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  1. Class 2 - Class 1 eye test
  2. Eustachian Trouble
  3. Smoking
  4. Sunglasses - how much light should be blocked?
  5. Whats in a JAA class 2 medical?
  6. FAA Class 2 initial in the UK
  7. Soy Sux
  8. FAA / JAA C1 Visiual Requirements
  9. Rejected at Airforce because of airsickness
  10. Malaysia Class 1(just consulted doctor)bad news...
  11. Vision
  12. Class 1 variations
  13. Migraine Headaches???
  14. QR medical Exam
  15. UK CAA ATPL with JAR member state medical?
  16. Lump in arm pit, then gone...
  17. Treatment for adult amblyopia?
  18. Medical
  19. Stress Test Question
  20. Anti-malaria vaccine gen?
  21. Hurts to bend elbow
  22. CASA Class 1 Medical
  23. sports injury - cartilage
  24. biomedical engineering in aviation
  25. Hyperphoria
  26. S'no Fun if you're Injured
  27. medical supsended and OPC
  28. Tinitus/hearing Loss
  29. Bronchitis
  30. Loss of Licence Cover
  31. Adequate food intake inflight
  32. Class 1 Medical or Specialist first ????
  33. QF medical question?
  34. Am I losing it?
  35. SSRI's
  36. Is there any night vision test for class 1 and 2 medical
  37. 24hr ECG
  38. Shoulder Pain-Rotator Cuff
  39. Hernia and Class 1 medical?
  40. Class 1 medical - weight issue
  41. Medical examiner-Swords, Co.Dublin
  42. Runny Nose ..Plz help !
  43. Neurologist needed
  44. Body Mass Index
  45. Motion Induced Blindness
  46. QF and migraines
  47. VEB (venticular ectopic beats)
  48. Asthma and BA.
  49. Snellen Chart
  50. Blood clot - how soon can you fly
  51. Thallasemic trait
  52. bell's Palsy
  53. How are contact lenses in the cockpit?
  54. Price of renewal/revalidation of class 1
  55. Help! Physio needed
  56. How long does it take for the result of a class 1 initial medical to come out?
  57. Medical Careers linked to aviation
  58. CPL Renewal Blood Work
  59. What happens at the UK class one
  60. Canadian Class I
  61. CAA Class 2 medical and grass
  62. Sinusitis/Labyrinthitis ???
  63. Aeromedical Centre Dublin
  64. problem.....maybe!
  65. Non-nutritive sweetners??
  66. Ptsd
  67. Strobe flash rates
  68. Muscle bulk and food
  69. Hearing Tests
  70. FAA medical and Eyesight
  71. Medical Questionnaire
  72. NPPL medical enquiry
  73. Health in General
  74. Alcohol Levels Assay/Test Availability
  75. Class 1 lapses to class2?
  76. Class1 Eyesight
  77. Weekend Medical Appointment?
  78. What factors can medically disqualify once flying?
  79. Meningitis
  80. Is the initial medical check up much stricter than the subsequent renewals?
  81. Would asthma jeapordize my chances of passing my first medical?
  82. Eyesight correction
  83. Do they test for drugs in your medical check up?
  84. Gall Stones
  85. Does using Oxygen help night vision?
  86. Chest X-ray during medical test?
  87. Asthma & airline medical tests
  88. Eye Exam Class 1
  89. Content of Class 1 medical
  90. Hyper thyroid-Class 1 FAA denied, should I appeal?
  91. Anti-coagulants and Flying?
  92. Asthma during childhood
  93. Organ Donors
  94. help
  95. Class 1 Renewal
  96. History of Epilepsy
  97. How Disabled ?
  98. Failed Class1 due to eye muscle problem!
  99. Upper body strength (or lack of)
  100. how much would it cost to get your heart checked?
  101. My eyesight Prescription
  102. JAA Medical in Australia
  103. Diverticulitis
  104. Unfit pilots
  105. right bundle branch block
  106. cipralex
  107. Ears "Squelching", on way up only
  108. Irish medical
  109. EEG no longer required at initial JAA Class 1 (merged)
  110. ringing in the ears
  111. ECG Quest "Rhythm"
  112. Class 1 medical becoming a class 2?
  113. company medicals and discrimination laws?
  114. JAA Medicals
  115. Migraines... yet again
  116. Deviation on CAA Class 1
  117. Chest pains...
  118. Tri-focals ?
  119. Regaining Class 1 after Depression
  120. Burst capillary in finger...
  121. Inner Ear Infection Recovery Time
  122. Mild chest pains
  123. Career limiting leg problems?
  124. Am I still a deviant?
  125. Depressed?
  126. Medical Appointments
  127. ECG problem.....Inverted T wave
  128. Vertigo
  129. Class 1 or 2 medical?
  130. Diving and Flying
  131. Regaining medical after transplant?
  132. PPL in Chile? Medical etc?
  133. Glandular Fever/Mononucleosis
  134. Gallstones?
  135. asthma?
