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  1. propeller slipstream
  2. Questions about phraseology
  3. PPL FI can teach for the LAPL but not the PPL
  4. Instructing For the IMC/IR(R)
  5. Standards Doc. 22
  6. Using 2 VHF comms on same frequency
  7. US CFI Instructing In Australia.
  8. Aircraft booking calendars plus licence data?
  9. CPL Multi...
  11. Registered Facilities teaching for the LAPL
  12. FI(A) or TRI(A) GS theory
  13. Something good from EASA?
  14. Amusing trainee comments!
  15. How restricted is a restricted FI?
  16. Fly EASA
  17. CRI(A) as a Registered Facility (Ref: IN-2012/071)
  18. King Air 200 on a PPL?
  19. Tailwheel difference check ride
  20. Freelance instructors to set up as RF
  21. 12 year old engine with non-remunerated instruction
  22. Aerobatic Instructors Seminar 23/24 May
  23. Self Employed Tax Issues
  24. IMC Training in cloud no radar cover
  25. Putting an IMC rating onto a JAR CPL on conversion from a UK CPL
  26. CRI gound studies. (dispensation)
  27. How to obtain MSPL if i have ATPL
  28. Removing copilot restriction
  30. Requirements for supervising FI
  31. Examiner's Personal Logbook
  32. Questions about insurance for a newly qualified FI(R)
  33. constant speed propeller
  34. re-validating at expired PPL
  35. PPL flying
  36. PPL flying
  37. 2 yearly instructor hour
  39. Working in scandinavia with a UK ATPL
  40. JAR FCL 1.325 Question
  41. Looking for a FAA B90 instructor in central Europe (north France) for my checkout.
  42. B737NG type rating in Canada
  43. Personal milestone
  44. Non Jar "national" ratings & EASA
  45. ATPL ground school exams and CPL exam in same country?
  46. Sad story about a high and mighty check airman
  47. Removal of honiley compass rose caa chart
  48. L-39 Hot Start
  49. AFI Course for retired ATPL Advice please
  50. a question for examiners
  51. examiners - electronic reporting
  52. Complex Non-High Performance
  53. cheap flights?
  54. Transport Canada approved Examiners
  55. Irish examiner/cross credits
  56. Instructor Rating in Canada, needing instructors?
  57. IR test - Checklist practice?
  58. FIC Instructors
  59. Multi-engine instructor rating pre-flight briefings
  60. P-A-T technique
  61. examiners exercising their privileges outside their state oF licence issue
  62. Does an FAA CFI need to be current for a BFR
  63. FI Examiner
  64. F.I in need of some help
  65. SFI\TRI Core Course
  66. Minimum safe altitude on PPL navigation
  67. concerning spinning
  68. GAPAN Scholarships & Bursaries 2012
  69. Changes to IRI Requirements
  70. GAPAN Scholarships
  71. Cabair Cranfield, PPL Written Exams, Paul Easty...?
  72. EASA IFR TRAINER on Rotax
  73. Strange Practices
  74. Reading material recommendations
  75. Can a CRI skills-test be used to renew a JAA SEP rating?
  76. How to become a Flying Instructor?
  77. UK Instructor in Australia
  78. Best way to recruit F.I's
  79. Signature in logbook
  80. Contact for Adam Whitehead at CAA?
  81. Instructors Rating in SA
  82. TRI icao on JAA license
  83. New instructor at EFT Florida?
  84. UAS Hours counting towards PPL
  85. FTE Jerez comments?
  86. Instructing part time as a shift worker
  87. Becoming a flying instructor
  88. Lessons learned from a Europa prang
  89. PA38 and C150/152 training longevity
  90. Flight Instructor Insurance
  91. Instructing at 55
  92. Kites & Large Metal Kites...
  93. All change at Wycombe Air Park?
  94. FAA CFI in Australia?
  95. Supervising restricted FI question
  96. New instructor.
  97. Theory of lift
  98. IFR scan ability
  99. Differences Training has to be under an FTO/RF or not?
  100. London area rtf examiner
  101. Structured Hour Building.
  102. Solo Engine Start - Good idea or bad?
  103. Is it correct?
  104. the great circle
  105. Quickie - QXC?
  106. Interview candidates?
  107. Flight Instructor Work Experience
  108. Instructors and students
  109. easa changes to checkrides [lpc] CAA
  110. CPL/IR in own aircraft (UK)
  111. Standard Visual Circuits
  112. Getting prep'd for the seminar
  113. Night on CRI?
  114. FAA PPL training & Flight time crediting
  115. Single pilot IR renewal
  116. Instructing in a group owned aircraft
  117. Loss of revenue with the loss of the IMC
  118. CAA ATPL to EASA with expired SEP IR?
  119. Will I be a good flight instructor?
  120. MEP & ME-IR Renewal under EASA
  121. Has your employer gone bust ?
  122. Student cant pass his exams
  123. Canadian TRE
  124. EASA re-issue of licence ?
  125. Fi Job
  126. Any FAA Rated Instructors in Australia?
  127. EASA. FE.
  128. Convert FAA ATP to JAA
  129. EASA-languages for PPL
  130. FI(R) at BCFT
  131. B737 level D sim
  132. FE in another country
  133. Examiners checking CAT II/III but only CAT II/III rated on other type
  134. FI Renewal
  135. TRI pre-course reading
  136. FI(R) course
  137. Cpl theory
  138. Desperately seeking Cessna manuals for the C182L, T210M
  139. piston engine thermal efficeincy.
