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  1. US bombers deployed to Arctic skies from Norway base
  2. Military role for supersonic biz jet?
  3. Topgun: Maverick
  4. Comprehensive review
  5. Red Arrows Gnats
  6. Imagine if we ever built it
  7. MiG 25 interceptions
  8. F-15E over Northern Ireland
  9. Blue Angels and Thunderbirds flew for the first time in a new joint formation called
  10. Emergency Flying Rations
  11. Looks like some Grob woes..
  12. CAE acquire L3 Harris Military Training Business
  13. RAF C-130J's to be retired early?
  14. Irish Air Corps PC 9M engine failure and successful recovery
  15. Lifetime allowance possibly frozen.
  16. Sentinel now out of service
  17. Return of the Tarhe?
  18. IDFAF selects CH-53K King Stallion
  19. PACAF Calls for E-7s to Replace E-3 AWACS
  20. New French SSBN Fleet
  21. Caption Competition Mk III
  22. New Mexico Cruise missile test gone astray perhaps??
  23. Mexican Air Force Learjet Crash - 6 dead.
  24. Typhoons to enter Space Wars
  25. Nigerian Air Force King Air crashes, seven dead
  26. 2 pilots, one US, one Japanese, killed in training flight crash in Alabama
  27. VC-10 tanker internal tanks - pics?
  28. Looking for a Jaguar Mk9B seat
  29. The Queen's Jubilee 2022
  30. Ft Rucker retires TH67
  31. Jim Fees, CIA Cairo Station Chief & HAVE PAD
  32. Role of Airpower in Op Inherent Resolve (2014-19)
  33. PLAAF Y-20U AAR Fleet
  34. Grey insulation in military aircraft
  35. TV series ‘Over Here’ with Martin Clunes
  36. French military jets cut off village's power supply by flying low
  37. New F-16 Replacement
  38. Aeralis Modular Trainer
  39. Pension Question please
  40. RAF Tornado F3 tail coding system
  41. Should Navy Chief get top job?
  42. RIAT cancelled for another year.
  43. Another gate breach at RAF Mildenhall - "man was discovered changing his tires"
  44. Sacked LGBT veterans can reclaim removed medals
  45. Thrust Vectoring Effect on Rate of Turn
  46. Interception communications
  47. Covid on Trident Patrol Submarine
  48. ZE830 BOI Report / Info
  49. RAF Documentary - Sat 13 Feb.
  50. Bit of history from the colonies - Chappie honored
  51. Sonic boom heard over north Cornwall and Devon
  52. That does not seem expensive for a puma
  53. Independent RAF
  54. Longshot
  55. RAF Displays Abroad?
  56. Fancy being an Astronaut, ESA is recruiting
  57. Sex, Movies and Furniture
  58. The Air War Against ISIS
  59. What about RAF Scampton?
  60. Hawk Adi
  61. US manages to aquire a Russian Sa-22 Greyhound Missile system.
  62. Texan T1
  63. Russia claims their new future body armour will stop a .50 cal
  64. Intruder gains access to a C-40 at Andrews Airforce base.
  65. Buccaneer XV345
  66. AFPS Death benefits
  67. First Friday in February
  68. Oh poo....
  69. General Atomics to operate SkyGuardian from RAF Waddington this summer
  70. Sqn. Ldr. John Potter, aka Potts
  71. Dummy Aircraft at Wildenrath in Early 1970s
  72. Chengdu J-20 Cutaway
  73. UH-60 Lost in Idaho; National Guard
