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  1. Red Arrows USA tour 1972 video
  2. Air National Guard fast jet pilots
  3. An-2 Colt Air ambulance in the KRG
  4. Pilot removes 7 year old son’s tooth with his helicopter.
  5. Vulcan - a reconnaisance aircraft?
  6. Red arrows to fly over gay pride
  7. The Delightful Dr Dewi Morgan....
  8. The secret life of a transgender airman
  10. Woman Hawg driver
  11. Do you think these could be come the next small thing in military "Aviation"?
  12. If anyone is in need of a ticket for Cosford Airshow I have a spare
  13. Post-Brexit EU citizenship for forces brats born abroad
  14. No aerobatics by Red Arrows at Farnborough!
  15. Nuclear air crash simulation reveals 'plain English' need
  16. Interview with Rick Peacock-Edwards on the Tornado F2/F3
  17. Mi-28N Video
  18. QBF Flypast vs Sky News
  19. Birthday Honours 2016
  20. Air cadet Slingsby glider needed for display at Pre-War Prescott
  21. The RAF and Brexit
  22. Plane search
  23. Army to recover bodies from Didcot
  24. Russian Knights SU-27 crash near Moscow.
  25. WW2 crash site memorials
  26. NAWSARH AW101 launch last week
  27. Qatar buys 24 X AH-64E
  28. Agusta and Brexit
  29. Happy Birthday Firebirds.
  30. Veterans urge current serving members to leave the EU
  31. 6 June ... that date rings a bell
  32. April 2018 RAF Centenary/Aviation Heritage commemoration at Cheltenham
  33. How to prepare Air Rescue/Ambulence Aptitude Test?
  34. UK AAIB
  35. USAF Thunderbird down
  36. Heads up, a really good programme on Iplayer
  37. X-FACTOR
  38. RAF Hendon Battle of Britain hall closing
  39. Canadian alternative to F-35
  40. Relinquishing US Citizenship - Serving RAF - Advice needed
  41. AH-64 Tail Rotor Loss Article
  42. New AH-64's for UK
  43. In Memoriam J.T.S,(John)Lewis
  44. Just a thought, in memory
  45. US Army to trial laser armed Apache
  46. Bomber Command memorial damaged
  47. Tri-stars on the move?
  48. Air USA Inc Hawk Crash - Yuma - 2015 - Report
  49. 2 x F-18 Crash In Atlantic
  50. Pensions
  51. Bergdahl court-martial documents
  52. Pakistan Navy Jihadists
  53. Free Dinner
  54. At Danny42c, these will bring back some memories
  55. RC-135 'two near collisions' with civvy airliners (allegedly)...
  56. European Defence Force!! - You must be joking!! - Discuss....
  57. Heads up BBC4 Storyville Last Days of Vietnam
  58. Albert in the weeds
  59. Bruntingthorpe. Cold War jets this Sunday
  60. Project Propeller - Scampton?
  61. Chicago, VULCAN reporting point
  62. RAF silk ties
  63. Typhoon blows both tyres on take-off run...
  64. AAC Compensation Payout
  65. Vietnam exfil under heavy contact
  66. UK MFTS RW - Airbus H135/H145 selected
  67. Flying Officer Fred Colville KIA March 1944
  68. Vulcan to the Sky Trust to return Canberra WK163 to display flight
  69. Final tour - resettlement from overseas
  70. B-52 crash Guam
  71. Herc sims
  72. You better get all those last minute jobs finished
  73. RAAF C-27J bent
  74. RAF Fatness Test
  75. Late notice - funeral 18 May - USAAF
  76. Air Clues : Spring/Summer 2016 Issue 19
  77. Insight into China's East and South China Sea Strategy.
  78. 617 then and now,
  79. Air Tanker ground incident at LAS
  80. Sam shoots down Super Cobra
  81. Unexpected Hurricane display!
  82. A400 Cracking Issue
  83. Sea King tail blades
  84. National Insurance for Wives
  85. Harry pulls it off
  86. Wings On My Sleeve
  87. Top Gun movie 30th anniversary
  88. Ex-RAF gunner admits he tried to join ISIS
  89. James Dyson and the Harrier.
  90. Travel Insurance - Service cancellation cover
  91. Halcyon Days 1972
  92. You couldnt make it up
  93. Sir Frank Whittle
  94. Germany to pull out of the A400 program
  95. Thinking of going to Oz and taking a pension with you?
  96. Russian Victory Day flypast
  97. Thanks for the visit guys,
  98. Daily Mail strikes again
  99. Merlin makes a splash at Wyvern Tor
  100. Lynx XZ614 - 6 May 2006 - 10 years
  101. RN fires on Spanish patrol boat re USN SSN
  102. PA Board 2016
  103. Typhoon accident rate.
  104. ROE for supersonic flight over UK mainland
  105. 4 jets trailing high over cromer today
  106. Russian Nuke Sub Burned 600 Miles off the US Border
  107. Commander Michael J Doust RN (Rtd). R.I.P.
  108. Boom
  109. Civvy drone operators course as a resettlement idea?
  110. Family visiting Akrotiri
  111. Wg Cdr Arthur Gill, OBE, DFC
  112. IS threatening to release details of british military
  113. RPAS eligibility widened
  114. Anyone feeling flush? U.K. Airworthy Vampire for sale
  115. Bad news after GA crash - 2 RAF Pilots
  116. Holy PERSEC!
  117. Britain's Air to Air Refuelling Capability
  118. The Zurabatic Cartwheel
  119. Home to Duty allowance vs electric cars
  120. Plane guard for the QE2 carriers?
  121. Something New For SATCO ?
  122. Video of the F-35 Getting Spanked in the Senate
  123. Career advice please - RPAS or Engineering (+ ETPS question)
