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  1. Imposed isolation learning
  2. Controller Shortage
  3. USA FAA Max Rate of Descent?
  4. Privatised ANSP
  5. LIC NDB...question for a Tels guy.
  7. Storm Ciara ATC Cancellations
  8. Transferring to TC from an airport
  9. Feast test Skyguide
  10. Multiple Aircraft on Localizer
  11. Missed approach question
  12. Separation in holding pattern
  13. Squawk Ident no more!
  14. question about NATS and Global ATS
  15. Notams for Teesside
  16. Norwich Approach/Radar
  17. Student ATCO
  18. SERCO advertising staff for new bid
  19. Latest salary package for ATCOs in Gulf especially in Bahrain year 2020
  20. hearing aid
  21. The future is bright the future is HIAL
  22. ATIS update frequency
  23. LPLA Wind data omitted (ETOPS alternate)
  24. CPDLC 05FEB2020
  25. USAF Displaced Routing over UK
  26. Gatwick ATCOs
  27. World Airspaces
  28. Looking for Australian ATC Mark Thompson ex RAAF
  29. John Cant
  30. SRATCOH new rules
  31. Unknown traffic in Class E+TMZ
  32. UK: Basic/Traffic/Procedural/Deconfliction air traffic services. Please, explain.
  33. Is it the CTR or the TMA?
  34. SID clearance via datalink and cleared altitude.
  35. ATC game
  36. Sharjah ATC roles
  37. Barcelona "land after"
  38. Remote SSR feeds for airport approach control
  39. GPS Scrambling - France
  40. skyguide
  41. CTR/CTA/ATZ... ?
  42. Aircraft Data Flashcards
  43. QNH 999 hPa?
  44. RVSM
  45. 1 Hour Turnhouse Tower and Approach, 1975 with Slides
  46. Edinburgh Turnhouse ATC Early 1970's
  47. RAA addresses pilot training etc
  48. VFR requesting IFR pick-up below MSA
  49. Annoying habits
  50. OSL tower, suggestion please
  51. IFPS/CFMU descend - what is wrong with these people ?
  52. ATCOs working in Spain
  53. Deconfliction Service in Class C Airspace?
  54. Separation SID's with same initial segment
  55. ATC Jobs
  56. Declaring an Emergency
  57. Singapore ATC and expats
  58. Clowns on 121.500
  59. Whats RSCD BA999 in ATIS
  60. NATS Vacancy 2803BR Middle East
  61. LHR Delivery
  62. End of ATSOCAS
  63. ATCO licencing back in the, relative, day
  64. Airport/Airspace changes in SE UK
  65. FEAST results
  66. Tower at Menorca (LEMH) to be replaced with a Digital Tower - Spain to follow
  67. Any LVNL controllers on here?
  68. Interview questions
  69. Luton Control Tower open house- never mind ATC
  70. skyguide
  71. LHR 10R SID.
  72. Richard Lane?
  73. Airport Fire Services Frequencies in UK
  74. ANS v NATS
  75. Thanks from a grateful heli driver
  76. NATS visit (LHR or LACC/LTCC)
  77. Accessing CTOT data
  78. Anyone from Innsbruck?
  79. LGW
  80. SMR Failure Procedures
  81. LGW !! Is that normal?
  82. EASA Note: Subject: Adherence to Filed Flight Plans in European Airspace
  83. HDG off LAM for EGLL
  84. ATC Instructor FTE Jerez
  85. Phraseology advice
  86. UK FISO
  87. Bahamas ATC no licences or medical certificates
  88. Emergency traffic during blocked runway
  89. Transponder altimetry
  90. After extending centerline, disarm nav or leave engaged
  91. ATCO Vacancy at Blackpool
  92. ATC in Orlando
  93. Ex military civy controllers
  94. French ATC Strikes season starting.
  95. Minimum separation Departing from Landing traffic
  96. UK ATC Initial Training
  97. Correct phraseology for “clear for the xxx approach”
  98. Radar-based separation from non-appr. radar certified controllers
  99. Software/apps to practice Vectoring
  100. GATCO - Controller's View on the (European) ATM System of the Future
  101. Traffic vs Aircraft vs Flight vs Airplane
  102. What is a radar inhibitor's significance to pilots?
  103. Hong Kong ATC
  104. Missed Approach While Circling
  105. Eobt and taxi time
  106. Comms on T9,T213,T16
  107. ATC strike against 1 airline?
  108. ATCO eyesight requirements
  109. CPDLC and "abeam" waypoints
  110. Jez Cooke ATC Glasgow/Heathrow RIP
  111. Glasgow ATC Reunion
  113. Appropriate response when called by controllers
  114. Deadline for UK Groundstations to move to 8.33KHz spacing?
  115. 8.33 VHF Comms Radios.