  74. Group Captain Derek Rake - obituary
  75. B1A accident
  76. Cobham Sold
  77. RAF jets wipe out Isis terror cells in laser-guided bomb raid north of Baghdad
  78. USN begins search for replacement for MH-60R/S and MQ-8C in 2030's
  79. Getting Military Biographies Sanctioned
  80. Eye Tests - Have They Changed
  81. Flt Lt Ernie Holmes, DFC
  82. What if Eagle Claw succeeded?
  83. RR wins USD1m USN reseach contract for FanSense engine small debris monitoring system
  84. New Chinook variant suffering from excessive vibration
  85. KC135 too close to EVA passenger jet
  86. Transport Fleet Astro Nav
  87. Vulcan, Victor, Valiant cockpit collection up for sale.
  88. Fast Hawk
  89. James "Ginger" Lacey - tattoo incident
  90. Armed Forces Covenant
  91. Drone attack on Riyadh points to new front in conflict with Iran
  92. Airbus touts European alignment on NATO Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability
  93. RAF Mosquito
  94. Sidewinder for Dummies
  95. Tornado NVG Flying Helmet Types...
  96. Shadow Foreign Secretary proposes radical change to military structure
  97. Commando Style
  98. Drop in DINCOME after age 55
  99. Iran fit AIM-9 to Drone
  100. RAF looking at the possibilities of replacing the complete Chinook fleet.
  101. Nice Job ATC at Kirtland AFB: Osprey Bearing Failure
  102. KC135 over Washington
  103. Using Rank on Retirement
  104. Vulcan rear crew parachute pack
  105. Wg Cdr E C Rigg MBE AFC MRAeS
  106. Lost Comrade - Mike Tarry (RAF)
  107. A400m UAV launch system
  108. The White House RAF Coltishall
  109. Aus Gov selects Apache
  110. Has anyone seen "Sadman"?
  111. QRA Sonic Boom
  112. Hi Vis Coloured Fins in RAFG
  113. Best current RAF Aircraft
  114. RAF Valley & Missile Practice Camps
  115. Eleanor Wadsworth dies
  116. Harrier etc ADI
  117. PM Wants New Defence Chief
  118. N Korea developing new nukes, tactical weapons and a nuke powered sub
  119. RAF “Crewing”
  120. RAF cameras/aircraft at the Falklands?
  121. US Navy at Prestwick
  122. The first RAF wedgetail will be a 10 year old ex Chinese airliner.
  123. Trumps swansong? possibly war with Iran?
  124. Chinook In A Field....
  125. USAF Badges purge
  126. 220th Entry RAF Halton
  127. Air Corps Training
  128. USAF Hind aggressor
  129. First Blue Angels Super Hornet Delta photos
  130. Adaptiv, the future of camouflage
  131. First female carrier boss
  132. A Happy New Year to you all, wherever you find yourselves, serving or not.
  133. RAF New Years Honours List 2021
  134. Navs
  135. Pension Annual Allowance... exceeded?!?
  136. RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge 40 years ago on this day.
  137. Christmas 2020
  138. Firefly T67M MkII FRCs
  139. Happy 50th to the F-14 Tomcat
  140. Sentinel and Sentry ac for sale
  141. Russia’s latest method of trying to kill you
  142. F-18 Ski-Jump Trials
  143. Resign your commission
  144. Line Book
  145. Congratulations. Hulk, Tumble, Booster, PsiPhi and Shade
  146. “Guardians” of the Galaxy...
