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  1. London Control Zone website
  3. Pay rises
  4. Wake turb at LGW
  5. Bonus again......
  6. Last minute delay to NATS PPP
  7. NATS Handover to Airline Group
  8. Measured Ceilings
  9. Callsign confusion [again]
  10. Manchester ATCO > Rwy 24L departures
  11. Starting A Career in ATC
  12. Booking out at Haydock Park
  13. Friendly ATC!!
  14. 81 Course
  15. No more SERCO ATC training?
  16. Callsign suffixes
  17. ATC training
  18. Visual side step
  19. What do you mean by, "Resume own navigation"
  20. RVSM and The Lessons From Delhi
  21. CTOT, is this how YOU read the rules??
  22. IAA Selections for Students.
  23. CCF & CA
  24. Direct Entry for Area ATCO - Is its possible?
  25. ATC question
  26. NERC opening date?
  27. Europe-USA
  28. Thank you, Pennine!
  29. Tamworth Tower
  30. Oceanic Clearances
  31. Heavy Callsign = >250 KIAS when below 10,000?
  32. AIP - 14 June 2001
  33. Tips for Student Air Traffic Control Interview
  34. Ronaldsway job?
  35. ATC sell off Yes or No ?
  36. Nicosia Control
  37. thunderstorms
  38. Runway to use?
  39. Ab initio postings
  40. Help from the Gods please (sorry - a bit long!)
  41. Info for a Newbee Please!!
  42. Regional Tests
  43. Future as an ATCO
  44. ATC - Computer Based Testing -Australia
  45. Terminal charges - France
  46. Royal Saudi Air Force/BAe Systems
  47. No more bonuses !!!
  48. LVP's
  49. RV??
  50. Manchester Incident
  51. Does Towny Tory Tony deserve another term ?
  52. Night shifts in the rest of the world
  53. Descend through your level....
  54. LHR Stacks.
  55. Re-Writing CAP 417 - VFR Approaches
  56. Ode to Driver8
  57. ATC myths and misconceptions.
  58. Bonus, what bonus???
  59. Looking for Brett Walton ... again!!
  60. Approach Controllers: TMA routes
  61. Aussie ATC testing???????
  62. OJTI pay?
  63. Why Not End Heading Instructions with a 1 ?
  64. More Transponders
  65. Required: Upper ATS Routes & Control Areas Maps
  66. VFR Plans
  67. Radar Processing Facility
  68. Single (Wo)Manned ATC Shifts
  69. A question for the Oz controllers
  71. Reporting Points - your help please
  72. Multiple plans by charter operators
  73. Waiting for NATS results?
  74. 7500 response
  75. Conga/Stock 1 Yankee Mike???
  76. Can a STAR end terminate on a heading ?
  77. Squawk Ident?
  78. Favourite music?
  79. London 133.07
  80. Why is Nav Canada So Quiet?
  81. Possibilites of employment within ATC(NATS)
  82. RVSM
  83. NATS Host Computer flop
  85. Eurocontrol Selection Tests
  86. Kiwi ATCO takes a break!
  87. IFR Formations
  88. Manchester LLR
  89. Do they have ATSAs in Dubai?
  90. A TAD fast
  91. Germans Agree New Deal
  92. ATC Dilemma!! Any Suggestions Welcome!
  93. Aussie ATC
  94. Mode C when squawking 7000 in open FIR?
  95. Air Traffic Control Web Site
  96. Great ATC from EINN...not
  97. Selection Tests
  98. NAT Tracks
  99. Transponders
  100. Bad aircraft callsigns
  101. :rolleyes: SERCO again :rolleyes:
  102. Young Controllers
  103. A day in the life of an ATCO?
  104. Hello boys
  105. New Boss for NATS / Airline Group
  106. Staff Shortages - Is it that simple?
  107. Singapore ATC
  108. Extra Duties Rumour
  109. Are we too loyal?
  110. Speed limits. How does it really work?
  112. Aussie ATC Testing
  113. Thank you Liverpool ATC
  114. unpleasant types
  115. NATS Personnel Interview & Computer Tests-advice needed!
  116. As promised - to the controller who gave us (GOE122) a 'straight in' at STN tonight
  117. Can AG sell ATC on?
  118. Interviews - IAA
  119. Self financing
  120. MSc in Air Transport Management
  121. Anybody from Shanwick ???
  122. Shannon vs Shanwick
  123. Its only a 5% share ...BUT
  124. 5% for the employees?
