View Full Version : Interviews, jobs & sponsorship

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  1. How did you get to that right hand seat?
  2. Want to share a 727 sim slot ?
  3. A320 base training completed!
  4. Centralwings
  5. How much for OAT APP loan
  6. FTO Time
  7. Bah, Help please
  8. Airmalta Pilot Vacancies
  9. Request advice
  10. Loganair
  11. Flight Safety International
  12. How come..
  13. Plans for working between atpl and airline job
  14. Aviators Trading
  15. airlines recruiting low houred guys (250-400 hrs) ish!
  16. To make you feel better (and who is this A320 rider bloke)
  17. burn your CAA license.
  19. BA 1-11 Sim Check at Cranebank
  20. Job opportunitys for Ready entrys in Europe
  21. Hapag-Lloyd Flug
  22. Expat employers?
  23. Searching for TR 737 partner
  24. EAT/DHL Brussels
  25. Boeing B737 jobs?
  26. aviators trading
  27. Know a Job listing web sites for Wannabes?
  28. going out on a limb
  29. It finally happened!!!
  30. DC-9 rating?
  31. Norbrook
  32. P1 and P2 hours
  33. what's the deal with certain types not being recognised
  34. CTC ATP Selection Time Frame
  35. New Sponsorship (ish) scheme OAT
  36. LOFT on Boeing/Airbus for real?
  37. Boy's Brigade
  38. IBERIA Pilot requirements
  39. Looking for a job and have a Canadian Licence?
  40. Settling in Dubai ( Emirates ? )
  41. PPRuNe Recruitment and Training Seminar **UPDATED**
  42. list of sponsored cadet schemes somewhere?
  44. Where apply with A320 rating?
  45. Virgin
  46. Cessna SET rating??
  47. List of airlines that operate a certain type of aircraft
  48. BAE 146 Sim
  49. World Cup .Vs. Type rating
  50. MD 82 Refreshment course + Line Training
  51. Do i have wath it takes
  52. Orange Aircraft Leasing
  53. Emirates - low hour pilot
  54. Embraer 145 Simulator
  55. Selection for APP
  56. how many have found a job?
  58. Denim Air
  59. zero hours to ATPL to FO in 18 months - possible or not?
  60. Why is it everyones goal to fly a big jet ??
  61. still no reply from SIA...why?
  62. ££££ After the fATPL
  63. If you could move between different countries where would you go?
  64. VLM Airlines
  65. French Certificate
  66. Ben Air
  67. Does anyone know European 2000 Airlines ?
  68. Atlantic Airlines-Cadet Pilot Sponsorship
  69. What's a 'Performance A'?
  70. Irish market
  71. 737 rating + line training...