  147. R Norwegian AF Holiday Season Star Formations
  148. Some fascinating reads from NZ
  149. Screaming Eagles to the rescue
  150. AWACS replacement moving
  152. Tornado F3 - asymmetric engine configuration ?
  153. A New Cold War
  154. India to Build 6 x A320 AEW
  155. RAF Bruggen Tornado squadron locations
  156. RAF recruitment statistics
  157. SolarWinds hack may have compromised UK Public Sector systems
  158. B-52 Takeoff flight profile
  159. PTSD some help may be at hand.
  160. RAF Pilot First Tour?
  161. Ramstein missile scare
  162. F14 intercepts Space Shuttle, ah no it’s a Vulcan
  163. Sustainable fuels to power RAF jets
  164. Royal Air Force photographic competition results – in pictures
  165. Laser Eye Surgery (again, sorry)
  166. Covid at Faslane
  167. USAF CSAF Action Orders To Accelerate Change
  168. USAF ANG F-16 Missing in Michigan
  169. French Army given the go ahead to develop augmented troops
  170. New French CVA
  171. Equipment Stolen from IL-80 Airborne Command Post
  172. Nukes in Europe
  173. Australian F18
  174. Rest in Peace Charles Elwood 'Chuck' Yeager
  175. Has the USA Committed Suicide?
  176. Luckiest Pilot alive?
  177. Military planes to fly Covid vaccines in to Britain to avoid ports hit by Brexit
  178. Sea Harrier - Sidewinder firing order?
  179. Fatal mishap, F-15C. North Sea, June 2020
  180. MOD looking at taking over Sheffield Forgemasters
  181. Indonesia and the Rafale
  182. RAF Wattisham COs' secretary's query
  183. 15 years, Ray Hanna
  184. Linton on Ouse : The end of an era
  185. Vampire tyres
  186. The First UK Independent Defence Authority
  187. Linton 'Navy run'
  188. TopAces F-16s
  189. Shackleton Navigator RAeS Talk
  190. Trump purging defence policy board of experts
  191. AAC AH-64E Arrives in the UK
  192. RAF Tornado GR J* tail codes (not 27 Sqn)
  193. USA exiting openskies agreement and scrapping OC135Bs
  194. Trans Atlantic glider....with a bit of help from a Dak
  195. USN Seek F-35C Surrogate Training Aircraft
  196. E11a Accident a while ago
  197. Bundestag approves €2.7 billion for 31 NH90 Sea Tiger ASW to replace Lynx from 2025
  198. Tornados
  199. Identifying Crash incident
  200. USA Seeks Right to Bomb terrorists in Kenya
  201. Developing Drone Technology in the UK
  202. RAF Chinook 40 Years
  203. Son Tay Raider
  204. A semi humorous read about Lucifer’s chariot.
  205. Tigre extraction in Mali, a year on.
  206. Aeronavale Falcon 2000 Albatros
  207. XL 112 50 Years
  208. Rocket fired off Chad jet (in April) kills five after hitting senior officers house.
  209. Leonardo Lobbying for Puma Replacement to Secure Yeovil future
  210. Taiwan grounds all F16 fighter jets for checks after plane goes missing
  211. Omani Typhoon weapons
  212. Aussie SAS report
  213. Swiss Hornet replacement competition
  214. Nimrod XV 256 accident (1980)
  215. Xmas Message
  216. WANTED RAF Greatcoat XL
  217. The 'Secret' deployment of 16 Regt RA to Saudi Arabia
  218. Danes ‘helped US to spy on neighbours’
  219. Operation Cancel Xmas
  220. F-14 pilot talks about his exchange tour on Tornado F3
  221. AN-124 Emergency Landing
  222. VC-32 Replacement
  223. AAC in context
  224. Britain moves to protect its defence industry
  225. Missing Airman 'died after climbing into bin'
  226. New statue of Trenchard unveiled at the RAF college
  227. Sharm el-Sheikh Blackhawk Crash, Peacekeepers, Fatalities
  228. Looking for memories of Buccaneer XN979
  229. USAF Humvee Replacement
  230. Taxi for CGS?
  231. Alwyn Cashe
  232. RAAF Amberley 2011
  233. Extinction Rebellion desecrate cenotaph.
  234. Remembrance Day Attack in Jeddah
  235. Boeing are looking at utilising the B1-B as a gunship!
  236. Operation Judgement - 80th Anniversary
  237. Falkland Islands Cleared of Landmines
  238. Captain Jack and the Furious Few
  239. Senior Officers fear SAR privatization threatens future of Irish Air Corps
  240. Remembrance 2020
  241. Super dull logbook question
  242. RAF pilot is to become first non-American to fly Air Force One
  243. Buccaneer on the move from Brunty
  244. Fastest real fighter
  245. Air dropped (heavyweight) torpedoes - obsolete for FW against all surface targets?
  246. Additions to the RAAF fleet
  247. RN "Fly Navy" Zap
  248. USAF A-10 Pilot Awarded DFC For Wheels Up Landing After Gun Malfunction & Explosion
  249. Iran's new mobile ballistic missile magazines
  250. 667 (D&T) Sqn AAC disbanding