  125. Like to visit you !
  126. PPP, Staff Share scheme from the Horses........
  127. Better than mugs
  128. have we got our head's completely up our xxxe's?
  129. Frankfurt is hiring ATC- Radar Controllers (2)
  130. Luton Zone Transit
  131. ATCO Medicals.
  132. Persons on Board
  133. arran view
  134. Coffee lounge chat - the most boring topic?
  135. Serco -Abu Dhabi, 3 months notice
  136. Well Done Exeter Radar
  137. Thanks Thames and City Tower
  138. Seaton Intl
  139. accidental penetration of london ctz
  140. ATC frequencies
  141. Sercocontroller
  142. Finningley re-developement
  143. ATC privatisation in UK: is it just rumours...(or what?)
  144. ATIS Alpha to Golf in fifteen minutes.
  145. Thank You
  146. ATC Frankfurt is hiring Staff
  147. PPP- snippet from The Sun
  148. Whats an "employee trust".
  149. PPP ..It's not quite Done & Dusted yet.....
  150. PPP - in todays Press
  151. Advice for trainee ATC aptitude testing
  152. Any cure for PMS?
  153. clarification required reference privatisation
  154. And the winner is......
  156. "Air traffic bidder was guilty of 'inadequate' training "
  157. BHX - 'Brecon Procedure'
  158. Heathrow 22/03/01
  159. Bovine Excrement
  160. NATS PPP
  161. Air Rules: Can ATC ever cancel an IFR Flight Plan?
  162. Loss of Licence ??
  163. Y watch...TC
  164. CAT July 01
  165. CATC april 01
  166. US Airlines opposed to privatised FAA ATC
  167. Abu Dhabi contract - any news?
  168. Proposed extra college intake?
  169. On Bended Knee...
  170. Heathrow
  171. Scottish TMA
  172. Fujairah
  173. A1 Training
  174. Anyone speak Irish?
  175. Level busts
  176. stressfull job??
  177. Unlikely.....
  178. Scooping scuppered! Proposed alcohol rule
  179. PPP - Airline Group and Recruitment
  180. ATC Leeds Badford
  181. Application forms-tips
  182. The Times says its The Airline Group !
  183. ATC Assistants
  184. Beware of Spin Doctors
  185. NERC and the Airline Group
  186. Corruption alive and well...
  187. What'sup at Man
  188. Another NERC delay imminent ???
  189. Keith Mack
  190. Letter from one MP to another re NATS privatisation. Pls read and comment!
  191. LATCC et al. Visits
  192. Government to Postpone NATS sale???
  193. Job for food
  194. Canada
  195. Fed up of waiting
  196. Bournemouth accomodation
  197. Canada contact name
  198. Wannabee ATC
  199. Serco in Abu Dhabi
  200. Zurich: wossitlike? (job advert in Fright)
  201. government neddies at the centres
  202. STRESS !!!
  203. Shifts at work
  204. Media accuracy as high as ever
  205. SERCOs New Horizons....
  206. Tower Visits??
  207. New One in here - Greetings from Germany - Please READ !
  208. Quote of the day, from today's Telegraph
  209. Daily Telegraph - ATC
  210. VFR At Night
  211. Screen Indication for RVSM
  212. York 6's
  213. Strike 2 (or not Strike 2)- that, is the question!
  214. Alternative clearance problems
  215. Non-payment of bonus
  216. Manch
  217. Scatsta
  218. You know the pilot is lying when...
  219. Next Logical Move?
  220. HRW SVFR - What's going on?
  221. A plea from the heart......
  222. Altitude reports in USA
  223. TCAS MEL
  224. Asst ATCO`s
  225. ATIS - Wind direction in True or Mag?
  226. Airline Group wins?
  227. Sector Numbers vs. Names
  228. Serco's air traffic cheer....
  229. BAA NO to Serco
  230. Thompson Interviewing in Abu Dhabi ?
  231. Airline Group
  232. Not Airway (again)?
  233. THALES Abu Dhabi Recruitment. Any info??
  234. Good on ya Farnborough!
  235. HIAL Selection-who is all going?
  236. Latcc coffee mugs
  237. Boeing Join Airline Group
  238. Is the PCS ballot result out yet?
  239. Naturists!
  240. 93% All out
  241. Red Ken & PPP
  242. LHR LGW Diversions
  243. Leaving in Droves??
  244. Cancel the Sid?
  245. Conflict Alert
  246. What's the big deal with SERCO?
  247. SERCO to meet the Unions
  248. Visit thank you in advance
  249. More trouble for SERCO bid?
  250. One out - all out