  72. Silverjet
  73. Airline Currency Requirements
  74. catay interview
  75. Dash 8/ J41
  76. Good think to have on CV
  77. Embraer 135/145 CBT
  78. MD80 job in Europe
  79. Private Pilot W A&P
  80. Merlin TR ASAP
  81. City jet info
  82. Merits of pre-assessment jet-sim practice for low hours pilot - thoughts?
  83. IM WONDERING !!!!!
  84. Logan Air
  85. NEed help
  86. Type Rating Assessment Prices
  87. What jobs are you doing whilst waiting for that first flying job?
  88. The Airline Recruitment Game
  89. First type rating and valid IR
  90. Self-sponsored Airline Pilot
  91. www.cockpitweb.com
  92. Aer Lingus
  93. CPL /ATPL blue license on e-bay?
  94. No ATPL, still hope?
  95. over 1000h atpl study/100'000$ spent
  96. Technical books
  97. Sim check in a 737-700
  98. Am I getting into aviation for the wrong reasons?
  99. University with Cabair interview HELP
  100. An airline by the pilots for the pilots!
  101. Loganair
  102. Advert
  103. BritAir interview sequence?
  104. Selection process Sim Rides!
  105. 737 contracts
  106. A good year for Modular Trainee Employment?
  107. Physics as Higher
  108. Scottish regional airlines - a 15 year-old's questions (merged)
  109. flying in africa
  110. So close yet so far. Finance
  111. Getting those 'quality' hours - Aircraft types recognised by airlines
  112. SPA flown as multi crew
  113. DNM?
  114. VLM interview?
  115. That C.V. slump & Ryanair SSTR
  116. police
  117. Is there anyone hiring?
  118. IBF
  119. SOP A320 Airfrance
  120. Older Pilots
  121. London Airshow 21 April !!
  122. Going on a job tour
  123. Jobs for rated pilots with 0h on type?
  124. Rostering
  125. Where's A320Rider?
  126. B737/A320 Sponsorship
  127. Scholarship
  128. Length of CV
  129. One year after - I got in
  130. PTC Waterford
  131. How likely would I be to get a job?
  132. Looking for a Dec position!
  133. BA interview
  134. ATR TR at Farnair
  135. Clive hugues and his book
  136. Amazing how quick it changes!
  137. Britannia Airways Assessment day
  138. Norwegian Air Shuttle
  139. Thankyou all for your help!
  140. Intercockpit
  141. Parachute Dropping
  142. Interview in "The Pilot Training College of Ireland"
  143. Career progress...
  144. Ryanair interview
  145. Working in India
  146. Emirates Airlines
  147. Never give up
  148. Finncomm assessment process?
  149. Ryan Air
  150. When does the airline recruitment period end?
  151. A rant- Application Forms
  152. Expat Question - DHC-6
  153. Air Alpha
  154. Good flying school
  155. Canadian German Looking International
  156. Pilot scheduling
  157. CTC AQC Course - 24th April
  158. Pegasus
  159. OAT - APP vs 'waypoint' job success figures
  160. Getting a job in Canada
  161. JETLINK
  162. helicopter pilot vs airline pilot
  163. Employment in Poland
  164. Thread Disappearing!
  165. where to target my CV!
  166. Serviceair Training Period
  169. Philip stoyle, flyer magazine article. A319 type rating
  170. New Curveball Interview Question
  171. Networking
  172. Air McDonalds
  173. Albanian Airlines
  174. OAT assessment
  175. Some good news from the telegraph.
  176. help...! Cadet Pilot!
  177. Balpa Employment Opportunities Conf 2005
  178. CV's for first job.
  179. Dilema-need some advice
  180. A320 + 100hrs linetraining
  181. So you've got your CPL/IR/MCC (ATPL)... what now???
  182. prospect us pilot job
  184. List of operators required
  185. Dilemma regarding online applications
  187. McQuaig Test
  188. Am I burned?
  189. Getting started at 23...??
  190. The A320Rider (s)
  191. Here's what the Airlines really want!!!!!!!
  192. Best Methods for Catching Attention
  193. instructor jobs in UK
  194. Pegasus Airlines Turkey
  195. JetLink
  196. Emirates Technical exam
  197. How many Canadian to JAA licensed pilots have found employment?
  198. Twin Engine Piston Pilot
  200. 757 sim ride
  201. 727 in Bournmouth
  202. Recruiting now!
  203. New Airline in Turkey
  204. CTC ATP Application
  205. Canada - UK
  206. spatial awareness tests
  207. psychological test info
  208. A&P Experiences
  209. Under 16 working at BAA airport
  210. Air Alps
  211. cranwell tests
  212. Missing thread
  213. wannabe needs some advice
  214. Exclude pilot studies from CV?
  215. 737 sim time (pre-ryanair assessment)
  216. Emirates Interview
  217. anyone want to share ab-initio Simulator training?
  218. Goodbye wannabes, hello jets!
  219. ANA cargo
  220. How to search for a job?
  221. Finding Local Work
  222. CTC Crash
  223. Opportunites/Training in Sunny Spain
  224. Atlantic Airlines
  225. Hubair TRTO based in Belgium
  226. City and guilds aviation courses???
  227. QATAR airways inteview???????
  228. Patiently Waiting.........BACX!
  229. Do I seriously need to worry.....
  231. Any N reg SE Commercial opportunities ?
  232. stop encouraging... (merged with 'Is there any hope')
  233. airline application process
  235. Corporate flying versus Airlines
  236. Emirates
  237. Any nice exciting C208 jobs around somewhere ?
  238. FR Aviation
  239. Job Prospects Of Recent CCAT Graduates.
  240. what does your family think?
  241. First time passes - how important for that first job?
  242. Piloting in USA
  243. March CTC AQC?
  244. Pegasus Airlines
  246. Picamas/Denim Air
  247. 737ng TR + 100hrs
  249. Hello Airlines info request
  250. How can I became in a tankerpilot?