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  1. RQ vs RP
  2. My Take: AMP/SP
  3. Video on YouTube Breach of CC?
  4. CX 747/777 OFP format
  5. RIP - Captain Nigel Humphries
  6. Hong Kong Medical
  7. Plane Crash in Sai Kung
  8. CX cancelled/disrupted flights.
  9. 19 pages of drivel
  10. CX101 21Feb
  11. We Made It Into HK News AGAIN! ------> Aviation officials slammed over sleepy pilots
  12. Is the current CC a repeat of the 49ers scenario in days gone by?
  13. Delta Air Lines is giving its employees a $1.5 billion reward
  14. Delta: how ethical management treat their employees
  15. Air Traffic Engineers HKIA
  16. Cathay's New Livery
  17. Thai Airlines - please teach us how to fly
  18. Staff Travel Change
  19. Mind the Dog
  20. Cx257
  21. The different airlines at Cathay
  22. Will the Zika virus save CX?
  23. Hong Kong Express HKE 2016 Interviews
  24. A350 deliveries to be delayed till mid year - Bloomberg
  25. Cathay Pacific planning to rename Dragon Air to "Cathay Dragon"
  26. CX723 27th Jan
  27. People know CX mistakes
  28. 28th January; The big news.
  29. Oil price.
  30. Hover boards
  31. Cathay Flying Mum's
  32. ASRF's
  33. Hard Contact Lense
  34. Closed thread?
  35. The Past is History
  36. Goodbye Jumpseats
  37. Dejavu....2001 till now...
  38. Hong Kong booksellers kidnapping?
  39. Slots in Hong KOng
  40. MFL
  41. Contract Compliance over HKPA
  42. Paris slap on the wrist for Cathay
  43. Profit Share
  44. Xmas and New year
  45. What "Management is missing"
  46. Toilet in ATCX and CAD Headquarters
  47. HKPA Negotiations
  48. To their bonus...
  49. 787 ATC blacklist
  50. Is it true?
  51. Australian Bases
  52. The Latest Drivel from Martin Murray...Dir. Finance
  53. Is anybody happy at Cathay?
  54. HKPA and the death of expat housing
  55. training first officers
  56. A lot of gunnas- So who is getting out?
  57. A350 for Gatwick
  58. CASA ATPL Testing approval
  59. Katpiss new GMF
  60. 13th month for hkg based flight crew?
  61. Friday 4 Dec Telex
  62. Another win for the girls
  63. FAU agreement.
  64. Why no mention of fuel price Anna?
  65. Air Asia report
  66. 777 Damaged in ZRH
  67. Management Position
  68. BA Direct Entry Roadshows
  69. Cathay Pacific Security
  70. Can anyone help me for my project
  71. Medical Aid
  72. Jump Seats
  73. HK Fuel surcharge
  74. China Stooping to new lows everyday the new Tourism Slogan!
  75. Great blog about HK lifestyle
  76. Adding of new airplanes
  77. Converting to FAA
  78. AHK to take the freighters?
  79. Dragonair taking clothes for kids to Kathmandu.
  80. Letter 2
  81. Hong Kong Airlines A330 DE interview
  82. UK EASA ATPL Type Rating Renewal with HK Rating
  83. Keeping track of changes in the manuals
  84. Neck Surgery in HKG
  85. More Contract Compliance
  86. CPA901A
  87. GMA letter
  88. Shatner was RIGHT!
  89. NTC OP-082/2015
  90. Article: Why We Miss the Good Old Days of CX
  91. QF hiring soon thread.
  92. And it's leaked
  93. Thanks Evan but I might pass...
  94. Cathay Dragon
  95. RH back.
  96. Interesting take on sleep deprivation...
  97. camera/photography shops?