  116. ATC Actions upon a Pan/Mayday
  117. Pay discrimination in ATC
  118. Deadside or Upwind?
  119. Otmet 1G into LGW would this help?
  120. HIAL ATCO’s vote for strike action
  121. Wg Cdr Al Turner RAF
  122. Remote towers
  123. ADS-C and Indicated versus True Mach
  124. Heathrow Glideslope Increases
  125. 7700 squawk and the media
  126. SAERCO wins ATC contract in Norway
  127. Maastricht openings?
  128. Air Navigation solutions
  129. How does your ANS conduct On-Job Training
  130. Gatwick 08L/26R activation time
  131. How to prepare for multiple selection process ATC tests in The Netherlands
  132. LVO ops
  133. Pre course study
  134. Missing EGTT Sectors!?
  135. IDENT
  136. Odd Flight Levels Westbound
  137. Any Kiwis here?
  138. Mach-nr or IAS?
  139. Help - ROC/ROD calculation
  140. Andy Hughes UK CAA ATS Inspector.
  141. Airprox at Heathrow?
  142. Network Operations Controller @ Eurocontrol
  143. Wake Turbulence Seperation and Opposite Runways
  144. The “Language Barrier” - personal experiences ?
  145. What has happened to CAVOK
  146. Plessey Watchman primary radar
  147. Spitfire and Chinook near miss
  148. ATC gets criminal sentence for AIRPROX
  149. right orbit on short final
  150. Hong Kong
  151. S.G. Brown ATC headsets
  152. Vehicle UHF R/T procedure
  153. ATCO OJTI Rating
  154. Our airspace / north atlantic track + Brexit
  155. SERCO Bahrain
  156. svfr in Class-E-to-surface "extensions" ?
  157. Radar ATCO Sequencing
  158. Airways NZ Assessment Centre
  159. LATCI/LATSI question
  160. Hero
  161. FISO Exam Papers
  162. IFR pickup standard phraseology
  163. Thank you
  164. RTOs & LVPs
  165. Pilot Deviation Notice
  166. Conditional lign up clearance behind departing traffic
  167. VCR design
  168. Willo hold
  169. Nats atc february 2019 jerez
  170. Cranfield Tels takeover?
  171. Private ATC Training
  172. Honest Advice.... PLEASE.
  173. Gatwick crossing - helicopter VFR
  174. Briefing of ATC (Updated)
  175. EGLL (Heathrow) METAR reports
  176. New climb clearance and ROC/ROD
  177. European ATC
  178. Remain VFR or request IFR/SVFR?
  179. Visiting Tower before ASA assessment
  180. American vs Australian ATC Career
  181. Bahrain ACC
  182. RIAT 2018-Thankyou.
  183. Low cost ADS-B ground station?
  184. Heading 145 , is it OK ?
  185. Manchester Airport patterns
  186. Job in Spain for EXPERIENCED atc
  187. Terminal area speed control.
  188. Maintaining Rate Of Climb
  189. VFR approach versus visual?
  190. questions for ATCler
  191. Taxi Instructions After Landing
  192. Phraseology: Released by or released from
  193. When is a UK arrival passed it's STAR from ATC?
  194. When to set STD on altimeter
  195. Wake turbulence time standards
  196. Expired CTOT during taxi
  197. French atc strike 26/27 may
  198. Logging times in ATC
  199. Hum on Farnborough LARS
  200. Doha Radar Package
  201. Localiser back beam
  202. French ATC and CPDLC
  203. QHN to STD from uncontrolled to CAS
  204. Change to Oceanic time tolerance?
  205. Gibraltar radar inactive
  206. Beginning of European ATC crises or only an Italian business plan?
  207. Avoiding Action (UK)
  209. Initial Call transiting Class D
  210. Sequencing into LHR
  211. NATS Fragrant Harbour Contract
  212. Read back rate of climb/descent
  213. taxi instruction
  214. ATC at Queenstown, NZ
  215. ATCO Shortage UK
  216. NATS Training at Global ATS
  217. Geneva communication failure procedure
  218. New NATS ATC system
  219. Visa for UK NATS
  220. EAT meaning
  221. STAR and Localiser Speeds
  222. VFR Zone Transit
  223. Mode S Enhanced Surveillance implementation around the world?
  224. RECAT-EU / London TMA
  225. Wake turbulence separation
  226. VFR night
  227. Ok airways interview
  228. Optimization of ATM within SESAR context
  229. EGNX contact
  230. What is an "operational" clearance?
  231. International Women's Day
  232. Maximum number of pieces of information in a message
  233. Birmingham Elmdon - 1970s 50cm radar
  234. Commercial Pilots wanted to train with ATCOs
  235. Where will NATS send me?
  236. ATC Unit Instructor - Eurocontrol Maastricht
  237. Squawk code WITH mode s?
  238. Squawk Ident Readback
  239. Bahrain deal
  240. Pushback and startup northside at Heathrow.
  241. Report established
  242. Use of "minimum fuel" In UK airspace
  243. Alternative communication in case of Radio Comms failure ?
  244. A question please to all you ATC professionals
  245. LGW ILS following A380
  246. Wake Turbulence Separation between VFR & IFR
  247. Routing north/south of Liverpool
  248. Primary radar systems at British airports.
  249. LEDs in runway lights
  250. Nuss Procedure as ATC Controller