View Full Version : Flying Instructors & Examiners

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  2. I know of a job or two available
  3. Primary Instruments??
  4. Air Law Before First Solo.
  5. PPL Night Instructing
  6. Gliding
  7. What is wrong with flight training?
  8. our esteemed bus driving friends
  9. Point & Power Approach Technique
  10. M1 vs J1 Visa
  11. converting an Oz Instructor Rating to CAA
  12. Flight Instructor Canada
  13. getting an instructor's rating
  14. Student Navigation - Time or "Fractional" Marks?
  16. Instructor job market?
  17. Instructor pranks
  18. Max Drift
  19. Instructing in Oz
  20. Is ATPL/CPL and Class 1 still necessary
  21. overseas student training
  22. Examiner Details
  23. Clip Art for Flight Instructors
  24. Is there such a thing as "Regional QNH"?
  25. Four Forces
  26. IMC Rating/ Twin rating Instructor Qualification
  27. Student's background checks???
  30. Little chance of escaping to the airlines now...
  31. Instructor Renewal
  32. Ground school: Illustrating airflow
  33. Funny flight test story
  34. Jet fuel consumption
  35. Route to FI rating
  36. Advice on getting an instructors rating
  37. Piper Navajo feathering
  38. job
  39. Landing Long
  40. A bit of help?
  41. US instructor in the UK
  42. Instructors Pay
  43. Straight-in approaches should be banned at uncontrolled airfields
  44. Newcastle/Durham Flying School?
  45. Illegal Maintenance
  46. Be Warned......
  47. NPPL FI
  48. Seminar or test?
  49. Licence Renewal
  50. flight instructor training
  51. US Flight Instructor Conditions
  52. Instructor Volunteer
  53. Attitudes
  54. Handpropping
  55. lowest form of aviation?