  140. Expert Aussie FI advice most appreciated
  141. Diff and Familiarization training shouldn't be Comm all over again?
  142. The deal?
  143. Best flying school in the US
  144. List of FI(E) in UK.
  145. C172 and check lists
  146. Merging Companies Instructor Pay Differential
  147. Best Glide Speed change with flap?
  148. Which "First" is the best?
  149. impulse coupler
  150. FI Course or MCC
  151. Examiner Testing Own Students
  152. Instructor Rating + chance of getting employment
  153. FIC early next year
  154. Emirates flight training center.
  155. Current SE-IR to convert to ME-IR?
  156. Teaching traffic management
  157. faa written test facilities abroad
  158. BGI AGI IRI
  159. Flight Instructor Course
  160. Instructing on a class 2 medical
  161. BALPA
  162. Tips for Passenger Briefing
  163. job in Hong Kong
  164. Single Pilot Aeroplane Type Rating C525
  165. Departure and landing minima?
  166. flying show NEC november 2011
  167. PPL renewal
  168. NPPL(M) -->NPPL(SSEA) in a PtF aeroplane
  169. Level off from a Glide Descent
  170. CRE(A)
  171. Is the fATPL Dead?
  172. Best Range
  173. New aviation technology proposal
  174. FAA FI elsewhere in the world
  175. Ex10b Stalling.
  176. No such thing as folk!
  177. FI interview
  178. UK FI Positions
  179. Mass / Board Brief material
  180. Examiners for a check nominated by the authority
  181. Olympics Restrictions: Appeal to CRIs, FIs, FEs, etc
  182. FI ftl limitations
  183. PPL test on a Mustang?
  184. Trial lessons without an instructor rating
  185. Aeros time in logbook
  186. Scam e-mail purporting to be from on-track aviation
  187. FI job
  188. Type Rating Instructor TRI(A) Revalidation
  189. Flying IFR and Applied Instrument Restriction
  190. Previous PPL training experience in 1982
  191. Differences between Soviet and Western aircraft types
  192. Any South African DE's in USA for a PPL renewal?
  193. Induced Drag
  194. FI Hourly rate?
  195. MET 214 215
  196. Practical flight exam
  197. Aero Flyer Institute
  198. UK AFI to EASA FI ?
  199. Removal of No Night Instruction Restriction
  200. Asymmetric flap failure
  201. Help needed regarding FAA CPL IR
  202. Selecting appropriate field for PFL
  203. Books for Instructors
  204. Is the PPL instructor now a reality?
  205. CPL & MULTI-IR Instructor wages/salary
  206. Explaining coriolis when the relevant pressure systems are at the same latitude
  207. Mechanical flapping flight
  208. Don't know the answer
  209. Logging time as instructor?
  210. Flight Instructors vs JAR FTL
  211. Jaa PPL Ground Theroy Examiner
  212. New instructor question: circuits
  213. Night Rating
  214. Anyone work at CAE Dubai?
  215. FYI: EASA NPA "Qualifications for flying in IMC" - comment by 23 December
  216. FI(A) - place to work
  217. Ibertour spain?
  218. PPL (A) FI or NPPL (M) FI?
  219. Type familiarisation training
  221. Things picking up?
  222. How to include a language proficiency check with Sim training?
  223. Hero Aviation Greece
  224. Use of Parking Brake - C172
  225. Prove that a straight line on a Lambert conformal conic is a great circle
  226. Involved in FI Reval??
  227. Instructor Requirements?
  228. Dirty dive engine fire drill
  229. The golden rules - to be a safe pilot
  230. Sick of students not doing their PPL exams?
  231. Horizon
  232. Topics for ME CRI lecturette
  233. JAA FI job
  235. Issue Fees
  236. CAA, rating vv medical
  237. AERAD classroom radio aid trainer (WANTED)
  238. Airmanship
  239. FAA CPL/IR to JAA CPL/IR conversion Q
  240. Looking for Recommendation
  241. REMOVE *no applied Instrument*
  242. Jumper
  243. MEP renewal/Hour with instructor
  244. IR training in N-reg a/c in the UK?
  245. VNAV approaches Europe
  246. Providing FTL info to FTO
  247. [N]PPL(M) --> NPPL(SSEA) Training gap analysis
  248. CPL and ME/IR Instructor - Critique my plan
  249. Should the c150/152 be used for training?
  250. Examiners under easa