  124. Calling former exchange officers with the USAF/USN
  125. Puma Accident (Oct 2015)
  126. New badge
  127. "Protector" is to be Certifiable Predator B
  128. Military Aircrew and Heart Murmur
  129. The RAF has used its biggest bomb in an attack against an IS tunnel
  130. 60 SQN 100TH DISPLAY
  131. APIU RAF Oxford
  132. Totally off topic ish.....but
  133. 1v1 combat debrief
  134. WANTED: RAF Detachable Kneeboard Wallets
  135. Fighter Cockpit Designers / Design Expertise?
  136. UK's Carriers Left to Rust.
  137. Apply for Your Driving License (sic)
  138. London Marathon death
  139. Have Gun, Will Travel, Noggie Style.
  140. Eye in the Sky - Alan Rickman's Brevet.
  141. Medical help from Norwegian F16
  142. Air Combat Past, Present and Future (in 90 slides)
  143. Dutch F-16 emergency landing during Frisian Flag 2016
  144. Typhoon on the grass at Coningsby...
  145. Was the Spey-engined `toom a hot-rod?
  146. Us airdrop drops out of the air
  147. Norwegian Express
  148. What is a 'QUI'?
  149. F16 used to airlift hospital equipment???
  150. PAS Advice
  151. The centennial of the creation of the Lafayette Escadrille
  152. I don't believe it
  153. Happy 90th Birthday
  154. Ancient Herc Stuff
  155. Herc overflights
  156. USAF- no 6th generation fighter?
  157. My Private Air Display
  158. Possibility of F-22 production re-start?
  159. Harrier in Op CORPORATE
  160. Eye in the sky
  161. Thinking to Win
  162. New use for the Chinook?
  163. Is the F-35A a 2nd generation F-117?
  164. Drone hits British Airways plane near Heathrow
  165. Accident report for Jalalabad C-130J crash released
  166. ME Instructing Jobs
  167. SHOLs
  168. 41 Sqn Association
  169. RAF Pension - no increase this year?
  170. The "Rainbow" Reds.
  171. Baltic 'incident'
  172. Bye Bye 208
  173. RAF Whirlwind British Guiana
  174. A400M engine problems.
  175. RAF Gan 1958 and Later
  176. F-35A vs. F-105D
  177. Mathematical question.
  178. Help for Veteran
  179. What rank is "Master Pilot"
  180. Canadian Forces Hercules Fire
  181. Tornado/Jag mid-air 17/06/1987
  182. Indian SSBN launches SLBM
  183. 2 Sqn Lossie 8th april.
  184. Flt Lt Ian 'Slapper' Thyng
  185. Boomer in oxon
  186. No Radar Returns — Gan, Addu Atoll Incident - 1962
  187. A-X all over again - USAF pushes for A-10 replacement
  188. Aus Reserve
  189. JASDF U-125 Missing
  190. Now that's how you do a special colour scheme!
  191. RAF Tornado successfully trials BriteCloud protection system
  192. Bell-Boeing begins designing CMV-22B with $151 million
  193. RAF Coltishall - August 1991 Medal Presentation.
  194. Blackburn Buccaneer - Aerodynamic parameters/Flight Test results
  195. Air Defence Typhoons
  196. OBITUARY: Edward Strongman – from air force to Airbus
  197. V-22 for SAS
  198. So, living wage...
  199. "Name on a plane" - ideas for unsuitable RAFAT sponsors?
  200. V22 v .........
  201. And you thought the MOD was top heavy
  202. Falklands now without naval cover for the first time since the Falklands War
  203. RAF 100 website
  204. Medical
  205. Typhoon pre-delivery test flights
  206. 218 Course South Cerney 50th Ann.
  207. Real-Fallout in Russia?
  208. Intelligence: Military/GCHQ comparison
  209. A-10 converted for weather recon role in Oklahoma
  210. QSP --> ATPL
  211. RAF Residency Policy
  212. The Memorial Hut
  213. Ownership of risk
  214. UN and Argentinian Territorial Waters
  215. Just a quick reminder, contracting out of AFPS ends next month.
  216. Wartime 'etiquette' question...
  217. There is bravery and there is bravery
  218. Philippines select Wildcat
  219. Camerons new Anglo French Naval forces in action
  220. RAF Ternhill / Clive Barracks to be sold for housing
  221. F35 vs S400
  222. First Norwegian AW101 flies
  223. Algeria to receive Mi-28NE Night Attack Hunter
  224. Global Military Magazine
  225. Fuel Decision in Military Aviation
  226. MBDA & Boeing studying Brimstone intergration on AH-64E
  227. Scotland/England tax differences.
  228. Just look at all of those extra vitamins
  229. Indian Navy Retire the Sea Harrier
  230. SR-71 in Norway - 1981
  231. Sea Survival Training — Still Taught to RAF Aircrew?
  232. BZ to SAC Mitchley
  233. End of the F16?
  234. ADF with English second language
  235. 14 of 26 VGSs to Disband
  236. MFTS RW
  237. SU-35 vs Typhoon
  238. USAAC deliberate downing of 2 RAF Liberators
  239. AAC flying pay
  240. Squadron (Aircraft) Memorabilia
  241. RAAF preparation
  242. Lancaster Mk1 R5740 25th-26th June 1943, Dunholme Lodge
  243. Sea King helicopters sold off as 'sheds and man caves'
  244. The 2016 Budget, and unfunded public sector pensions.
  245. Tattoo you? Female applicant turned down due to her tattoo.
  246. First Group of Russian Aircraft Left Syria
  247. Bitchin Betty
  248. HMS Hermes to finally retire
  249. You've seen a ship in a bottle..
  250. HC and his Safety Culture...