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  1. On the SID please.
  2. anyone in Scottish....
  3. OAG Airways Guide - anyone got one?
  4. What degree???
  5. Info on ATC ops please
  6. Vacating the runway
  7. Monday Pay Talks Deadline.......
  8. Thanks ATC
  9. 747 at Edinburgh
  10. EGPF Controllers
  11. Many thanks to all at LPL
  12. Crowded skies
  13. Canadian Immigration: Licensing
  14. TCAS and SSR
  15. Gatwick Go-arounds
  16. U.S. ATC Shutdown for lack of Funds
  17. confused
  18. Stock market problems
  19. Back to the 'Dear Colleague' letter
  20. SE82 - How much longer?
  21. US Warship Warns Western Isles Plane
  22. STCA, configuration & Parameters
  23. Rvsm
  24. Canadian ATC Talks
  25. Our Friends at Computer Weekly
  26. canada
  27. Anyone else on the Jan 2003 Course?
  28. NATS Final Interview...
  29. emergency on 134.12 today
  30. PPR Calls
  31. Initial call to ATC from light aircraft
  32. Apology
  33. US ATC''s Expertise & Experience Required on Dunnunda Zone - Pls Help!!
  34. Well Done BHX tower
  35. airmiss
  36. airspace use
  37. Nats Staffing
  38. shortages
  39. Any problems on Saturday?
  40. Questions for UK ATC from a new CPL
  41. Sywell R/T
  42. Crowman gone AWOL
  43. Wednesday Pay Talks
  44. Training - Spanish National
  45. American v British ATC
  46. Dvr 7b
  47. Done the dirty deed
  48. "Speed Restrictions"???
  49. Nasty Incident
  50. Atco Vacancies
  51. Tactical/Planner?
  52. Hi everyone ! Knew to this site and looking to test the water.
  53. Tcas Compliance (global)
  54. Manchester Control RT Volume
  55. New ATCC seeks controllers
  56. Mid Air collision over S Germany
  57. New Swanwick Manager
  58. Help!
  59. Aircrew Not Wearing Headsets
  60. Industry downturn continues - Heathrow Breaks record
  61. Fighter Controllers looking to switch to the Civilian side
  62. ab initio failure rate?
  63. Stuff in Sunday Mirror
  64. OJTI's - How do YOU train?
  65. MYT913 - Taking the **** ?
  67. No Knighthood for Bill ?
  68. Goodbye Gordon
  69. Misery for Thousands
  70. Power Failure In Egpxacc
  71. Sick forms- ticking the fatigue box...
  72. ru the next EGCD SATCO??
  73. Mental Arithmetic
  74. historical German ATC traffic
  75. Busy?
  76. Overtime anybody ???
  77. Block Levels
  78. 50nm before Kidli? RT Failure?
