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  1. GAPAN FI(R) Scholarship - who else?
  2. Worth Converting?
  3. Cheap American PPL's A Waste Of Money?
  4. Part time instructing
  5. Advantages of being an instructor
  6. ppl(a) or ppl(h)
  7. Night Rating or Qualification?
  8. Nppl question
  9. There is a thread on Wannabes...
  10. Where have all the instructor jobs gone?
  11. Model Airplane -- Where to Purchase?
  12. Flight Instructor Work???
  13. Power Curve Diagram?
  14. Motor theft& the scum of the earth
  15. C340 Differences Training
  16. Getting a PPL
  17. Instructing in the U.S
  18. Opthalmologist Needed - HELP!!!
  19. Goal of training
  20. On being an FAA instructor...
  21. What have you learned?
  22. Making a living as an instructor. Feasible?
  23. FAA Licence to UK PPL?
  24. Jefts
  25. Proposed Changes To Fi(a) Revalidation Requirements
  26. QXC today
  27. Reduced Flap setting in Gusty x-Wind Conditions
  28. Ejection
  29. test
  30. Staying current with knowledge
  31. instructor job in Sydney
  32. Precautionary landings
  33. Mixture cuts to simulate engine failure on take off.
  34. Critical engine
  35. FRTOL Instructor/Examiner
  36. lift formula
  37. What is best endurance speed?
  38. Skill Tests and Proficiency Checks - Astonishing new paperwork......
  39. Australian Pilot wanting to become an instructor
  40. Ano 101.22
  41. FI rating - Super quick?
  42. Initial Teaching of a Cross Country
  43. Advice from the wise required
  44. Money
  45. ? converting to a UK licence
  46. controls speed & power controls descent rate
  47. Do I need ATPL Groundschool to become an instructor?
  48. Summer job
  49. Seaplane rating on JAR licence
  50. CPL(H) OZ to US Conversion and Jobs
  51. JAA FTO approval outside of Europe...
  52. How far to fall in a spin??
  53. Training Costs - Tax allowable ?
  54. Fi Jobs
  55. GAPAN FI(R) Interview
  56. How many students?
  57. FAA Logbook Endorsements
  58. Schools abroad
  59. 80-100 hours a month in FL?
  60. CFI Checkride Notes/Advice
  61. C152
  62. Is this common?
  63. Flying Instructor - can you do it with a class 2, or restricted class 1?
  64. Is it time we had a union?
  65. Not an Instructor BUT.....
  66. FI Restricted priveleges
  67. Flying the C182
  68. UK R22/44 FI Question
  69. PPL Hours
  70. Costs from PPL to AFI
  71. FI Work in the South of UK
  72. FI jobsituation in Europe
  73. Expired CFI/MEI
  74. FI work in the NE of England
  75. lOOKing for work can anyone help?
  76. conversion to JAR CPL.
  77. Instrument Rating
  78. Failed part of PPL Nav test
  79. C150 and MAUW
  80. FIC Approval
  81. Aviation Music
  82. FI(R) but no IMC/IR, what use is that ?
  83. Good places for IRI and M.E FI courses?
  84. 2 Quick questions
  85. Private ATPL Ground Tuition
  86. A "Beat-up" Checklist
  87. Help trying to locate PA38 articles
  88. KLMuk sponsored Instuctors
  89. some help PLS
  90. To all Instructors
  91. Flying Light Aircraft from RHS
  92. Canadian wanting to work in UK
  93. Age limits for a new instructor?
  94. Faa exams in the UK (Rotary)
  95. How good are the Proficient Pilot books by Barry Schiff?
  96. getting started
  97. Instructors Needed
  98. South African instructors in UK?
  99. Panshanger
  100. Super Cub Share Hertfordshire UK
  101. Seminars?
  102. Instructing circuit flying
  103. FAF on singles
  104. Instructor's Pay!?
  105. Spinning Dilema
  106. Flight Instructor looking for a job
  107. where in south to do FI rating?
  108. AFI course in Inverness??
  109. How many hours do you average last year?
  110. Barfing Instructors
  111. Teaching famous people
  112. Tyler Aviation Multi Hours
  113. Clocking in machines!
  114. Advice on IR schtuff
  115. Eagle Aircraft
  116. Employment
  117. help req
  118. US Instructor
  119. RAFA scholarsip FTO's
  120. PPL nav before GFPT?
  121. Flying Instructor Course Instructor
  122. METAR
  123. Instructors Seminars
  124. Any FI E's travelling to Florida soon?
  125. conversion FAA-NZCAA
  126. Beagle Pup - fuel pressure in the climb
  127. "A" Check
  128. Certificates of Revalidation
  129. Writing briefs
  130. Any instructors to teach me?
  131. Levelling off from the Climb - Trim Technique
  132. CFI work
  133. FI Work
  134. Is this normal for CFI's?
  135. Preflight inspection
  136. 1952 PPL. 30 hrs. 2002 PPL 45 hrs. why?
