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  1. Runway use program - mostly for US controllers
  2. Has Lille given up completely?
  3. Controllers being paid to go to EGLL
  4. scottish tma
  5. Approaches unavailable due controller away...
  6. What's the weather like
  7. New stands at MAN
  8. New Prestwick Centre?
  9. New holding bay at EGLC
  10. The New TC East
  11. Tower & Appr Question
  12. Mayday question....
  13. Does UK ATC come under Criminal Law?
  14. Stansted visits
  15. What won't people sell on EBAY!
  16. Avoiding Action - revisited
  17. Airway Routings
  18. Helicopter over Altrincham
  19. "resume normal speed"
  20. Recruitment restart??
  21. Helicopters at LHR
  22. designated airway names
  23. Thanks London & Gatwick
  24. Mil: Controller currency
  25. Disappearing Topics?????
  26. UK Air Routes, a query or two.
  27. 1st Stage Eurocontrol
  28. EUROCONTROL...Only way to go?
  29. Are You On Nats Course 128 October? Read Here Now
  30. SVFR by night?
  31. LHR Wake Procedures
  32. Go Around records
  33. Concorde at EGCC, when?
  34. Downwind Left Hand 08 EGGW
  35. Reporting Points - sneaking in through the back door!
  36. Here's a new one......
  37. Radar services
  38. European ATC more expensive than U.S. Why?
  39. FLOW REA msgs
  40. Speed control
  41. A big thank you, Farnborough Radar
  42. Approaches into Liverpool?
  43. Rwy 23 at LHR
  44. Canada ATC... INTERVIEW/Exam etc
  45. Help: How busy is Morristown, NJ airport
  46. Avoiding action
  47. Future for Controllers ????
  48. Progression?
  49. 9L-LDR Tristar go around LHR yesterday (20th)
  50. De-rated departures, a risk to safety
  51. EGLL inbounds from the SE Asia
  52. Re-introduction of CAS at Prestwick
  53. Eurocontrol Holding Pool
  54. Uk atc ??
  55. Air Traffic Control
  56. Cleared direct to xyz (US airspace)
  57. Limited Radar Information
  58. Farnborough Tower Visit
  59. Defering Entry
  60. Uniforms for NATS STAFF ??
  61. Jan 2004 course & leave allowances
  62. Visits
  63. Matz Penetration And Flight Info Service
  64. th term "Charlie Charlie"
