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  1. Tokai for every birdstrike??
  2. Traffic Reduction During Transition etc
  3. SFO Heavy Windshear Event
  4. correct phraseology for Going around vs discontinuing approach
  5. Bavarian/Austrian ATC
  6. Thames Radar SEN arrivals
  7. Stansted CLN and DET SIDs
  8. What's going on at London City
  9. Estimate for airfield boundary
  10. One approach licence - multiple airports?
  11. New ATC Procedures for arriving traffic
  12. clearance received or not?
  13. Why isn’t SELCAL used to contact us on 121,5?
  14. EASA MoR
  15. Validity of OJTI
  16. ATC Instruction Requirements
  17. Just "Guardians" ??..
  18. Which frequency?
  19. Dubai/Abu Dhabi vacancies
  20. Published Holding Times
  21. Brussels FIR closed tonight during 2 hours
  22. Wind Direction Conundrum...
  23. NATS TV Series
  24. NATS Belfast City
  25. Fuel jettison locations
  26. NATS recruiting controllers externally?
  27. Digital airports
  28. Training times
  29. New ICAO SID/STAR procedures?
  30. CPH ATC - operational questions
  31. Reporting position with transponder on
  32. One for USA controllers.
  33. Doha Approach Recruitment ??
  34. Class D transits
  35. Watch Logs
  36. Free ATC Skills Apps
  37. Australia Recruiting...but not international?
  38. Vectoring for Visual Approach
  39. "Expect late landing clearance"
  40. EGLL inbounds holding over BRASO
  41. New ATC inicial call in NAT HLA
  42. Gatwick spacing
  43. Glasgow ATCO - hit & run victim
  44. LGW Timba 4B
  45. EGKK take-off
  46. MLS at LHR
  47. what type of radar display is this?
