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  1. Fit and Unfit
  2. Laser Eye Surgey - Class 1 Medical Ambiguity
  3. Which is the best travel insurance?
  4. Error management:aviation and medicine
  5. CASA and Class 1 medicals
  6. Underweight for Class 1
  7. polarising corrective sunglasses
  8. Jet lag- how do you deal with it??
  9. A 16 year olds dream hanging by a thread..
  10. JAA medical examiner in LA?
  11. south africa medical requirements
  12. Psoriasis
  13. Cholinergic Urticaria
  14. Tongue tied.....
  15. Renewing Class 1 prior to Flight Training
  16. Radiation at Flight Levels
  17. Irregular heart?
  18. Class 2 Medical
  19. Medical advisors at the CAA
  20. Diabetes?
  21. Eye Exam
  22. Medical Restrictions for pilots
  23. Hypertension
  24. Seretide inhaler, tried CAA
  25. AQ (anomalous quitoent) at color vision assessments
  27. Wearing Contact Lenses
  28. Have Cold and about to undergo Barochamber Tests - Advice Needed!
  29. Cholesterol question ?
  30. Is a HKG CAD medical the same as a Mainland Chinese Medical?
  31. Question about Rayleigh color matching test
  32. Medical requirements when conducting a skill test
  33. CASA Class 1
  34. IBS-Side affect
  35. Hodgkin Cancer
  36. Opinion abut Advair for a 6 year old
  37. contra indicated drugs for aircrew
  38. Sleepwalking
  39. Nagel anomaloscope in Switzerland
  40. CASA Medical
  41. Canadian C1 Med
  42. JAR Class 1/ Heart Murmur
  43. Dyslexia among pilots
  44. Dubai JAR class 1 medical ?
  45. passenger with class 2 diabetes.
  46. gatwick AMC fax number
  47. Arteriovenus Malfunction (AVM) -This is new to me!!
  48. ECG - Abnormal- ST Elevation
  49. Airlines Hiring Policies - Lasik Surgery
  50. ATCO' with Asthma
  51. CAA Class 1 Initial
  52. lesions in the deep stroma and endothelium
  53. Class 1 Renewal at Gatwick
  54. Help with hearing problem
  55. Prothrombin variant - Class 1 stopper?
  56. Ear Ringing
  57. Missing Heartbeat
  58. Irish Inital Class 1 Medical
  59. NATS initial medical eyesight requirements
  60. Lbbb
  61. Giving blood before flying - how long ?
  62. Emphysema sufferers vs. cabin altitude
  63. REgarding CASA Class 1 Medical,
  64. JAA Medical Examiners in the USA?
  65. UK Class 1 defaulting to Class 2.....
  66. Inner ear problem and Class1 medical.
  67. Bad News, Need Expert Advice
  68. Class 3 Medical
  69. Certificates of demonstrated ability?
  70. Yet another colo(u)r vision case
  71. Oxygen partial pressures and lifde support.
  72. Back pain .... strange snap sound...gone
  73. Booking a Class 1 Medical....?
  74. Initial Class 1 and Lasik Surgery?
  75. Contaminated Air
  76. Eye Exercises (Bates Method)
  77. inside of glasses fogging over
  78. BRUGADA Syndrome
  79. AMC at Gatwick
  80. Sinusitis
  81. Pregnant Pilot
  82. Lost in Alcohol.....?
  83. Sudafed and Drug Tests
  84. Currency while epilepsy stabilises?
  85. Loss of medical insurance
  86. CAA unrestricting JAA Class 1 medical
  87. Leg numbness
  88. Waiting time for class1 results?
  89. lump on chest
  90. VISION THREAD (other than colour vision)
  91. Topographer and JAA Class 1
  92. G Force!
  93. Class One and B.M.I
  94. No chest X-ray
  95. Getting a Medical with Sleep Apnea??
  96. Kidney Stone
  97. Eyes......again!
  98. Class II medicals
  99. Local Anasthetic and flying
  100. Ruptured Eardrums, Sinuses and Bends
  101. MEL for Pilots
  102. Pregnant Pilots
  103. Class 1 renewal
  104. Active Noise Reducing headsets
  105. Will I be able to be a pilot with asthma?
  106. Bypasses and Far East
  107. Pilots with Malignant Melanoma Cancer
  108. Initial class 1 medical - appointment exchange required
  109. Sport supplements for teenagers
  110. ulcerative colitis
  111. Help! Will I Ever Live My Dream
  112. Burn fat or just burn?
  113. wear glasses or dont
  114. Depression
  115. Hearing Impairment
  116. Will eyes be worn out with age?
  117. How many colds/year are "normal"?
  118. Clarification sought, regarding visual acuity Class I Medical Renewals limits.
  119. Has anyone had a Hernia OP (ooh Gall Bladder too)
  120. CK eye treatment
  121. How to get rid of the goddamn 'sick' feeling before medicals?
  122. Preparing for medical
  123. restricted JAA Class 1 at Gatiwck
  124. hearing and flight deck noise
  125. optical prescription over the years
  126. Dvt
  127. Just had an eye test
  128. Pilot Dies of DVT
  129. regarding piercings...