  65. Waiting for HR to finish move to Swanwick
  66. preferance for commercial traffic
  67. Sou Atc
  68. Question about delays
  69. Shoreham tower
  70. Band Boxed ??
  71. South East from Manchester
  72. Suicide rates????????????
  73. Be level by FOYLE !!!
  74. ATSA's
  75. Sticklers for time...
  76. ATSA Licensing
  77. Dubai callsign
  78. Alitalia 244? Go-around - Heathrow 7th September c7:00pm
  79. How tight is your slot?
  80. Thames Radio mix up
  81. Phonetic Alphabet Question
  82. Gatwick Director
  83. QNH chaos at Heathrow
  84. Eurocontrol Phase 2
  85. Gerry Gill (IAL) RIP
  86. Difference between squawk C & ALT
  87. Getting hold of ATC tapes - for damage claim!
  88. You know who you are
  89. A Frequency Problem-HELP NEEDED!
  90. Shoreham Airshow
  91. Confirmation of Receipt of Application?
  92. East Anglias' own Airway?
  93. Lakenheath working too hard?
  94. atc strips
  95. Reduced lateral separation
  96. Bournemouth July 2004
  97. Rnav ?
  98. Thanks Willy Approach
  99. A3 at LGW - Quickie
  100. After landing instructions
  101. Applying for NATS Jobs (ATSA's)
  102. NATS trainee recruitment
  103. Looking for info on Cape Town control centre???Good,Bad or Ugly?
  104. Multiple Frequencies
  105. EDI ground controll
  106. know your limit
  107. Primary and Secondary Radar?
  108. Bizarre aircraft at egkk
  109. DME (specifically EGCC)
  110. How Many Are Leaving ?
  111. UK Aviation Alcohol Limits - ATCOs/Pilots/Cabin Crew and Engineers
  112. ATCO Application timescale
  113. They Don't Need Us Anymore (Merged)
  114. Waypoints
  115. MACC Airspace
  116. Inverness ILS
  117. Globe callsign
  118. Decisions, decisions - approach or area control
  119. Contingencies
  120. NATS DEGs
  121. Continuous Descent Approaches
  122. ATC problems tonight at BFS
  123. ATCO Assessments
  124. ATCO's TV talents.............
  125. circuit joining
  126. Manchester ATC
  127. Reading Back of callsign and freq!!!
  128. NERC people
  129. Eastern Seaboard Power Outage
  130. VCR/Tower modernisation
  131. And the lights went out!
  132. Leeds/Bradford ATC - thanks.
  133. Changing ends
  134. Air Traffic Assistants Vacancies
  135. Privitization new in the US
  136. NATS or Eurocontrol?
  137. Reading material
  138. Worst ATC service?
  139. Visiting a ATC Tower
  140. Manchester Outbound Traffic.
  141. Courses??
  142. Annex 11
  143. Misuse Of Guard Frequencies
  144. Separation Tolerances
  145. YOU are the weakest link
  146. Iraq Atc Jobs
  147. ATCO Vacancy at Lands End
  148. ATC Visits - USA
  149. LVNL Cadetship
  150. Heathrow Holiday Camp
  151. OSH Air Venture 2003 Overwith
  152. ATC unit visit / LHR
  153. No Speed
  154. ATC Routing N866 or R1
  155. ATC visits
  156. RAAF ATC Shortage ????
  157. New ATC Documentary on BBC2
  158. Good luck in Canada (or wherever)
  159. ATC Simulators
  160. Heathrow Nostalgia Night
  161. questions on braking conditions and radar
  162. EMA control
  163. 22 IAA Student ATCO's let go (merged thread)
  164. Multiple runway operations
  165. if VFR why the hell do i file a flight plan ?
  166. Skyguide Assessment Day Soon
  167. Cross Channel Freefall (DVR-Callais)
  168. Cardiff Procedures
  169. Delays again at Heathrow
  170. Level by, clearances?
  171. Eurocontrol Testing
  172. ATCO training
  173. Madrid FDP System
  174. Flight Attendant wants ATC access.
  175. Off to KOSH
  176. MACC go on strike
  177. NATS Pay Divide 2004
  178. ATC Speech - David Gunson
  179. ATCO medical
  180. Final Infringement report at last!
  181. Height Capping
  182. "No ATC speed restrictions"
  183. O'Hare Tower at it again
  184. Help For Applicant
  185. Did you know Frank Connolly (ex Farnborough ATC)
  186. Taxi Question
  187. Hilarious RT procedures in the states
  188. MACC to Scotland, About time too
  189. Sure-Sky???????
  190. Quadrantals and education
  191. R/t
  192. who exactly is in control?
  193. A question about vectors for finals
  194. thanks to the ATC at Gloucester and Coventry Today 15th July!
  195. service request?
  196. TC Contingency
  197. Mode S Transponder
  198. ATCO training
  199. Questions for Manchester People
  200. pilots: Have you had an ATCO on your f/d?
  201. Non-english speaking pilots
  202. Runway usage at LGW
  203. Trip to the TWR!
  204. Two simple ATC questions!
  205. Other ATC Forums
  206. Runway usage at LHR
  207. Twin at LHR this morning?
  208. New Bristol Initial departure levels?
  209. London Control
  210. Sqwing 7700
  211. Thames Radar evacuated
  212. Mr Everett at Manch
  213. Primary Only
  214. Pan-Ops Vol II
  215. Edinburgh ATC
  216. One Blip!
  217. PPL'rs life stories?
  218. Afternoon short/ 8 am starts
  219. Visiting London
  220. Irish ATC recruitment
  221. refusing access to class D airspace?!?
  222. Air traffic controller's assistants
  223. Thanks to EGPK ATC
  224. Frequencies?
  225. Irish ATC Training
  226. ATC Dispute over Spain
  227. Course brought back forward!!
  228. Multiplayer Air Traffic Control for FS2002 / FS2004
  229. Moody Glasgow ATC
  230. Descent speed?
  231. Where next?
  232. EGPF Tower
  233. Anyone ever saw a good ATC-movie?
  234. Unmanned aircraft
  235. Introduction of Controlled Airspace in the UK
  236. eurocontrol
  237. Best ATC Service........
  238. Don't know if i believe this or not, but...
  239. Sick of this HAPPENING, have to comment!
  240. LTCC New Sim Water Feature!
  241. LVNL (Dutch) ATC Interviews - Help please!
  242. Spanish ATC strike?
  243. FATIGUE-One strike and you're out
  244. Open letter to President Bush Re: I was a blind air traffic controller
  245. Visit to East Midlands
  246. AIAA information, please
  247. Making it
  248. Bondage
  249. inbound routings to Luton
  250. ATC Visit