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  1. Air cadet Gliding Scholarship
  2. F-35 Engines From United Technologies Called Unreliable
  3. Election choices based on defence.
  4. Pentagon First let Women fly in Combat 1993
  5. Nepal
  6. Army GSO Pilot - sitting height increase?
  7. RAF medics
  8. automation...civilian vs military attitudes
  9. German Navy Tornados
  10. Camouflage
  11. Will Iraqi pilots actually be able to fly F-16s?
  12. ANZAC day
  13. Interesting Grass Blower
  14. Operation Eagle Claw
  15. Shackleton crash in Harris 1990
  16. Bentleys for bombing??
  17. Military organisational politics - and the progression to senior ranks
  18. Indian MPA put to work for this -MH370 latest? ?
  19. Operation Manna
  20. Launch of Veterans' travel funding for VE Day 70 National Events
  21. New Meteor book planned
  22. Former Canadian Defense Minister truthful revelations
  23. Building Gallipoli , New Zealand's new tribute to those that served
  24. FJ over Edinburgh just now?
  25. RAF WWII Prestatin air to ground target range
  26. Possible new humanitarian/rescue operation coming up.
  27. SAR helo on Pen-y-fan Wed 22 April
  28. New Typhoon Display Jet livery.
  29. Snowbirds Tankcam
  30. AFPS admin staff go on strike.
  31. Poland has pre selected the Airbus Helicopters H225M
  32. Aston Down
  33. Air Clues Spring 2015 : Now Available
  34. Chinook Bomber
  35. USAF resolves long-standing C-130 pressurization fault
  36. US Army remove some AH-64 from Europe
  37. Phantom Boys
  38. Merchant Airmen
  39. Master Pilot Godfrey Douglas Howarth
  40. Michael Peart scam?
  41. Now, where did we put those RN Harriers?
  42. Harry flies a Tiger
  43. Best route to commission: UAS/UOTC/URNU or Academy?
  44. Robots Win
  45. RAF Survival Equipment Association Pentland Dinner 2015
  46. Sir Alan Cobham will be smiling at this
  47. AAC Pilot FRI
  48. Wokka on the London Heli-Lanes
  49. NZ Govt considering x2 RNZAF C-17s
  50. British Army deploy Anti Drone countermeasures
  51. AFPS Equiniti Newsletter, 2015.
  52. LFA 19 N.I.
  53. Typhoon BoB scheme
  54. Have we been 'invaded'?
  55. AAR documentary 'Speed dating in the sky'
  56. Iran getting S-300's ?
  57. Pension.....Win???? Al R maybe help?
  58. Russia lifts ban on delivery of S-300 missile system to Iran.
  59. Russian fighter jet intercepts US Air Force reconnaissance flight
  60. Beaver XP820 in Borneo
  61. VE Day and TfL jobsworth: help?
  62. How to win a Dogfight stories
  63. RAF Boulmer SAR
  64. Advice Please - leaving for an offered job
  65. JANET 737 photo on FAA FB Page
  66. Interesting B737
  67. India buys 36 COTS Rafales
  68. Jets V Heli's
  69. Argentina plans to buy 24 Gripen NGs
  70. Biggest ever?
  71. A330 AWACS
  72. Ex RE Sapper is USA AH-64 CWO
  73. Tornado picture - wingtip a foot off the runway
  74. A fresh A400M woe....or is it a French AF woe?
  75. Four submarines...
  76. Yemen.....2
  77. Bell AH-1Z to Pakistan
  78. All but dropping the weapon
  79. Canadian CF-18 BoB Scheme
  80. Shackleton taxy run planned - co-pilots seat up for grabs.
  81. Could you trace everything you flew? Nice tale
  82. Nos 7 & 8 IBFTS Linton 40th Anniversary
  83. 230Sqn John Sankey
  85. Government Pipeline and Storage System
  86. air to air radar question
  87. Nightstalkers MH-60K retired
  88. Doolittle Raiders pilot Robert Hite survived Japanese imprisonment
  89. Vulcan compressor blade question
  90. The Edge by Mark Urban
  91. Britain "spied on Argentina" Shock!
  92. Retirement.....what next?
  94. The Few are fewer
  95. A baby is born today, AFPS 15.
  96. SAR..
  97. Do you know what it is yet
  98. Cyber Attack on Turkish Electric Grid?
  99. Royal Mint Battle of Britain 50p coin
  100. Fort Meade / Puzzle Palace shooting & attempted break in
  101. Cranwell based Grob squawking 7700
  102. RAF Leuchars The End.
  103. Enola Gays great grandson
  104. Hms Queen Elizabeth latest Vid
  105. Managerialeseorama
  107. IAF transport fleet and Ukraine
  108. The RAF's new 1000mph project
  109. UH-72A to Fort Rucker
  110. Yemen
  111. 23 DFCs
  112. Battle of Britain pilots meet Queen at Capel-le-Ferne
  113. 30 Sqn Centenary
  114. Radio 2 Simon Mayo Confession
  115. Bad news, Classic Flight is pulling out of Newquay
  116. Foul Weather Moves of LYNX helo at sea
  117. Indian Navy Do-228 in the drink.
  118. HS125 Disbandment Party
  119. Falklands anyone?
  120. Ooops! No more flightdeck selfies?
  121. It's official, Lord Ashcroft's offer accepted...
  122. Russia threatening Denmark with a nuclear strike
  124. RNZAF 757 Emergency Antarctic Landing report
  125. Lets have a small cheer at least - good news
  126. C-130H & C-27J Mid-Air Collision
  127. Squadron Leader George Alexander
  128. Royal air force 63 and 19 squadron leaders from 1980 until 1994
  129. Tunisia ISIL attack on tourists
  130. Quarter of UK's Apache mothballed
  131. Two Merlins orbiting my house Herefordshire
