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  1. Sao Jose dos Campos ILS DME Y Rwy 15
  2. test question
  3. Fuel Effeciency----
  4. greater v1 or lower v1
  5. Autopilot disconnect caused by sharp turbulence between clouds
  6. B757 Assumed temperature T/O thrust time limit?
  8. Airbus ILS course
  9. 737 or other jets full rudder deflection.
  10. AirBus Fuel LMC
  11. 737 aircon recirculation fans (fuel consumption?, hold temp?)
  12. Takeoff and Landing Calculations
  13. A320 A/THR channel
  14. Beechcraft 1900D
  15. J-8 Attitude Indicator
  16. Aspect Ratio on Aircraft Performance
  17. 737-800 Aileron Movement
  19. Rutting ?
  20. ETP
  21. Braking Action unreliable vs. unreported ?
  22. B777 vref check -0 to +1 knots
  23. RTE 2
  24. CB-List for Embraer E190/195
  25. When would you use reciprocals for radial in MCDU? (320)
  26. Turbo fan Engine spinner painting
  27. g/a flaps in event of overweight landing on the a319/320
  28. service ratio on different airliners in different calsses
  29. Straight-Tapered Wings/Rhomboid Wings and Supersonic Flight
  30. How To Load INIT B after ENG START
  31. Updating winds & Temp Values A320/330
  32. Pitot heating and airframe de-icing
  33. Anti Ice questions
  34. G1000 Flight Planning
  35. Flight ops standards required for Star Alliance
  36. Setting up the MCDU.
  38. A340 Yaw Damper
  39. EFIS Instrument Error
  40. Is it possible to know everything ?
  41. Airbus Approach Corrections
  42. 787 delamination
  43. 737 max crosswind take-off roll. Question on rudder
  44. Holding - Best FL for Jets
  45. after landing speed
  46. METAR clause I've never seen before
  47. Help: Airbus FMGS Offset Question please
  48. Releasing brakes after setting TO power
  49. 737NG FMC 10.8 VNAV path
  50. Fire Bottle Squib Test
  51. B737 Landing Distance Question
  52. Transparent to the crew
  53. A319/320/321 TCAS Circuit breaker reset
  54. Difference between the 2 ELEC emergency config
  55. Climb Gradient Requirements
  56. Jettison Myths
  57. Critical angle of attack
  58. 737NG weather radar
  59. E145 AHRS AH-800 LATITUDE limitations.
  60. Airbus confuses endurance and range
  61. Wing bending measured in flight during turns
  62. Very confused with Engine Out SID
  63. PANS-OPS 8168 Amendment 1 location............
  64. Flying DME Arc - Raw Data
  65. Emerg descent non terrain profile
  66. Mode S implementation on the 737NG
  67. Asymmetric Balance
  68. low vis on atr42
  69. Manifold pressure - Altitude effects
  70. King Air PT6 question
  71. 747-400 APU Parameters in Flight
  72. A320 Landing Dist. Dual HYD vs Emer Elec
  73. ILS idents
  74. B738 Pilots, especially GOL Airlines. Little help.
  75. NDT
  76. Significance of variation in airport chart
  77. N2 seizure triggers FADEC thrust increase?
  78. Why airplanes fly: The Truth uncovered...happy reading
  79. TAS and altitude
  80. Airbus Smoke/Fire checklist and emergency config summary.
  81. Massive Solar Storm
  82. 738 FMC fuel predictions
  83. Requested time overhead on the E190
  85. Cockpit/ground inter phone comms phraseology
  86. Collins Wx Radar
  87. V/S geometric or pressure?
  88. A320 Electric Taxing
  89. Samsung Galaxy Note GPS inflight
  90. PAPI Categories
  91. Effect of Span-Loading on Aircraft Performance
  92. vampire
  93. Airliner flight control questions
  94. Forces in equilibrium when on ground?
  95. Managed/Selected ALT question
  96. "Stop Drilling In Composit Material"
  97. Isolation valve, B737-800
  98. Jet upset - Dynasty 006
  99. Glideslope dot deflexion = which angle ?
  100. N1 setting with regards to atmospheric conditions.
  101. optimum altitude selection...
