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  1. Time based final approach spacing
  2. HungaroControl abolished fixed flight route network
  3. Descent on a STAR UK vs ICAO
  4. HIAL Recruiting
  5. Evening ATC operations question!
  6. Date of next FEAST test?
  7. Routing question...
  8. Help! Need info on creating an SOP.
  9. ATC preparation tests and other info
  10. GBAS/GLS
  11. FEAST Test PART 2 ?!
  12. Doc 4444, - Question
  13. Diabetes and insulin in ATC
  14. CPDLC Mandate
  15. Separation Standard of RNAV 2 routes?
  16. ATC procedures in major airports
  17. Wanna be a controller?
  18. ATC private training?
  19. Liverpool Vacancy
  20. Russian radarimages jetfighters & MH17
  21. Air traffic controller - Opened Letter- student Job seeker
  22. Mode S information
  23. At or below altitude on SIDs
  24. safe distance in front of taxiing aircraft
  25. Right-of-Way for traffic being overtaken
  26. How can this be legal?
  27. Class D VFR/IFR separation standards
  28. Anything unusual of squawk 0143 for MH17?
  29. ATC jobs in Europe
  30. UK to UAE and return - licensing/training
  31. Minimum rate of descend
  32. Goodnight to all our listeners. EGNM/LBA.
  33. Spare a thought....
  34. Dismissed Doha controller
  35. All London airspace closed
  36. Flight planned alternate
  37. Mode Control Panel selection - UK
  38. ATC work/life balance
  39. American ATC, any chance to get hired abroad?
  40. Gatwick / UK runway sanding
  41. Gulf ATC in the past
  42. Procedural service question
  43. Question about SRAs
  44. RAF Woodvale..what service AFIS ???
  45. SERCO's feedback
  46. Belgocontrol bond
  47. Manchester twr
  48. Student ATCO
  49. Followme car
  50. Level Abeam
  51. Water Cannon Salute
  52. Landing Clearance
  53. 24 hr timelaps view of UK space
  54. ATC Online Exam
  55. Step down approach question
  56. Extracting tracks of individual planes from recorded radar data
  57. Replacement of Class F with Class E + TMZ Scotland
  58. Abu Dhabi Tower info
  59. RNAV or ILS DXB
  60. ATCOs working time
  61. Duplicate ICAO 24-bit aircraft addresses and SSR
  62. Kabul FIC
  63. More HIAL Jobs
  65. Looking for OJT
  66. Longitudinal separation on ground
  67. FEAST completed...but what to do next
  68. Airservices Oz vs Airways
  69. UK lost comms question to ATC
  70. 121.5 signal strength
  71. This could be you
  72. A380 operations at LGW
  73. Dubai APC
  74. 'standby'
  76. FEAST test ?!
  77. RAF Northolt Centenary Open Day
  78. Newcastle job
  79. Border Radar at RAF Boulmer
  80. Improve the VHF coverage for air/ground communications with aircraft.
  81. Dubai ATC
  82. LHR Temporary Midhurst SIDs?
  83. UAE hiring again...
  84. Well, it makes up for losing LGW & Brum!
  85. Chicago problem
  86. Paging lost pilots on guard
  87. Warm Thanks to NY Center and Approach
  88. Idlewild 1952
  89. Retirement
  90. Thames/Heathrow - G-LIZZ: It weren't me, honest!
  91. "Land After" UK / ... now SVO
  92. Radar vectoring advice please
  93. GUBAR
  95. Birmingham self supply
  96. LHR routings
  97. BRNO ATC
  98. The future of Nats
  99. West Freugh
  100. TCAS RAs -hassle and paperwork
  101. Scottish Independence - ATC proposals
  102. Wanted - Pilots to attend Emergency Training for Air Traffic Controllers at Swanwick
  103. Problems with ATC Accusation
  104. London Airport SIDs
  105. ATC Full route clearance, what do you FLY?!
  106. NATS secure 10 year contract at CC and SS
  107. help me to collect last updated phraseology...