  79. NATS Management Bonuses ???
  80. Letter from Prospect
  81. Best voices on radio?
  82. Landing Clearance at CDG
  83. On Bended Knee.....MKIII
  84. ZRH Arrival North-Sector Controllers
  85. Multiple tower operations
  86. PPRuNe Cricket Team?????
  87. Deceleration
  88. Pay deal...from today's Independant
  89. Heathrow's "Ace" Retires
  90. Best GA IFR routing for EGLM-EGPK (Novice FAA IR needs help!)
  91. Expats, do you wanna go back home?
  92. Trainee Trauma
  93. What did MOL actually say?
  94. On a lighter note...........
  95. Do the airlinens know what's happening at LACC
  96. LND sector to EINN
  97. Flt Plan equipment designators
  98. Dear Michael O'Leary
  99. ATC Europian Stirike?
  100. Missing Ballot Papers
  101. What is Eurocontrol exactly?
  102. Redundancies?
  103. Lying Pilots ? Commercial Pressures (Threads Merged)
  104. How do I get an FISO license?
  105. Shuttle
  106. Payrise thoughts (NATS)
  107. Oz ATC's looking elsewhere...!!
  108. ATC 's Looking For Vacancies
  109. East Midlands anyone?
  110. London ATC system capacity
  111. EU ATC Stike?
  112. Portsmouth Jubilee Flypast
  113. Prospect ballot
  114. Tanzanian ATC System
  115. Mr Chumley Warner
  116. Cheers Coningsby
  117. LHR - new R/T procedure
  118. UK Descent Restrictions
  119. Cash for NATS?
  120. Increase in Air Controller Overload - BBC
  121. Airprox?
  122. LHR Stack swap
  123. morale outside NATS
  124. PPP and "Dead Horses"...........
  125. Uk Rnav Sids
  126. Privatized ATC, pros and cons
  127. question regarding TRACON & Class D
  128. Invitation to Controllers
  129. EAA Air Venture 2002 at OSH
  130. Tea-Lady Kicks NERC Plug Again?
  131. "Centred on the South-East"
  132. Ozzie ATCs to stopwork
  133. I am an army of one
  134. ATCO Wannabe needs help!
  135. Employment with HIA - any good?
  136. Avoiding Action: what do ATC assume?
  137. NATS at Farnborough air show?
  138. Where has it gone ??
  139. Great Circle Routes and Progress Strips???
  140. 81 Course re-union part 2
  141. Airway designators
  142. Name one thing that would improve morale at NERC
  143. FIS for aircraft outside controlled airspace
  144. Nats bailout
  145. 121.5 Monitoring
  146. European METAR WX questions
  147. Calling all BHX Crews
  148. Tax Relief For All Prospect Members!
  149. Where are you from???
  150. Edinburgh Ground controller
  151. London ATC And Jubilee Flypast
  152. EDI tower - when?
  153. AMS-BHX; Why FL 270?
  154. Nats Pay?
  155. A Darling new boss!
  156. Elstree - Has R/T Improved?
  157. VT and Wattisham
  158. What does this instruction mean?
  159. MAN APP Sat p.m. 25/5
  160. Bye Bye Byers
  161. Bye Bye Steven Byers
  162. Systems Control have left the building!!
  163. Terms and conditions...help needed
  164. LTCC Address - HELP!!!!!!
  165. Who's worth what ..... ?
  166. Pan Pan Medical
  167. The Truth Will Out.....
  168. Incorrect use of 'mb' when QNH 1000 or above by LATCC?
  169. Ryanair seeks compensation from NATS
  170. When do I report 'leaving FL'?
  171. Minmum Contract Period
  172. ATC'ers views sought
  173. Well deserved bonuses for NATS Mgt
  174. ATSU visits; nr. London?
  175. Swanwick problems ?
  176. Wake Turbulence
  177. NATCA in Washington
  178. NATS Pay Ballot (The only vote that counts)
  179. Dear Richard (merged thread)
  180. NATS not allowed to raise charges (merged thread)
  181. Serco pulls out of Nats rescue - report
  182. Weather avoidance in CAS
  183. Vanuatu
  184. Need advice on ATC thingy
  185. ATC SELECTION (arg!)
  186. Portuguese atc
  187. Who was the ATCO comedian?
  188. Pay
  189. Problems at Swanwick
  190. Jet Blast/upset
  191. Continious descend approach LHR
  192. Test only
  193. correct RT phraseology
  194. Pay Update ....
  195. Visit to Manc ATC?
  196. BRS ATCO's - A question.
  197. Update from Prospect
  198. UK MATS Pt 1
  199. Short Question
  200. Thank You for the..
  201. Need a license in a hurry!
  202. Serco's crumbling Empire
  203. CATC syllabus
  204. address/contact details needed
  205. The infamous north Atlantic
  206. ATCO Career
  207. EGLL vs EGSS
  208. "Off the Shelf" puts engineers on the shelf
  209. Controller screws up NAS??
  210. Work Experience-Coventry????
  211. Concorde using 09L/27R for LHR departures
  212. re-mark???
  213. NATS Managers on Style Challenge?
  214. European Cup Final
  215. Guardian article 7 May(NATS)
  216. Can't afford a pay rise eh? Is this why??
  217. Tyro?
  218. atco training
  219. New Toys
  220. Fujairah Info pleez
  221. NATS needs even more cash!
  222. Calling All BA Long Haul Pilots
  223. CAA Website for App Plates
  224. Engineers to the rescue!?!?!?
  225. Daventry closed?
  226. Time to empty the NATS piggy bank!
  227. Who should I talk to ?
  228. So Much Info
  229. ATC Visits
  230. Will I live under a flightpath?
  231. Takeoff delay behind a 757 at EGLL
  232. ATC center visits
  233. NATS Ireland plc
  234. Skyguide
  235. TXPDR use at LHR?
  236. Swanwick OJTIs resign??
  237. aircraft c/s .v. Operators
  238. Course postponement
  239. Anyone remember this incident?
  240. What's the spruce route?
  241. ATC Investigation
  242. More threats from the banks (today's Observer)
  243. BEC advice
  244. Latest rumour on 2002 pay....??!!
  245. Pix of VDF equipment
  246. ATCO career
  247. NATS Contract at EGCC
  248. Another Interview Question!
  249. Cleared Immediate T/O
  250. Pay: What Is The Going Rate?