  130. Liberalizing medical requirements
  131. Giving Blood
  132. High BMI not so bad in some cases
  133. Blocked eye gland
  134. cholesterol
  135. medical 1 and eye surgery
  136. Diseases and Aviation
  137. Heart murmur from birth?
  138. Had an Audiogram yesterday
  139. Class 1 Medical
  140. eye injury and the CAA
  141. Virgin Buys 10,000 Tamiflu Doses for Staff
  142. Failed medical : Brugada
  143. when to admit my vision is getting worst??
  144. red-out info requested for flight-sim
  145. Erbs Palsy help
  146. Malaria Protection.
  147. Medical Standards
  148. omega 3
  149. Informing the CAA about illness
  150. Need advice about JAA class 1 medical.
  151. medical requirements
  152. Is it worth getting a Flu Jab?
  153. Tattoo's- the real risks.
  154. A different class 1 eyesight question!
  155. In a Big pickle
  156. 1% risk assessment
  157. Annual general examination class one?
  158. lens implants vs laser surgery
  159. Anyone out there flying with central serous retinopathy? Do the CAA allow it?
  160. FAA Exams/Medical in the UK
  161. Best new diet
  162. Astigmatism?
  163. Laser Surgery on eyes
  164. SIA - Melanoma
  165. Glass back
  166. is th is normal?
  167. Migraine
  168. Medical Class one.
  169. Extended eye exam
  170. Height
  171. Does B.A. actually EMPLOYEE Doctors for Staff???
  172. JAA Class 1 Medical at Gatwick
  173. How do pilots cope with 'ear poping'?
  174. Define a 'Seizure' as you understand it
  175. The TRUTH about soft drugs.
  176. Can you still get your Comm Medical after a having a Nephrectomy ? (Kidney removed)
  177. whiplash
  178. AME in Bournemouth
  179. Flatulence
  180. takes your breath away!
  181. Singapore DME
  182. Red Wine......
  183. DVT and sleeping pills
  184. recommended vaccination for Egypt
  185. Class 1 Medical in other JAA Member States
  186. Coroners' inquest
  187. Urgent: Class 1 medical - sooner appointment needed!
  188. Osteonecrosis
  190. manifest strabismus
  191. Single Contact Lens
  192. Initial Class 2 (PPL)
  193. Cheapest class 1 medical renewal around LGW
  194. Best way to get to Gatwick?
  195. Online Hearing Tests
  196. Life insurance
  197. Take care if you take a swim
  198. How do you know your cholesterol level?
  199. Flying With Csr
  200. Recommended AME for class 1 renewal
  201. Sinus and ear pain
  202. how long for class 1
  203. jaa medical, does it test for marjuana?
  204. Comparing medicals
  205. R.A.F help
  206. More tests by cardiologist
  207. Getting used to varifocal glasses
  208. Hard (vision correcting) contacts
  209. JAA class 1 renewal - shortsight limits
  210. CSR eye disorder - HELP REQ
  211. Red Blood Cell Count
  212. blood-samples in class 1
  213. Malaysia:got My Class-2...but!!!!but!!
  214. FAA class 1 - can somebody help?
  215. A Couple Question!
  216. So why can't we?
  217. Potential pilot: Medical problems-Class I disqualification?
  218. amnesic about asthma
  219. Beta Thallasaemia Trait
  220. Cruciate ligament
  221. Concentration Problems
  222. How quickly can your eyes deteriorate?
  223. Elevated Blood Pressure
  224. Best source of vaccination/innoculation advice and jabs
  225. Migraine/Partial sight loss
  226. contact lenses and pilots
  227. Spider-bites in Europe (and AKL?!)
  228. Bird flu Information
  229. What to take to the medical?
  230. where to get the cheapest class 1?
  231. Several questions concerning a Class 1/2 Medical.
  232. Nut Allergy
  233. price medical
  234. AME's & Credit Cards
  235. Muscle building - diet and exercise
  236. Height Issue
  237. Flying on Penicillin
  238. glass cockpit
  239. Gall Bladder/Liver
  240. Disappointing
  241. BA medical examination????
  242. I need some legal advice..
  243. Muscular Spasm in oesophagus
  244. EyeSight
  245. Re Certification after laser correction
  246. Asthma hospital admission
  247. Loss of licence insurance
  248. exercises for your eyes, do they or don't they improve vision.
  249. Altitude and alcohol tolerance
  250. Er, bit embarrassing...