . DEP Eyesight requirements
  125. ATTN : Administrators & Moderators
  126. PPL Wannabe needs info on medical
  127. What to expect for a class 1 medical?
  128. Class 1 Spirometer Test
  129. 'Lapsed' class 1 renewal
  130. Congenital Nystagmus
  131. can you hear this??
  132. Low level HYPOXIA
  133. Otosclerosis
  134. Class 1 & class2 restrictions
  135. Dyslexia; any restrictions?
  136. Eye-biassed AME/consultant sought
  137. Class 1 heart problems
  138. Bad Eye
  139. Restricted class II - can anyone help?
  140. Eye exam for CPL
  141. Wearing "weaker" lenses to improve eyesight...
  142. Mr MAGOO (and other Mr Bates addics)
  144. Asthma and the Airlines
  145. the problem of eyesight?
  146. Class 1 preparations
  147. Australian DAME ..... i have a question
  148. Hair Mineral test
  149. Lightning Strike - Crew injuries
  150. Yellow Fever innoculation
  151. feeling a bit of a prick!
  152. RAF Pilot Medical...whats it like?
  153. Zyban
  154. CFI at Welshpool
  155. B*LLSH*T
  156. Sinus Pain
  157. Does anyone have a contact address for Dr. Ian Perry??
  158. Military Tattoo
  159. Upgrading Class II to Class 1!
  160. Any news on vision requirments for class 1 ?
  161. Valid JAA/FAA PPL medical?
  162. Class 1 Eyesight requirements
  163. Depression
  164. Cancer and the class 1 medical
  165. Pilot's Kids
  166. Class 1 (Different type of Question though)
  167. Hearing loss
  168. Duodenum Ulcer ????
  169. Fracture
  170. Labrynthitis
  171. BA/CAA medical
  172. Bundle branch blockage
  173. Sunglasses - please advise
  174. Why don't long haul pilots die from DVT?
  175. Eye Surgery
  176. Crohn's disease
  177. Crohn's Disease
  178. Colour freaks
  179. Can someone advise me ?
  180. Hearing aid ?
  181. Night Work May Up Breast Cancer Risk
  182. Question
  183. colour blindness
  184. JAA Unrestricted CLASS ONE - Is it or isn't it ?
  185. Prostate and the FAA
  186. jaa refractive error regulations...... load of bull
  187. FALANT
  188. UK Parliamentary committee aircrew hazards report
  189. Test your own eyes
  190. Deflated???
  191. Dogs at work
  192. hookwinking blood pressure readings
  193. Asthma, sorry to ask.
  194. Beer Aids Clear Vision !
  195. HKCAD vision ?
  196. Vision requirements - again...
  197. Colourblind
  198. Macular Oedema - advice please.
  199. Diabete's and the USA Medical for a PPL
  200. CAA medical dept at Gatwick
  201. CAA Class 1 medical valid in other JAR countries?
  202. Gyms/Sport Clubs in Bournemouth?
  203. JAA Class One - XIII Limitations
  204. vertigo?
  205. What happens in a Class 1 med' exam??
  206. FAA doc's in NZ?
  207. UK, US & Oz: Class 1 Renewal of all by same Doc???
  208. The Case Against tougher medical standards
  209. Class 1 Renewal
  210. Psychometric Testing
  211. Vision requirements - Good news?
  212. Blood Pressure - Again!
  213. Class 1 Medical /First time.
  214. Can the CAA disclose my medical details?
  215. Is once a week too much?
  216. Save 5000 deaths or 3 maybe 4 a year; Which ?
  217. The Bates Method...vision improvement
  218. Reduced Hearing on Landing
  219. Eyesight test at Renwal?
  220. Bilberry for curing bad eyesight ?
  221. Type II Diabetes
  222. Eye test
  223. Kidney stones
  224. FCL3: Appendix removed!
  225. What International document governs CLASS1 standards ?
  226. EEG in Class 1
  227. Depression and flying (again)
  228. gougerot carteaud and class 1
  229. Merged Keratoconus thread
  230. Vision Aerobics/Freedom??
  231. any news about jaa conference for new diotpries limits?
  232. Liver function tests?
  233. Fear of blood tests.
  234. Colour vision exam
  235. Failure to pass Class1
  236. Pilot Fitness
  237. Prostate Cancer and the Class 1 medical
  239. Asthma
  240. Waivers and SODA
  241. class I medical lasts for how long?
  242. Contact Lenses
  244. My prescription for CAA eyesight test.
  245. Vitamin Pills v Vegies/Fruit?
  246. Natural Vision Improvement news?
  247. APNEA (APNIA?)
  248. Over active Thyroids
  249. economy class syndrome on the flight deck
  250. Eyesight