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  1. Royal Navy and Eyes
  2. How do I get a waiver removed?
  3. Just past 1st class... no probs...
  4. Functional Reach question.
  6. Flying & Cockpit Noise
  7. Error reporting and safety psychology
  8. Heart
  9. CAA class 1 medical renewal
  11. Eyesight (a common topic, it seems)
  12. Is a Pilot with Hernia Fit to Fly?
  13. Blood Test For Class 2?
  14. heart valve replacement
  15. pensioned off with Class1 Medical
  16. Alb 47
  17. Youngest Age for New Borns to Fly
  18. Getting hypoxia at the airport
  19. Class 1 Renewal - how early?
  20. Class 2 and RAF Flying Scholarship Medicals
  21. Class 1 Astigmatism ?
  22. Drinking alcohol and JAA class 1
  23. Labyrnthitis...inner ear infection
  24. hyperventilation & anxiety
  25. Anti-DVT 'pedal' cushions
  26. Lasers in your eyes
  27. Hip Bursitis ?
  28. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery
  29. test
  30. fingers & thumbs
  31. Tinnitus
  32. voila
  33. Eyesight deteriation
  34. Brest Cancer
  35. Just done the Class 1 medical yesterday
  36. Hard Impacts
  37. Loss of License Insurance
  38. 24 hour blood pressure readings
  39. Airsickness
  40. Diabetic and flying
  41. The Spine
  42. Glasses do not mean auto rejection?
  43. JAA Medical
  44. eyesight (glasses) in RAAF
  45. gassing the cabin?
  46. class 1 aviation medical
  47. Nagel's Anomaloscope and CAA
  48. Depressurisation with a head cold ??
  49. American 3rd class medical question...
  50. Calling current/former RAF Medical Officers
  51. Reality!?
  52. What is Class 1 blood/urine tested for?
  53. NON UK Citizens + Color Vision + Failing HW Lanterntest at Gatwick
  54. Comprehensive eye test
  55. Medical Question Advice Please!
  56. issue of an initial JAR ATPL/CPL - medical
  57. Class 1 Medical
  58. Class 2 Medical Costs
  59. OsteoBlastoma?
  60. Class One eyesight
  61. Medical Sub-Committee news.....
  62. Aussie cabin crew medicals
  63. Heart ECG
  64. RAF eye requirements?
  65. Perfect timing
  66. Help
  67. Class 1 Results
  68. Height to Weight
  69. Class 1 strobe test question ?
  70. Thyroid replacement therapy
  71. Illnesses/BA health check
  72. Worried about Colitis
  73. Help stuck in Kosovo require CRM info
  74. Blocked nose!
  75. HEARING?
  76. medical
  77. Class 1 Docs who do FAA ATP too (North West)
  78. Improving vision naturally
  79. Is Gatwick only venue for Class 1 Medicals
  80. How long does it take for the certificate to come??
  81. Class 1 medical examiners?
  82. How to get $300 back from the CAA...
  83. BA medical requirements
  84. CAA Phone No.
  85. ANR Headsets. Are they safe for your ears
  86. Air NZ Medical
  87. Someone in the know explain this please?
  88. Ear Infections
  89. Class 1 Medical
  90. Farnsworth - help where can I do it ?
  91. Question on Physicals
  92. Bedbugs or fleas. Either way they itch!
  93. Quick Question on Ears
  94. please help....
  95. Pinhole Glasses?
  96. Farnsworth Lantern Test
  97. Thyroid and flying
  98. how long does the CAA/JAA class one last?
  99. Problem with Class 1 eyesight...
  100. diffuse non-specific T wave changes
  101. PRK
  102. Blood Pressure FAA/JAR
  103. Class 1 eyes , any slack ?
  104. Taking a Class 1 after a Class 2 medical?
  105. JAA getting rid of limits???
  106. How far ahead can you book CAA class 1 Med
  107. Bone MArrow Donation
  108. Radiation Risk From EFIS?
  109. Failed EEG test?????
  110. Eyes
  111. Can Lasik be detected?
  112. Rates of pay???
  113. Laser treatment and medical class I
  114. ECG
  115. Not my bag baby.
  116. Vision requirements in other countries
  117. Do i need to wait until i'm 25???
  118. Audiograms
  119. Dislocated shoulder and Class 1
  120. Flying Microlights - what kind of medical is required?
  121. Epilepsy and Flying
  122. Hard/Gas permeable lenses
  123. Waiting time
  124. CARBON MONOXIDE: A worrying story
  125. KA & CX Medicals
  126. ANR Headsets - Bad for hearing?
  127. Concerned Fat Bloke
  128. Racing pulse and Class 1, do they mix?????
  129. night lenses good choice or not?