  136. Deviations Eyesight and refractive surgery
  137. UK Class one and FAA Medical
  138. psychomotor test
  139. Reinards (sp)
  140. Osteoporosis...
  141. Class 1 - Military exemptions?
  142. Anyone here employed pilot with asthma?
  143. FAA Medical - a better route?
  144. CAA Automated Helpline
  145. Knee Probs
  146. Private insurances information required.
  147. Dyphenhydramine
  148. Blood Pressure
  149. An AME Question
  150. The +5.75 problem. Need help!
  151. Can you detect heart problems??
  152. Low Carb Dieting
  153. Prostate cancer advice
  154. :(
  155. Surgery to remove a slipped disc and class one?
  156. Optician- Eye Examination For FAA
  157. Isotretinoin (Accutane) & Alcohol
  158. Class one medical initial issue
  159. Aspartame - anybody heard anything more
  160. Class 1 @ Gatwick
  161. Please read. Lassa Fever
  162. human performance and limitations course
  163. Cosmic Cancer and Radiation
  164. posibble to get class 1 if exceed correction limit?
  165. ATPL Medical in OZ?
  166. Floaters following PVD
  167. Can we take Zyban??????
  168. ATPL in the UK with Irish medical?
  169. Eyesight: Simple question... tricky answer?
  170. CAA Class 1 Medical at Gatwick
  171. Glasses Wearers...
  172. Singaporean Medicals
  173. current FAA Class 1 Medical Certificate?
  174. FAA Class 1 in Europe? (Denmark)
  175. Daughters for Pilots
  176. EEG - Class 1
  177. Ex-Smokers - Do You Feel Better?
  178. more eye problems...
  179. 3 day diet
  180. Is anybody flying Airlines with FAA Waiver
  181. Why am I sick when sitting in the back?
  182. Regarding the Medical examination
  183. JAA vs. FAA medical?
  184. Eyesight regulations CONDEMMED!
  185. Problem
  186. situational awareness and human information processing
  187. vision
  188. Asthma and military flying
  189. Varifocal Contact Lenses
  190. Where obtain a medical examination
  191. CAA loophole
  192. Back Pain and flying
  193. Your thoughts wanted?
  194. I can feel the blood pumping
  195. Anthrometric measurement
  196. Fatigue - the perfect solution!
  197. Visual Acuity
  198. Flying in a Cast
  199. Smoking & Class 1
  200. CAA CLass ! Medical and ATPL skills test
  201. IAA Class 1 Medical Licensing
  202. What supplements do you take?
  203. email the medics?
  204. Solution, please.
  205. Nrhl
  206. Double vision
  207. Casa Dame
  208. Height Issue and discrimination
  209. PNR headsets
  210. Varicoceles
  211. Left eye smi-blurry
  212. re try for class one - anybody think I've got a chance now, with extra flying?
  213. Advice on Headaches/CT Scan/Blindspots
  214. Dizziness & Medication
  215. +/-5 limit refers to DIOPTRIES or to "objective refractive error" measured by device?
  216. Eyesight
  217. marginally over visual limits - thoughts?
  218. Bates and Medical Examiners
  219. FAA to CAA Class 1 medical.
  221. Vision level and health of the eyes
  222. GA & Pregnancy
  223. Eyesight - Poor Field of View
  224. Discreet Medical PA's
  225. Acne due sweat?
  226. Plantar fascitis: hot to get rid?
  227. Have a pub lunch and loose your job !
  228. Loss of Feeling In Fingers
  229. colour corrective lenses
  230. glaucoma
  231. Class 1 Med & BPPV
  232. Prediction of Aircrew Tests for Coronary Heart Disease
  233. Colitis
  234. Class one booked!
  235. Asthma
  236. Sunglasses - Shade Levels?
  237. Jet lag...How minimize it?
  238. Provigil and helo ems
  239. Invasive Surgery
  240. Ankylosing Spondylitis and airline employment
  241. ANR headsets....bad for your hearing??
  242. Laser Eye Surgery
  243. Heart !
  244. Radiation on Polar Route
  245. TMJ and Class 1 medical
  246. Zyban
  247. Dreaded Migraine
  248. European versus Malaysian medical
  249. Hayfever relief (eyes and nose)
  250. Class 1 Medical In Europe