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  1. Aching Testicles
  2. RAAF and flat feet
  3. Australian class one renewal in UK
  4. Hearing loss and Class 1 test
  5. class 1 question: heart rate
  6. Eye glasses disadvantage
  7. JAR Class 1
  8. Blood Pressure - Friendly advice
  9. Test
  10. Opticians
  11. Thyroid Gland: Thyriotoxicosis and Beta Blockers
  12. The best pilot sunglasses
  13. Disability Insurance
  14. Class 1 Lapsing to Class 2
  15. EEG in Class 1 medical - the risks?
  16. CPL/IR with JAA Class One Medical BUT
  17. blood pressure
  18. Back Injury While Flying
  19. poppy seeds
  20. Broken kneecap
  21. This week's solar activity
  22. Bizarre badly focusing left eye
  23. monocular pilots
  24. Computers and Eyesight
  25. Renal cancer amongst aircrew becoming more common?
  26. Dropped heartbeat?
  27. Which requirement?
  28. More "Laser and -5"
  29. Ear wax
  30. Cold during class 1
  31. Neuropsychological testing
  32. FAA/CAA approved medications?
  33. Reusing plastic drinking water bottles.
  34. Class 1 medical
  35. Dried up nostrils
  36. Gastwick Airport.
  37. Flat T wave
  38. Add
  39. Flying the pregnant Wife
  40. Health Rumour Confirmed
  41. I am a blind vigilante crime fighter by night
  42. Cod Liver Oil
  43. Glasses
  44. Red/Green Colour Blindness and NATS
  45. nz class1 to jaa class 1 medical
  46. JAR class one medical EEG
  47. Class 1 Visual Acuity
  48. Prosthetics and medicals
  49. Omega III Fatty Acid
  50. CAA / FAA Visual Field tests
  51. Pilots and the sex of their children
  52. new glasses wearer!
  53. Bi lateral Hearing aids
  54. Class II age bands and medical validity
  55. canaloplasty/surfer's ear
  56. Bladder Problems
  57. Aus medical and UK medical
  58. Class 1 medical renewal
  59. Anterior Rhinoscopy?
  60. Vitamin tablets
  61. Medical Info
  62. london lantern test
  63. medicals - cost of renewal?
  64. Posterior vitreous detachment
  65. Flying with a burst Ear Drum.
  66. Siatica
  67. Laser eye surgery
  68. Class One Renewal
  69. FAA Class 1 vs JAA Class 1
  70. DVT in flight deck crew????
  71. Ecg Abnormality
  72. Exercises to improce eyesight
  73. azathioprine
  74. vegetarian pilots? blood pressure, heart disease, body fat and a lot more
  75. Flying with a cold?
  76. Medicals JAA renewals/elapses
  77. taiwanese medical - how hard it it really???