  130. Grommits in the RAF?
  131. Ansett and Colour Vision
  132. New treatment for DVT: Lawyers, available everywhere
  133. Sorry !! BA question....... (Not eyesight though !)
  134. PPL Solo Medical
  135. Change In FAA policy on Colour Vision.
  136. The Class 2 Medical - I'm dreading it!!!
  137. Colour Vision for FAA medical
  138. Air circulation or lack of it
  139. what do you do to keep fit???
  140. Age for Class1
  141. Class 1 and Feet
  142. BA eyesight requirement
  143. Medical help again!
  144. Class 1 & Varicose Veins
  145. CLASS 1. Do I HAVE to renew ?
  146. Airlines and colour vision tests
  147. Question about diuretic drinks
  148. Eye damage...information request
  149. contact lenses
  150. Aviation Medic. in Edinburgh Area
  151. Class 1 Medical in Israel
  152. Research project about Colour Vision
  153. Insomnia
  154. Hayfever and Class 1
  155. Migraine & medicals
  156. Glasses vs Contacts
  157. UK ATCO Class1 Vision Limits
  158. Class 1 Medical Test in Malaysia?
  160. How fit is fit?
  161. If this is true ..........
  162. Deep Vein Thrombosis
  163. Long distance eyes?
  164. migraine and floaters
  165. bates method question
  166. Gatwick and the initial Class One
  167. Terfenadine/Triludan
  168. Ileostomy
  169. JAR-FCL meeting November 2001
  170. Class 1 medical - Woolf Parkinson White
  171. Organophosphates & www.aopis.org
  172. Class 1 Medical (Eyesight)
  173. What can I expect in an intial Class 1 medical as regards to eyesight?
  174. Question on Dioptre
  175. I need help.
  176. I need help !
  177. Lifetime trends in Asthma
  178. eyesight
  179. refraction limit changes?
  180. The good old class 1 med!
  181. It must be time for a new eyesight question!
  182. Diabetes...back in with a chance
  184. Temporary lost of medical
  185. Where to get Ambulatory BPs done
  186. Near Point Convergance
  187. Should I ditch my Job?
  188. Stereoscopic Vision
  189. Teeth extractions and flying
  190. CAA vs FAA on EEG regs
  191. Eye Drops - Bad Science or Just Sour Grapes?
  192. Class 1 Renewals ? (Wilmo / FCL3 - u about ?)
  193. Class 1 Med soon?
  194. Questions for Mr. Magoo!!!
  195. Scuba Diving
  196. Colourblindness
  197. Pilots and Seizures?
  198. Malaria (haven't got it - don't want it)!
  199. Insurance Query
  200. Renewing Class 1 Medical
  201. Good eye surgeon
  202. Night Vision For Pilots
  203. Does Glasses mean trouble with sponsorships?
  204. well done CAA
  205. Organio-phosphates in cabinair
  206. Central Serous Retinopathy
  207. Laser Treatment
  208. Long Term Effects of Jet Lag
  209. dyslexia
  210. Mental medical
  212. Mr.Magoo
  213. Loss of License Insurance
  214. Radial Head Prosthetic
  215. Airline Pilots and Stress
  216. REDBULL-Does it really give you wings???
  217. Class one vision
  218. Medical Requirements For The NPPL
  219. Malarone
  220. Asthma
  221. right of appeal
  222. refractive error between eyes. help
  223. Esophoria requirements
  224. Squints in the Eye ?
  225. ANOTHER eyesight question!!
  226. Eye exercises - do they work?
  227. Age 60+ Retirement
  228. Class 1 Medical reverting to Class 2
  229. PSA
  230. Bowel Cancer
  231. Class 1 eyesight.
  232. What is the waiting time for a initial class 1 at the moment?
  233. Refraction Surgery?
  234. LASIK in the UK
  235. Colour Vision and Class 1
  236. Self test
  237. Flying and Smoking
  238. Class 1 medical
  239. Tolerance Test - Class 1
  240. 100% oxy
  241. Now this is going to sound like a silly question
  242. Heart problems? Please AME or whoever help!!
  243. Help needed from any AME's out there!
  244. Confusion over class 1 visual requirement
  245. 6/24 Eye test - would I fail it?
  246. JAA Class 1 Limits
  247. eyedrops??
  248. Whatever happened to the Good Old Fashioned Eyechart?
  249. Asthma
  250. Malaysian DCA-visual acuity(class 1)