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  2. Descent clearance?
  3. Confirm aircraft type pedantry
  4. Report altitude not above
  5. Newbie Introduction
  6. NATS query
  7. ATCO vacancy Stornoway
  8. "Expect an ILS approach"?
  9. Myasthenia Gravis
  10. "Cleared for the ILS" in the UK..
  11. Does "Squawk Ident" require a readback?
  12. NATS ATCO's posted at Belfast Aldergrove likely?
  13. Skyguide hiring experienced ATCOs again?
  14. ATCO Assistant
  15. On the job training (OJT) ATC
  16. Garston Hold
  17. Dublin ATIS
  18. Yankee ATCO Heads for Europe
  19. NATS recruitment
  20. ATC intake requirements
  21. Unstable Approach
  22. Overseas ATC Options
  23. Question about wake turbulence
  24. NATS fees ?!
  25. spot wind
  26. Airservices test
  27. Typhoon at Bournemouth
  28. Standard speed during descent
  29. Nats announce £195m pre tax profit
  30. FISO licence - advice appreciated.
  31. Enhanced Mode-S
  32. ATC speed after approach clearance
  33. Flightplan and oceanic clearance
  34. Squawk 1000 from Rhein Radar?
  35. how to improve my RT
  36. Australian ATC Headsets
  37. Parallel runway ops
  38. DART
  39. saudi atc
  40. Instructing in Oz
  41. GATCO Membership
  42. Dinner hours and pay
  43. Procedures when adjacent control unit failed
  44. Become an ATC after age 25
  45. Alternative career
  46. Low Visibility T/O
  47. ACAS bulletin 15 - reducing climb/descend rates
  48. Brazilian ATC vs. BA 249
  49. Chinese "On" Standard or "Non" Standard Meaning?
  50. Airline group wants to sell NATS stake
  51. Phraseology
  52. Doha Recruiting
  54. Shanwick/ Gander RLAT
  55. ATIS vs radar approach service
  56. London Fuel
  57. Class D airspace being operated like Class C
  58. Lancaster
  59. Update: Controller Murdered At Mulhouse
  60. seperation from RNP-AR approach
  61. My Heart goes out to you
  62. Kuwait run out of money??
  63. FEAST test PART 1
  64. QSY en route
  65. Visit to Gavà Control Centre (Spain)
  66. ATC World Cup
  67. L410
  68. Mode S U/S, what now?
  69. continuous assessment
  70. Swanwick and Gatwick Visits
  71. Niknak/Mark Lowery RIP
  72. Loss of separation or not?
  73. TOWER without radar.
  74. Ready for departure
  75. Portugal ATC Strikes
  76. Squawk 1000
  77. RAF Saturday over LHR
  78. Nats dress code
  79. Overlapping Areas of Cover in Uncontrolled Airspace
  80. AFR378
  81. VFR at Night in the UK from 08/06/2012
  82. Procedure Track Approach?
  83. ATC simulator?
  84. UK EFPS Airports
  86. NATS - vacation days for ATCOs
  87. 360 turn or vectors
  88. ATCo for one with fATPL? Any shortcuts, anything easier?
  89. Wannabe ATC controller info needed
  90. HEAVY
  91. What information?
  92. EGLL Ground freqs.
  93. internal NATS vacancies Gatwick and Heathrow
  94. NATS - who pays for medical?
  95. ATCO rest time during night shift
  96. Aberporth radar service
  97. Flight Plans and Routing
  98. Aer Lingus had to declare PAN to land in BCN on 14 March
  99. Dublin Radar Antennas
  100. Question for controllers - Wx avoidance
  101. ATC trainee after the age of 30?
  102. Books
  103. Strange events BCN
  104. Wake
  105. Turkish ATC announce by-the-book action...
  106. Newcastle ATC - who to contact for a visit?
  107. skyguide
  108. Brize radar 124.275
  109. ATC Routings
  110. When is Air Services Australia next recruiting for ATC's?
  111. ATC in Luton...
  112. ATC Capacity in the London TMA
  113. SID Climb Phraseology
  115. Squawk 3773 / AAL109
  116. Question about ATIS
  117. European Class 3 Medical
  118. ATC training, CHCH, and possible tower visit
  119. ATIS : ...Report Aircraft TYPE on First Contact....
  120. Visiting Melbourne Tower
  121. Karachi (OPKC)
  122. Novels about ATC
  123. ATC in Australia
  124. Descend visually?
  125. Dubai – we want you to do more for less – it is what it is
  126. Separation in a non-radar approach environment
  127. Ready-entries in MUAC
  128. Doncaster Radar, Sunday 18/03/12
  129. CANSO DG's job up for grabs.
  130. FAA to DFS question
  131. Take off alternate
  132. Terrain clearance
  133. 'No PDC'
  134. Question to ATCO
  135. CDM at LHR