  56. OATS advert for Instructors
  57. Close encounters of the uncomfortable kind.
  58. Canadian Instructor Rating
  59. Help with new web site required
  60. Link to Private Flying forum - spin training
  61. Just where do you start?
  62. Need Advice on Instructing
  63. Oxford in Texas?
  65. Flight Instructor Positions
  66. Gliders
  67. Can US flying counts towards a JAA PPL ?
  68. Instructing Websites
  69. DA20 Nose Wheel
  70. Seminars
  71. Just want to clear something up....
  72. CPL/FI courses in own aircraft??
  73. Getting a job as an instructor.
  74. Short field landings on C150 and Boeing 747's.
  75. Instructing for the CPL
  76. A couple of questions.
  77. touchy-feely with students
  78. Where to do practice ILS's in the SE ?
  79. Link to Wannabes discussion - changing FI's
  80. News for Cabair Instructors Past & Present
  81. Duty Hours?
  82. IMC course - what type of approaches/navaids ?
  83. Instructor pay at CSE, SFT, etc
  84. Spinning and aero's in a Beagle Pup
  85. Bad wing drop during stall recovery practice.
  86. Any Cabair sponsored instructors out there??
  87. BFR question
  89. A.A.F.I contact details
  91. Conversion to UK
  92. instructor scam
  93. Dillusion of Grandeur
  94. Instructor renewal
  95. CAA Examiner required
  96. Solo Student details
  97. Instrument Ratings
  98. US JAR PPL Holder - Average instructor hours on return??
  99. Salarys and Training
  100. Instuctor ratings in SE Qld
  101. PA28R - undercarriage story
  102. Do you like being instructors?
  103. ZA to the UK - what gives?...
  104. BBJ instructors
  105. Experienced JAA instructor required in USA
  106. National PPL
  107. No More PPL I/R... JAR I/R Help Please
  108. IMC the course.
  109. Flying Schools in Tuscany
  110. Calling all instructors
  111. Easy to convert VGS Instructor ticket to Civil F I rating?
  112. Flight Instructor Courses
  113. UK IMC Rating + JAA PPL
  114. RHO RHO RHO
  115. Airspace privilages for a PPL ?
  116. Converting overseas AFI rating
  117. Aerobatic instructor rating
  118. Aerobatic instructor rating
  119. UK JAR Flight Examiner Needed!
  120. Power or pitch?
  121. I/R problems need advice
  122. Advice on Initial Circuits
  123. instructor rating after cpl
  124. FTO/RTF advice please
  125. OZ Instructors
  126. Mc-Kalsi-burger - Mendoza
  127. CAA instructors
  128. 1930's Percival monoplanes
  129. Flight Time Limitations
  130. Insurance
  131. Crosswind Calcualtions
  132. PPL Revalidation training flight - refusal to sign logbook
  133. Bae Jerez - Spanish work visas?
  134. Aviate navigate communicate versus phase 2 checks
  135. Green Instructor
  136. Instructing Qualifications
  137. spinnaphobia
  138. Airways clearances
  139. Wants a flying Instructor...
  140. Instructing is all want!!
  141. Tax Draw back on fuel
  142. Cheap(ish) medical
  143. Crap student headsets / long term hearing loss
  144. monkeys
  145. Teaching in private cat aircraft. UK.
  146. RAF Upper Heyford Aero Club
  147. Flying a holding pattern with X-Wind
  148. Cheap FI Renewal Rates ?
  149. Medical requirements?
  150. Instructor training
  151. crm in GA
  152. instructor pay
  153. MorePower! Where is he?
  154. JAR-PPL Exams
  155. Instrument training - FAR question
  156. Student afraid of solo x/c
  157. Catalina / Flying Boat Thrust Drag Couples
  158. IFR- working out the drift in flight, how?
  159. Which School do you recommend in Florida?
  161. UK Job scene
  162. Pay advice please
  163. Should I or Should'nt I?
  164. Still Grinning...
  165. Wing Drop stalling with flaps - why??
  166. Is Ground / Sim Instructor Training available in the UK?
  167. Take a look at this thread
  168. Coventry
  169. What.Buy a Headset?!
  170. Instructor looking fo new callenges!!
  171. Is it time to move on?
  172. JAA PPL rating - Insufficient IMC say CAA !
  173. well done the modorator
  174. Instructor shortage................I don't think so!
  175. Single engine IFR?
  176. FTL and instructing
  177. Instructor / Student friendships...
  178. Working at Cabair
  179. Instructing on N-reg aircraft
  180. Situation Vacant
  181. Are there any instructors who don't have an IFR Rating?
  182. Touch-and-Go Technique and Safety
  183. JAA examinations
  184. Touch-and-Go technique
  185. Rating Valid for ?.................
  186. Initial Training on Super Cubs
  187. Career Instruction
  188. Instructor's Pay
  189. Duplicate Log Book.
  190. FM Immune?
  191. French AIP
  192. PIC or not
  193. Freelance instructing /be your own boss
  194. Solo Supervision
  195. JAR-ATPL questions available ??
  196. JAR FCL PPL Syllabus?
  197. Self Employed Instructing -Help!
  198. Words from the Wise?
  199. Instructor Jobs. What's The Score At Present?
  200. Instructional Hours
  201. Flight Training
  202. Namibian Aviation Training Academy
  203. Flying Training/Schools YSBK???
  204. Cheap, Fast Multi-Time..Anybody know how?
  205. Any Welsh US-Based Pilots out there??
  206. TnG Danger ? How far to let a student go ?
  207. Summer-only instructing
  208. Oxford recruiting
  209. Sad Student
  210. Tewkesbury Instructor seminar
  211. Sisteron Valley Flying Club and Bill Brooks
  212. Qualif B200
  213. medical
  214. Wages difference Rotary v Fixed Wing
  215. Instructor's C of T
  216. AOPA Seminar, Bristol
  217. AFI to QFI Upgrade
  218. Instructed hours. Can you log them?
  219. JAR FI rules
  220. What would you do?
  221. CFI please email Capt PPRuNe
  222. Becoming a flying instructor
  223. Rating renewal
  224. When is an instructor being chartered ?
  225. ADF Frustrations
  226. So just who is worth working for?
  227. Can anyone reccomend a good FIR school
  228. 50 hours dual, 8 hours solo?!!!!!!!!!
  229. US based CAA instructor renewels ?
  230. IR training in CAS
  231. Instructing Aerobatics
  232. What happened to Aviation Manchester?
  233. Pressure pattern navigation/Bellamy's drift
  234. Flight Examiners Seminar
  235. Best lesson?
  236. Anyone seen Squeakmail recently?
  237. drag curve problem
  238. Instructors rating
  239. Instructors rating
  240. From zero hours to instructing, how much do you think?
  241. Planned Increase to National Minimum Wage
  242. US Instructors.....
  243. NPPL Instructors
  244. Pilot Mag Quiz
  245. Certificate of revalidation
  246. Grading of student pilots in the flight practical examinations
  247. Strictness during flying lessons
  248. Tragic death of Steven Pickup in Centralia Illinois
  249. Hubair, Belgium
  250. UK 1st Class Medical Certificate