  98. Not forgetting, of course...
  99. Almighty Dollar
  100. Calling Anna
  101. Roster request embargo
  102. GMO's Response to ACARS Roster Changes
  103. CX838
  104. Safety is our Number One Priority
  105. HKPA Offer!!!
  106. 38%
  107. Industrial action the French Way
  108. First Yammer victim.
  109. Cry Baby Harassment
  110. We want better rosters? This is how we do it
  111. Fuel surcharge
  112. Friday update
  113. HKPA
  114. navigation app
  115. A giant corporate failure
  116. TPE weather
  117. Letter from MH
  118. Louis McQuade
  119. Perfect:
  120. We are in good hands with Cathay Pacific pilots
  121. The new era of being of a Pilot
  122. CX170
  123. Cathay Pacific Non rev questiom
  124. WTF are Snr Management and the Board members smoking?
  125. Stay the course!
  126. The merits of pushing productivity goals until something breaks
  127. CC Hammer
  128. Training Ban
  129. Another highly trained crew!
  130. Pilot Limits : Aircraft Limits
  131. Exhausted Pilots
  132. KA 330 Penang
  133. CX 747 Anchorage?
  134. AT, where are you??
  135. Yammer
  136. C & T
  137. Have you taken #onedayoffline yet?
  138. BA fire/evac
  139. All lies.........
  140. Working in Hong Kong / HAECO?
  141. "Catastrophic failure" of ATC system
  142. GMF Designate
  143. 890 4th
  144. Why So Long
  145. taxi officer?
  146. 70th Anniversary Flypast:
  147. Subjects to choose for IB?
  148. Wall of (broken) Promises
  149. September cancelled flights
  150. Leadership
  151. Fuel hedging
  152. The 49ers II Hardback Edition
  153. Looking for info on KA
  154. Cathay A330 pattern work at CRK
  155. The New GMA
  157. 2 ex-HKG flight delayed due no crew?
  158. HKPA No Way!
  159. HKCAD Written Exams
  160. Safety First
  161. Hong Kong new ATM system is 'safe'
  162. Thread Removed:
  163. AT. Why the pretense?
  164. Timing is Everything
  165. Freighter Rumour
  166. future Cathay Interview
  167. G Day workers
  168. DOB / DOJ details removed from crew info
  169. KA to get more CX aircraft.
  170. Longest on-type pilots?
  171. Pollution
  172. Emirates Requirements
  173. Hong Kong to the Gold Coast Australia
  174. Accommodation in HK
  175. Job: Senior Operations Inspector
  176. 777 Flaperon found
  177. 884 in PASY
  178. Sleep depravation
  179. What it's all about
  180. Delayed First Class Medical
  181. YYZ A340-300
  182. Cathay Court Case in France
  183. Cathay Pacific airline loses bag containing NZD1 million at airport
  184. As if Pollution wasn't enough of a threat...
  185. New Acting GMF
  186. Hhhmmm...
  187. Oriental Daily not loaded onto cx flights
  188. A Few Ideas......
  189. Cathay gives the finger to labour law
  190. Magazine in CX City
  191. No
  192. UNITY
  193. Hong Kong Airlines
  194. Recommendations Regarding Personal Activities Before A Flight
  195. Crew diaries marketing campaign
  196. AT's RP deadline
  197. Hey, Peter
  198. HKG to Guangzhou ATC handoff Question
  199. FOC's not FOC's
  200. A300 pitch and power settings
  201. Seattle Leader Down
  202. Dear Anna pt 2
  203. Weather Avoidance in Bizarro-world
  204. Pilot Shortage: Where’d All the Pilots Go?
  205. Company Course Online - Legality Question
  206. From Zero to A Pilot
  207. T.O is coming to town
  208. A days
  209. Pay
  210. Training Assessments
  211. Skytrax awards time, but don't expect any Swire cheers.
  212. Well if you say so Mark!
  213. CX cargo having problems?
  214. Flight Relief
  216. Such Pussies
  217. Hmm underpaid allowances drama brewing?
  218. BA recruiting
  219. Sharing with Employees
  220. The Musical Chairs Continue
  221. Contract Compliance
  222. Safety
  223. Pay adjustment
  224. Hong Kong Airlines backdated pay !
  225. training ban
  226. Wind Turbine/ATC Radar related Question
  227. Close encounter over China
  228. Vale: Barry Dean (Retired F/E)
  229. Tools Down. Time to strike.
  230. 3 man to Europe
  231. HK Airlines contact e-mail?
  232. non-Pilot DFO and non-Pilot GMA
  233. New Uniforms!!!
  234. SIA flight suffers double engine failure
  235. CX197 HKG/AKL
  236. Are you still helping out?
  237. Dear Anna Dear Rod
  238. Nanny next door on USD$100k
  239. Cathay Pacific flight attendants plan August strike
  240. Hacker uses IFE to hack engine controls.
  241. Explosives incident RCTP
  242. Something to remind us of why we're here...
  243. S/O night with dfo
  244. The Taxman
  245. Cathay Pacific planning to fly to Israel
  246. Ipad help
  247. Pay negotiations concluded
  248. CX cabin crew sit-in
  249. 777 Flaps SOP takeoff/landing
  250. Rich list