  48. US privatization of ATC
  49. Recording of radar data as in Annex 11 paragraph 6.4.1
  50. Question on radar data type en recordings
  51. How to (re)start as an ATC in another nation?
  52. What happened to the 90 day 'recency' rule?
  54. New NATS airspace change tonight
  55. Radar Coverage on T9
  56. Eurocontrol phase 1
  57. FEAST oversight - Local or centralized in Eurocontrol?
  58. ATC guidance on expediting flow on ground.
  59. Inmarsat free global tracking ?
  60. Manchester Centre
  61. IAA Student Controller Program thoughts?
  62. What do people think about this then?
  63. Prohibited & Restricted Areas
  64. Seattle ATC
  65. When to update RVR in LVP
  66. ADS-B
  67. Serco Sim Pilot Job
  68. ATC Work Experience
  69. Landing a/c minima sep
  70. Heathrow Fire - Poor Radios?
  71. Merry Christmas
  72. Preventing blind spots
  73. Six-days works weeks
  74. NATS What is it Actually Worth?
  75. Can FEAST/DART be done twice within 2 years?
  76. EBOT tolerances question
  77. Journalist looking for info about the ATC exam
  78. ATC above and beyond - thanks
  79. Climb now phraseology in London
  80. Brisbane course Apr 2016
  81. Anyone know anyone at EGLC?
  82. Increase CPDLC Usage Campaign at Maastricht (EDYY)
  83. Remaining 49% of NATS to be privatised
  84. Practice AUTOLAND
  85. Paris Orly disruption caused by "Windows 3.1" error
  86. ATS Service Charges
  87. Looking for ATCs for Television Series
  89. Are you an Approach Procedure Designer (APD) authorised by the UK CAA
  90. Runway Selection Question (specifically at EGNT)
  91. Like to PM a EGGP controller re drone in CTR.
  92. Any approach controller at London Heathrow out there?
  93. Air Traffic Control out in Sweden
  94. Windfarm Radar Inteference
  95. IFR Training Flight (remark in the FPL)
  96. Any Suitable Vacancies
  97. Baghdad APPCH
  98. Frequency Outage at Scottish
  99. AFIS in Middle East
  100. 'senior' ADR controllers at busy airport
  101. Heathrow Visit
  102. London Centre
  103. Vulcan EGNX flyby today prevented by ATC
  104. Wrong callsign readback by FIS
  105. Why do I not hear "Heavy" in Europe?
  106. Where in God's name are you going?
  107. WW2 aircrew in ATC
  108. Replacement of Class F airspace
  109. Listening in before transmitting
  110. 'Technical Issues' at MAN
  111. PAPI and ILS Cat 2 or 3 operations
  112. Question about "clear to land" instruction
  113. Spanish ATC Industrial Action
  114. RT call for a RTO
  115. How to hide an Atco...
  116. Holding into Gatwick
  117. Vertically split VFR circuits
  118. Electronic Taxiway Navigation Signs
  119. LHR Reduced flow rates
  120. Tower Webcams
  121. Taxy Route Instructions Given By ATC-your help please
  122. validity checking this quote
  123. Time index on ATC audio tapes
  124. Belfast City ATC
  125. Runway Incursion Software
  126. ATC Adelaide
  127. 'Airways NZ' Aptitude Screening
  128. UK Ab initio ATCO scheme open for applications
  129. European class 3 medical
  130. Question about Danger Areas
  131. Independent Parallel Approaches -Europe
  132. tactical parallel offset
  134. training guidance/manuals
  135. ATC clearance to land followed by request to extend downwind
  136. NAX callsign conflict
  137. LFPG TWR : Landing Clearances
  138. LVC/LVO/LVP
  139. Flying to HEATHROW: 20' extra FUEL REQUIRED?
  140. When to change frequencies?
  141. Leaving X-PONDER to ON when parked.
  142. MTOW below 25,000 KG
  143. CPDLC AND RE-estimates.
  144. LCY last Tues eve
  145. Marconi S511 Radar
  146. STCA alert generation
  147. Any controller from London Terminal Control East?
  148. clearance: vector or route
  149. Break off approach vs Go around
  150. Abbreviated Read Back
  151. Gatwick ATC
  152. TAA
  153. ATC Career
  154. SID/STAR charts with pressure-change prompt
  155. compulsory report points UK
  156. ATC slot (CTOT) tolerance windows
  157. Question for UK ATCOs (from a pilot...)
  158. VHF Coverage in the Persian Gulf region
  159. Nats- When should I apply?
  160. ATC
  161. 118.825 London
  162. Best ATC to learn radio communication?
  163. Airservices ATC Recruitment video
  164. Wind Surface and RWY in used selection
  165. FAA ATC ops privatised...?
  166. Random question - ATC jobs in Scandinavia
  167. YBBN night RWY 19 A3 departures
  168. ATC Leeds East Airport EGXG
  169. GAL
  170. Stand Sizing
  171. Airlite 100 headset
  172. B-rnav/p-rnav/rnp 0.3
  173. DFS selects remote tower technology
  174. ICAO level 4
  175. ATC help WRT starting all engines taxiing.
  176. Heathrow ATC
  177. RLatSM on NAT Tracks
  178. DCL RT
  179. Scottish Highlands freq's
  180. Using TV signals as an alternative to radar
  181. Line up Rwy...behind...
  182. CTOT -5 at LGW
  183. LBA/EGNM SIDs
  184. A good book on vectoring and sequencing.
  185. Spain ATC June 2015 strike
  186. Preferential routings?
  187. FOD Pilot Report
  188. Climb clearance while on a SID with an Alt Restriction
  189. Why report aircraft type?
  190. Step Climb
  191. Belgian flights halted after air traffic technical issue
  192. Vectors for the ILS - track-shortening
  193. Approach from the North into Southampton (EGHI)
  194. Airfield. ICAO codes
  195. EHAM
  196. FAA Recruitment: Trouble in the Skies
  197. Air Traffic Controller v Railway controller salaries
  198. 6 on 2 off
  199. Are you still using land after in UK??
  200. Why at 1500FT (or close to it)
  201. Average Taxi Times
  202. Skyguide ACC
  203. EGLL RNAV hold trial
  204. Prestwick Vacancy
  205. Squawk 1000 over germany
  206. LGW - RNAV following A380 ?
  207. Incorrect Altitude Readout
  208. Pat Flynn ex-EGLL
  209. First remote tower is now operational
  210. Taxi Clearance
  211. Loss of comms in the circuit
  212. Steps to becoming an ATC in the US
  213. Gatwick arrivals
  214. UK Phraseology
  215. Oceanic clearance for T9 from the South
  216. medical examination
  217. Ferrying a plane thru europe with mode c transponder
  218. Feast Multipass Test
  219. Success rates of ATC wannabes
  220. Controllers in real life
  221. ATC filing in USA
  222. Dubai "Follow the greens"
  223. Turkey blackout - ATC problems?
  224. UK phraseology changed again?
  225. Dubai conditions
  226. Stand-by for Maastricht?
  227. part time ATC work options in UK/other countries?
  228. Towering Inferno IV
  229. Actual Calculated Landing Time
  230. NATS drops Heathrow in it
  231. Leeds Bradford Tower VHF/UHF
  232. NAV Canada Controllers/Voices/Language
  233. How to determine Transition Level
  234. Security Security
  235. KANJ - who controls the airspace
  236. LATCC West Drayton
  237. Perth Int. runway designation question
  238. Looking for Labour Agreements
  239. Mats pt one Nats ot non Nats
  240. Belgocontrol FEAST 2015
  241. UK: Remote radar, radio and VOR sites
  242. Gatwick recruitment
  243. Tax Status Of Loss Of Licence Insurance
  244. VDPP-FIR entry & exit times UTC vs. local?
  245. Does anyone know how many times a year NATS holds Stage 2 Assessment Days?
  246. ADS-C costs
  247. Vacancy at Sondrestrom TWR/APP
  248. ATC Instructors Middle East
  249. Gatwick ATIS
  250. Qualified ATCO - work abroad, within EU