  78. Drug testing?
  79. Barotrauma
  80. JCAB Medical
  81. Infectious mononucleosis
  82. colourvision
  83. from Medical Class 2 to Class 1
  84. Controlling BP With Aubergines
  85. Aortic Valve Replacement
  86. Migraine
  87. BA medical
  88. The "Cough Test"
  89. New CAA/JAR Class 2 Eyesight vs NPPL
  90. Eyesight Requirements
  91. booking class 1 medical
  92. Class 1 and Deviation
  93. EEG sleep deprived test
  94. Vertigo
  95. Asthma
  96. HELP! How do I reduce oedema from insect bite please...
  97. Eyesight standards for class 1. This ok?
  98. Interested in Immediate and Emergency Care?
  99. Eye excerises
  100. Computer use
  101. Eye health
  102. Becoming a UK AME
  103. neoral/ciclosporin
  104. Perforated ear drum - how long off flying?
  105. Class 1 question
  106. Photochromic lenses
  107. Pain in heel
  108. Physical activity
  109. flying and epilepsy
  110. Welcome bad medicine
  111. how much is class 1 reval/renewal
  112. Anti Malaria Goodies
  113. Ranitidine
  114. JAA Medical
  115. Period pains, can you use medication?
  116. Class 1 and Eczema
  117. Suncream
  118. PPRUNE VETS and my Cocker Spaniel
  119. Pneumothorax and Class 1
  120. FAA ist class medical in Ireland?
  121. Bad back
  122. 20/20 vision line
  123. Eyesight - pre-laser prescription
  124. Blood Pressure
  125. Losing weight
  126. What are the actual symptoms of fatigue?
  127. Broken leg
  128. Drugs and HIV check dutch airlines
  129. body for life
  130. Alcohol and Flying - Inconsistent Advice?
  131. DVT Article in Economist
  132. Atkins & Class 1 Medicals
  133. JAA medical in whichever country?
  134. Eye sight (once more)
  135. Medical centres in England
  136. Exercise
  137. Brain Tumour
  138. Blood cancer
  139. Thyroxin & the class 1 medical
  140. MMR jabs & medicals ?
  141. max altitude after diving (scuba)
  142. JAA class 1 renewal question
  143. CAA/JAA Class 1 Medicals?
  144. CAA Medical Questionnaire
  145. kidney stones
  146. Irregular Heartbeats
  147. Colour vision - SODA in Australia
  148. Invasive Malignant Melanoma / Multi-crew restriction
  149. Appendicectomy
  150. vision requirements for conversion??
  151. Hayfever.........HELP
  152. Failed lantern test
  153. colour weaknes
  154. Heart Murmurs
  155. Liver Cancer
  156. Age, Flight Experience and Risk of Crash
  157. Australian Class One to JAR Class One
  158. Urine tests for class one
  159. Diet and Exercise Myths... Comments anyone?
  160. Drug/Alcohol Testing?
  161. Blurry Eye drops with C1?
  162. Cholera Vaccination....
  163. Psoriatic Arthritis
  164. Eye sights
  165. Class 1 problems
  166. Human Performance in Flight Sim
  167. Jaa Npa Fcl 15 - 3
  168. Vertigo
  169. Anyone fly with Urticaria
  170. Flight socks
  171. Sinus problem ?
  172. CX Cadet Eye requirements
  173. Question about Visual requirement in Canada
  174. Sea food
  175. Sleep Apnea and Meniere's Disease
  176. Nosey medical questionnaire
  177. haemachromotosis
  178. flight time limitations
  179. Long-term effects of altitude sickness?
  180. Class 2 medical validity period
  181. fooling doctors
  182. Amiodorone and flying!???
  183. Class 2 Medical
  184. lets sort this out once and for all
  185. class 1 validity
  186. Restricted Class-1 ?
  187. Class One Medical
  188. Skin Probs on airliners
  189. Laser Eye Correction
  190. JAR Cl. 1 Extended Eye Exams
  191. Color blind again
  192. AME's please read.
  193. Worried about my hearing!
  194. migraine
  195. Class 1 inisurance
  196. Elevated liver function tests
  197. dyslexia? big problem?
  198. Help Please...
  199. Depression, Wellbutrin, Safety & Life
  200. Melanoma
  201. sparkle vision
  202. Giving Up Smoking.. Help Wanted!
  203. just got my lantern test appointment...
  204. Fatigue in Pilots
  205. 3 years of flying but still no joy for my stomach
  206. Monkey Scrotum Checks
  207. Amblyopia
  208. Colour Blind In HK
  209. RAF eyesight rerquirements?
  210. Upgrading Class 2 to Class 1
  211. Who's thought of this one?!
  212. Class 1 to Class 2
  213. Pulmonary embolism
  214. Possible SARS case at Dublin
  215. UK BBC National IQ Test. How'd You Go?
  216. Hong Kong CAD class 1 and 2 medical certificate
  217. JCAB Medical for Nippon Cargo
  218. nutrasweet side effects
  219. Spectacle prescription limits
  220. Phoning in, Pilot sick days...
  221. Jet Lag..How do you Cope
  222. Kidney Transplant
  223. There is hope! eyesight issues...
  224. Canadian registered AME in Britain
  225. BEFORE POSTING: Check here.
  226. Blood Letting.
  227. Urgent-please Help !!!
  228. Uk Government palns to allow company doctors to sign you off sick
  229. JAA medical
  230. Weight Limit
  231. Serious Drugs.can He Make It?
  232. Ostomy Bag
  233. RAF Eyesight Requirements
  234. where can i get class 1&2 medical (eyesight) regulations??
  235. Emailing or calling CAA with medical q's
  236. Gout/Allopurinol
  237. Help!
  238. Stress Management
  239. Visual Standards Questions...
  240. I Passed!
  241. AIRCREW , SARS & Precautionary measures
  242. RAF Medical at OACSC for Pilot Selection
  243. Anyone Going Tomorrow?
  244. Prolapsed Disc
  245. Mobile phones or not?
  246. medical revalidation/renewal
  247. Retinal Detachment
  248. Sending Prescription Before Medical
  249. RAAF Medical Appeal
  250. SARS The Responsible and the Irresponsible