  132. Anyone scheduled to be over Lincoln, next Thursday morning?
  133. Tour inside the E-4B NAOC 'Doomsday Plane '.
  134. RAF Museum at Hendon..
  135. Airfield Recognition
  136. Anyone have a link to the infamous Cranwell F4 flypast?
  137. RAF - Standing up/down and rebadging
  138. Relief mission to Vanuatu.
  139. Britain's Defence Squeeze ON NOW Channel 4
  140. Putin Orders Huge Arctic Military Exercise
  141. RAF Volmet on 5450Khz
  142. Red Arrows: Inside the Bubble
  143. Indonesian display crash - both ok.
  144. two training planes collided in Malaysia Air Show
  145. Direct rule from Scotland?
  146. Where is Putin?
  147. What shall I spend my payrise on??
  148. RAF Lakenheath airman honoured...
  149. Upgraded Pumas off to Afghanistan this month
  150. Men in Uniform
  151. Lincolnshire F15 crash report
  152. Forget that dreadful lemon drink in the ratpacks,
  153. Display Line up - What would you pick?
  154. Obituary - Cdr Roddy Elias RN
  155. MCAS Yuma Hawk Accident
  156. UK military health care worker has Ebola
  157. Defenders of the Sky H2 channel 15/3/15 looks at stories of Biggin Hill
  158. Thieving Scum Rob Wickenby War Memorial
  159. "Rotary MFTS -Why?" Why?
  160. Heads up: BBC2 22:00 11/3/15
  161. David Cameron, the pension and that 2% defence budget.
  162. Blackhawk lost on training mission
  163. RAF Leuchars Spaceport Anyone?
  164. Boeing, Saab Unveil Small Diameter Bomb
  165. Does anyone understand GIP?
  166. Kim Jong-un. Say what you like about him..
  167. Future cuts? Another 30,000?
  168. Forces TV - 1st Gulf War 1991
  169. 230 Sqn shenannigans?
  170. Apache replacement
  171. To the Brize crews
  172. For all you ex VC10'ers, a VC 10 special is out
  173. Throbbing Javelin
  174. BAe Woodford : bulldozers move in
  175. A-400M
  176. Laura Ashley valley (mid Wales) info sort
  177. Another Turkish AF F-4 down...
  178. Flt Lt Tom "Foxy" Fox
  179. Modafinil/Provigil
  180. RCAF CF-18 Training Course Documentary Series - "Jetstream"
  181. RAAF ISIL deployment
  182. 10 Sqn VC10 at Jersey in 1987/88?
  183. Code Brown
  184. Les Munro the last Dambuster to sell his medals
  185. MCAS Yuma Airshow 28 Feb 15 - Videos
  186. Machynleth loop airprox 21 August last year
  187. NEM Alignment
  190. Why not a sidestick on the Typhoon ?
  191. BBC Series - Fighter Pilots
  192. 'Placing Blame At Any Cost' (article relating to 52nd FW F-15 crash, 30th May 1995)
  193. Two more from the recent Ops Awards.
  194. Final C-17
  195. Idiot's guide to leaving the military and paying tax.
  196. HRH Prince Harry to leave the Army
  197. XV(R) Sqn GR.4 in Centenary colours...
  198. Flt Lt Tim Eddy AFC
  199. An inexpensive piece of RAF history!
  200. Afganistan: It's over! We lost, they won!
  201. HRH Wills qualifies as Air Ambo pilot
  202. RAN Submariner
  203. New 'Cyprus 1963-64 clasp on the GSM
  204. L/Cpl Joshua Leakey VC Paras
  205. RAF Pension Provider.
  206. A10 Gun Footage and Sound Track
  207. Simon Ruddock-West - Sad News
  208. Just in case anyone was considering voting Green!
  209. New Reds fin design...
  210. Two Turkish F-4 fıghter crash
  211. Some rather good film of F/A 18's messing about at sea
  212. Sqn Ldr to Police Superintendent
  213. Turns after carrier launch
  214. Good luck card from Michael to Malcolm
  215. RAF Officers' Mess Silver
  216. Just witnessed the oddest "airshow" I've ....
  217. F18...found?!
  218. F-18s spotted low level on White Pass Washington state
  219. F-16 landed with missing outboard wing following collision
  220. It appears the Dominies have had air under their wings again.
  221. Master Pilot Godfrey Douglas Howarth
  222. Autopilots on modern fighters
  223. What will the Conservatives pull out of the bag
  224. Some stunning coldwar images of Lightnings etc
  225. Can anyonehelp to find Alenia C27J Spartan and Airbus C295 poh?
  226. Stackers go private
  227. And you thought we had no working SHARs left?
  228. Joining RAF with fATPL
  229. Vale Stephen Combe RM
  230. TU-95 Intercept
  231. NEM offer to transfer?
  232. BUFF 'Ghostrider' back up and out of the boneyard
  233. 32 Sqn jet verona organ retrieval flight
  234. Air Commodore Cooper - Obituary
  235. Is this Deja Vu? Balad & Al Asad
  236. Hangarshuffle's Thread ?
  237. The circle of war extends further around Europe
  238. USAF considering O/A-10 CAS replacement
  239. Alternatives to Trident: New Paper
  240. Training to be an air craft engineer in the military
  241. Archbishop apologises for Dresden bombings
  242. 12 Sqn Centenary
  243. 2013/14 compensation payments arising out of low flying.
  244. Harrier display
  245. An open letter from "The Wild Weasels"...
  246. Help needed, Ex Coningsby / Scampton / Wattisham people
  247. Outright aircraft strength
  248. Job Hunting in Suffolk?
  249. Roundel looks stupid on F35
  250. Vale - AVM James H Flemming AO AM MID US DFC & Air Medal