  137. Examiners - what do you charge?
  138. NPPL
  139. FI Seminar dates
  140. Safety Pilot Course
  141. Good school to do CFI course in US?
  142. instructing in the states
  143. Pre FI(R) course flight test
  144. And when it all goes wrong....(!)
  145. Hi Peeps!
  146. jobs go at OATS
  147. OZ Grade 1 Instructor Rating Exam
  148. What has happened to Atlantic 252?
  149. FI courses in Southampton or Bournemouth???
  150. Instructors salary ???
  151. Spin recovery (cross reference)
  152. FAA CFI's - please read.
  153. Pa-28-181
  154. FAA ATPL Check ride in Europe ?
  155. JAR Licence question
  156. Instrucotr's Courses
  157. DHC6 Twin Otter Type rating??
  158. Seminar topics
  159. Fuel Selectors...?
  160. Costs of becoming an instructor
  161. Best route to an intsructor rating
  162. Seminar needed...when and where???
  163. Are there any flying schools in .......
  164. Gaining employment as Flying Instructor
  165. new instructor
  166. IMC Instructor Requirements
  167. Australian Grade 1 Instructor rating and Multi Engine Training Approval
  168. MCC procedure in English
  169. PA 38 fuel consumption
  170. Emirates Technical Instructor
  172. Keepin' the ball in the centre
  173. FAA FI
  174. Can an AFI do the SEP Revalidation flight?
  175. Go Around vs. Over Shoot
  176. Light twin with good SE performance
  177. Instructor pay & national minimum wage
  178. Looking to lease a TB9
  179. Another Forced Landing issue.
  180. Finding Instructor work??
  181. Best training videos
  182. Forced Landing trouble check drill
  183. Malaysian Flying Academy
  184. Aerobatic aircraft, Oxon, Bucks?
  185. Adverse Pressure Gradient and the Transition Ponit
  186. Mental DR
  187. 20 years since last student, any changes?
  188. Restrictions-Shortest & Longest Time For Removal
  189. New Shoes? (what rudder?)
  190. Aviation differences - Oz to UK
  191. Can a PPL(A) check out an Instructor?
  192. Seminar Where When and How Much
  193. Mental Dead Reckoning For Navigation
  194. Instructor Renewal @ Bournemouth
  195. ADF dip
  196. You know who you are...
  197. Shiny new AFI needs first job. Can you help?
  198. P-factor? Twin engine critical engine discussion
  199. FI course
  200. Complex Airplanes??
  201. IMC teaching hours
  202. Carriage of Passengers on Training Flights
  203. Any schools looking for FAA CFIs internationally ?
  204. Question on Recency and new requirements
  205. FI Work in North England
  206. Too Old to fly?
  207. Career Instructors
  208. Unrestricted FI How long before renewal due?
  209. FI renewal old or new....and how?
  210. Initial flight instructor test this Wednesday
  211. Presentation tools
  212. A Cautionary Tale
  213. Know thy enemy - Tractor Drivers
  214. Max North - come in.....
  215. Restrictions on PPLs
  216. New Instructor - Teaching Landings
  217. Instructor Seminars
  218. Standard R/T... or not?
  219. JAR/FCL Question re IR renewal
  220. PPL Solo Cross Country Expiry
  221. Wheel landings and full stall landings
  222. Check lists
  223. Is being a Q.F.I. really that bad?
  224. Best qualifications for instructing
  226. Is there much work out there?
  227. What's in a name?
  228. instructor Q's
  229. abinitio training
  230. Night Rating / Qualification
  231. Aircraft Types for Instruction
  232. Do you really want that job ?
  233. I'm looking for a flying Training Book! Help!
  234. Oxford redundancies
  235. Why don't we normally teach IP joins?
  236. Instructor renewal by test & experiance
  237. Use of P1/S - pointer to Private Flying
  238. Revalidation of FAA CFI in Europe?
  239. AST 300 Approved Flight Training Device
  240. Can I do an FAA BFR in a european aircraft?
  241. PPL Skills Test: any advice?
  242. Looking for a CFI.....
  243. Flying Clubs in Spain?
  244. 1000ft key point
  245. Unfreezing UK FATPL after June 2002
  246. JAA Exam Fees
  247. Instructinig ME/CIR
  248. first job advice please?
  249. Wing Drop Stalls
  250. Bruce Latton