  102. US FAR/AIM - .pdf version
  103. boeing 737ng pax move to fordward or backward
  104. B738 Air Systems (Recirculation fans, Temperature control, Press controller)
  105. Why do you pressurize hydraulics before pushback (744)
  106. Landing Distance Calculation with no wind A320
  107. Standard Callout
  108. TERPS circling protected area
  109. TOD technique, and how it is calculated?
  110. Mogas in Radial Engines
  111. B737 stabilizer trim brake failure
  112. little favour. need a copy of a chart at SAEZ
  113. Gust front image on radar
  114. Fins on 737 Empennage?
  115. B737 Master Caution On Recall
  116. A330 N2 cranking
  117. Airbus ECAM Exceptions
  118. What decides if additional GA thrust required
  119. Fuel savings from triple0 coating
  120. LNAV NDB approach
  121. Polished N1 Fan Jet Engine.
  122. what kind of materials used in instrument panel and encloser
  123. E/O Acceleration Alt
  124. Tailstrike protection warning
  125. New EU-OPS licensing 2012
  126. Question regarding GS interception when approach mode armed
  127. Tankering to MLWT/Fuel shortage
  128. Takeoff Field Length = TODA / TORA / ASDA?
  129. 737NG ACMS Alpha Codes
  130. Beechjet 400xp Weather radar tips
  131. A320 : how change ALT CRZ in ALT
  132. Altitude reference for TFR Temporary Flight restricitons
  133. B747 & A340 Electrical Systems
  134. QNH to QFE? (need help with chart)
  135. LOWVIS and displaced threshold
  136. Takeoff with light quartering tailwind
  137. Lido I/routemanual pro
  138. gps altitude - best use of equipment
  139. LE flap retract during reverse B747
  140. B757-3: effect of wing anti ice on maneuver margins
  141. CAT 3A minima in Melbourne
  142. How to destinguish b/w ENG Stall & Surge inside the cockpit
  143. Eliminate EGPWS minimums callouts on the 737NG
  144. Few engine out questions
  145. Unmanned cargo helicopter in Afghanistan: maiden flight with cargo in a combat zone
  146. A320 Engine out before VFTO
  147. Be58 engineering questionnaire
  148. TCAS warning calcu.??
  149. Boeing 717 FMS question
  150. P253 in Beijing FIR
  151. Alternative to EPR
  152. What is an "OPEN" fire detection loop?
  153. B 737 800 RNAV APP and predicted satellite coverage
  154. Do we need local authority to approve No DH for LVP?
  155. Thrust Reversers High/Low Speed
  156. LIDO eRouteManual
  157. Airbus trepidation... convince me otherwise!
  158. 777 Door Unlocked Caution/Advisory
  159. A321 - Vapp in PFD different from MCDU
  160. Cracks found in A380 wing ribs
  161. environmental envelope
  162. Fail passive vs fail operational on 737NG
  163. 777 Optimum/Recommended and Step Climb
  164. EPR during take-off roll
  165. Anti-ice effect on Stall V / Man margin
  166. Cosmic Radiation
  167. Small Met question
  168. "Cleared for Straight-In Approach"-- FAA rules only
  169. V1 - Vr split on long runways
  170. A380 ground spoilers
  171. B777 Wing Anti-Ice
  172. Industry best practice during abnormals
  173. Shut down engine after fire warning msg disappears ?
  174. A wing does not always stall at the same AoA
  175. Ground Service Bus vs Ground Handling Bus B777
  176. A320 TR. Do we practice ALL abnormal procedures?
  177. 747-400 Reserve Tank Transfer
  178. A320 FCOM/ EZY FCTM
  179. lectric Drive Motors for Taxi Use
  180. What you usually have set on "rad nav page" during T/O?
  181. Propfans.
  182. Landing Minima, Speed, and Aircraft Classification
  183. JFK again ... KLM this time
  184. Boeing 737 MAX
  185. OCTA Traffic 1:60 rule?
  186. ILS approaches in True at Hight Latitudes (B744).
  187. Airbus A346 Climb Performance
  188. iPad - EASA recalls Navtech Class 2 approval
  189. Few 320 system questions.
  190. A320 Hot Air Valve
  191. 717 Thrust and Attitude Settings
  192. L-188 Engine Start Callouts and Correct Order?
  193. Approach using lead-in lights
  194. Professional advise and some tech support
  196. Seneca II heating reset button
  197. Beards & Flying
  198. RAT Switch on 777 Why "Press & Hold for 1 second?"
  199. VMCG and VMCA with ATM or DERATE T.O 737NG
  200. Few questions regarding a320 flying (general)
  201. How do you land in the "nearest suitable runway:?
  202. B737CL DRIVER: Why no more FLAPS 25 during App?
  203. Why no oxygen for pax reccomended in smoke in cabin ?
  204. A320 flight controls question
  205. B767 Gear Down Dispatch
  206. B767 Flight Planning & Performance Manual
  207. Stall speed at high altitude / low speed buffet onset?
  208. Ques regarding Emergency Electrical config
  209. When a company SOP deliberately contradicts FCTM advice without valid reason.
  210. FUEL PMP STB L/R EICAS Messages (747-400)
  211. Question regarding fuel consumption at higher altitude
  212. Hijack, Lost, or Just a Mistake?
  214. Quick ques about ILS approach.
  215. RVR/CMV/Met Vis factoring on PANS-OPS / MIPS approach procedures
  216. TORA/TODA
  217. Multi-million dollar simulators yet max crosswind practice is avoided.
  218. TCAS TEST 737NG
  219. Wing Anti-Ice on Ground
  220. Beluga Control "Yoke"
  221. Non-ETOPS critical fuel
  222. Aft CoG Take Off Performance
  223. CRJ 700 Crosswind Limits
  224. Short cuts below MSA.
  225. Quick Donning Crew Oxygen masks!
  226. A380 Flight Crew Rest Area - Location?
  227. 737NG Fuel Loading
  228. B777 lights in dim
  229. Personal Clipboard
  230. atr 42 landing calls
  231. Looking for approach/airport diagrams - Russia
  232. fair wx strip u/s
  233. How do you follow the "SRS"?
  234. Approach lighting failure at night
  235. B-52 design
  236. Altitude Hold (747-400)
  237. Q400 secrets?
  238. Wilco A320 Vol.1 (fs2004)
  239. PFDND annotation on approach plate
  240. Runway Deice
  241. vor signal
  242. A320 Positive Static Spiral Stability in Turbulence
  243. Flex Takeoffs Margin Question
  244. Open Rotor Engine - Pusher vs. Puller
  245. A320 approaches.
  246. Calling V1 Early vs Vmcg
  247. Alpha Mk10 wiring diagram
  248. Aircraft Cruise L/D Ratios
  249. Temperature Corrections. High Temperature.
  250. 737NG FMC Descent Energy Management