  137. Could KSFO tower give the clearance like this ....
  138. Interview at NATS for the position of systems engineer
  139. EGGW DCL?
  140. PAY FOR WHAT??!!
  141. Onward Frequency - Retirment present
  142. Jobs Ideas?
  143. Application for the Post of Junior Executive (ATC)
  144. NATS Training Section
  145. Vale Charles `DCB' Stuart
  146. No Transponder LTMA
  147. Best ATC controllers/environment.
  148. Any ATCO Jobs coming up?
  149. Spanish ATCOs earning £800,000 two years ago! Anything changed?
  150. Where does Airways post new ATCO's in New Zealand?
  151. Landing Clearance given by Approach Controller
  152. DFS applications
  153. Gatwick radar antenna gone
  154. Kabul flight level blocked?
  155. controllers in the cockpit
  156. Feast Days
  157. Taking ATC License
  158. Is there anything getting in the way of you obtaining your ICAO level 4?
  159. Standardized RT
  160. Maastricht UAC turns 40
  161. US ATCOs caught on camera apparently sleeping, texting
  162. Prefix to ATC calls subsequent to a MAYDAY call
  163. Can you have a level bust in class G
  164. ICAO ref.atc message
  165. Retirement of ATCO's in Europe - Question -
  166. "Cleared Finals"
  167. Swanwick Shift Patterns
  168. compulsory reporting points: what points do you name for EST and NEXT?
  169. LHR single runway operation - how long to open the 2nd runway?
  170. Visual approach tracking requirements
  171. Interested in ATC Procedures around Hawaii
  172. Visual departures
  173. LHR mixed mode trial
  174. Approach Clearance
  175. Are NavCanada ever likely to recruit experienced ATCOs again?
  176. ATCO strike in FRA?
  177. Thanks to Scottish
  178. Squawk Ident
  179. radar contact lost
  180. Nats atcos to spain?
  181. UK ATC Direct Routings late at night
  182. Wind Farm - Planning Permission - Radar
  183. Do the ATC controllers know the aircraft IAS?
  184. Plessey Radar Display - Where did it come from ?
  185. Maximising chance of glider Class D zone crossing.
  186. Land over at Heathrow
  187. Maastricht ADS-C and i4D
  188. Euro 2012 in Polland and Ukraine
  189. Help me in AATC intervew
  190. Transponders...are the rules changing in March.
  191. Decca 424 Airfield Radar
  192. ANSP vs regulator
  193. Queens Jubilee
  194. Change of call sign enroute
  195. 2012 NATCA Archie Awards
  196. speed conrol request
  197. French aviation strike 6-9 Feb
  198. ATS training centres
  199. Iraq Government to assume all ATC in Iraq
  200. Geoff Wilson
  201. Braking action Poor - Can A/C land?
  202. aptitude test
  203. UK Transition Altitude 18,000ft
  204. ATC licence
  205. Tower visit between 9th and 12th of February
  207. Getting a foot in the door through ASTAC - advice?
  208. Is it just me??!!
  209. ATC in Scotland
  210. ILS Mandatory Altitude, while on Radar Vectors?
  211. Jobs in Oz
  212. ADS and CPDLC
  213. The Two Antonovs incident Heathrow 26 July 1970
  214. ATC special procedures @ LEVC ??
  215. Aircraft Carrier ATCO and EASA
  216. UAV Integration Opinions
  217. Air-Ground Data Exchange live
  218. Gliding areas.
  219. Closed airspace
  220. Australian Class A frequency boundaries?
  221. How to visit an ATC unit
  222. Definition of cloud layer
  223. NATS Staff leaving
  224. 1960s ATC film
  225. One from the USA
  226. How well informed is your CEO
  227. Operational communcation network
  228. Visit to Heathrow Tower by foreign controllers
  229. Well done ATC
  230. Important request for UK ATCers
  231. Mode S Barometric Pressure Setting (BPS).
  232. Unusual contrail over UK
  233. Departure seperation
  234. ATC in Canada
  235. Go-around procedure - LTFJ
  236. A Special Appeal from Richard (Taff) Hale
  237. Crossing restrictions outside the US
  238. Quality Control
  239. Stuart Hartley RIP
  240. PBN SIDs
  241. Adios, amigos!
  242. Radar Screen Info
  243. Can I established glide slope before Intermediate Approach Fix
  244. From East to West
  245. "MOR" complaint by ATC?
  246. open climb
  247. Lost comm debate
  248. ATC work exp
  249. Annie Longstaff (Piggot), Course 49
  250. Question about ATC terrain clearance responsibility