  108. ATC Stories - A brand new publication
  109. Crossing over of taxiway on the apron, legality.
  110. Opportunities for RAF/RN Air Traffic Control Officers
  111. Visiting Leeds or Humberside ATC
  112. Thanks DXB ATC
  113. Flying into Sharjah
  115. SIM Pilot Middle East Searching.
  116. NTSB blames ATC for ACE air crash
  117. European verbiage
  118. Blackpool RT Transmissions
  119. Engine Failure Procedure route
  120. Where did I leave my bats?
  121. MAN zone transit request Friday 1/8/14?
  122. Airports and noise attenuation
  123. ATC Simulation Fidelity Survey
  124. capt happy Lima Mike mixup on CNN
  125. Slot issued after startup?
  126. "Cleared direct to" in F/G airspace
  127. Paul Worrall
  128. Austro Control
  129. Al Ain Approach Control
  130. NATS Lose Gatwick Contract (Split thread)
  131. Llanbedr Airfield
  132. Making your life easier
  133. Separation with Parajumpers
  134. Go-around at LHR this morning (14 Jul)?
  135. Electronic Flight Progress Strip
  136. Anyone help me organise a jump seat
  137. What Legislation allows an airport to mandate NADP?
  138. Vacancies at EDDF/FRA?
  139. Low F16 on Finals at Waddington Airshow
  140. ROCC
  141. mendip aonb
  142. Oldest airport control towers in the UK
  143. Birmingham drops Nats
  144. DFS and experienced foreign controllers
  145. Visit to Vancouver App/CTR, late September..
  146. Vacancy at EGNX
  147. A request to any UK TWR ATCOs/ATCAs
  148. Belgian (lower) Airspace closed .
  149. Any ATCO opportunities in Europe?
  150. Gibraltar x nats
  151. AENA's privatisation
  152. Biggin Hill, UK visit
  153. UK EG-U zones
  154. ATC Issues after NATO Electronic Warfare Training?
  155. Dubai and Abu Dhabi - how are the tests there?
  156. which holding point side?
  157. Storming of UkSatse main office
  158. Norwich Job
  159. Lydd purchases Manston Radar?.....
  160. LIRF FCO Fiumicino STAR from MOPUV
  161. SID RT Phraseology
  162. CDA
  163. Adelaide TCU
  164. DWC approach & Bahrain T&Cs
  165. Go around without missed app procedure.
  166. HMU (Height Monitoring UNIT) Didnt Renewed
  167. SRG Greenfield examination
  168. Mandatory strip report?
  169. LGW ATC Visit
  170. FAA vs ICAO
  171. Personalities over the radio
  172. IOM Job
  173. Doc. 8585 recent edition
  174. VFR between 2 schengen countries
  175. Cleared to land, land only?
  176. Speed Control Non-Compliance
  177. Heathrow VOLMET Corrected
  178. Edinburgh ATC visit ?
  179. What to do after 2nd application to AirServices (Australia)
  180. U-2 Scrambles LAX ATC System
  181. MH370
  182. NATS Forum Access
  183. 3 RUNWAY Operations
  184. Q: Russian military flights
  185. Holding at contrail level east of London
  186. cambridge atc jobs
  187. Entering MATZ and ATZ on weekend
  188. EC making ANSPs reduce costs
  189. NATS dress code?
  190. ATC post potential Scottish Independence
  191. Overflight areas vs. waypoints
  192. Dubai package.....
  193. Recognition of EU ATCO license under CAA Info 2014/029
  194. BAATL and NATS
  195. Brussels/Zaventem/Plan Wathelet
  196. Please correct me, or tell me how it is ...
  197. request/confirm
  198. Transition Level procedures LHR
  199. Heathrow Weather
  200. Giving way - who ets preference from ATC
  201. Dubai takes over the top spot
  202. Minimum Requirements ?
  203. mil/exercise in Scotland just now P18
  204. A380 landing roll
  205. UK slipping standards
  206. WT departure separation (crossing RWYs)
  207. Call sign 'Waggon'
  208. How does your country find and recruit ATC's?
  209. flying a holding pattern
  210. Bad connection on radio, HF, or when Air Route Control
  211. what would an indirect fatal crash would mean for a controller?
  212. R.I.P. Simferopol ACC
  213. Which college?
  214. Fantastic NATS video
  215. ATC Positions Available??
  216. ATC Questions - General question or Specific country
  217. Erbil, Iraq T&C
  218. ATNB1 - CPDLC
  219. How would you recommend getting into air traffic control
  220. Cold Weather Corrections - Departures
  221. Retrieving radar traces - Essex/Herts(UK)
  222. DOHA.....general questions
  223. Abnormally low pressure approaches
  224. ATC Radar Ranges in 2014.
  225. Wake turbulence separation in the cruise
  226. LKPR
  227. Birmingham EGBB Tower on departures
  228. LAX Tower
  229. Rejoin SID
  230. Missed approach protection
  231. NATS stage 2
  232. Heading 090 DEGREES
  233. time based separation
  234. Correct Phraseology
  235. "Jets send maydays over London" story denied
  236. Wind strength at LHR 14/15Feb?
  237. Combined radar and tower
  238. Decent Approach Radar ATM System???
  239. Changing approach type
  240. Abu Dhabi recruiting
  241. Headsets
  242. Collision Course 1979 - Available on internet!
  243. Procedural service
  244. Gatwick et al controllers - thanks
  245. Experienced Controllers obtaining employment with Nav Canada
  246. Landing traffic not number one?
  247. Atc transmitter frequencies
  248. Atc rule book - uk
  249. ATC Scenarios
  250. CNATCS