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Qantas grounding?

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Old 29th Oct 2011, 16:43
  #61 (permalink)  
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The first being Joyce's 71% pay increase. If the company is battling, how can the "leader" justify any of his claims to move jobs off shore, restructure, etc.
Because he is paid to look after the long term interest of the shareholders, not the staff of today.

Some people are incentivised to grow top line figures etc, and like it or not, some are incentivised to cut out dead wood and the like, effectively shrinking revenues, staff numbers and losing money in the short term.

Its not rocket science but many fail to understand his role is about business, not keeping Australians employed in a dying company.

(Sorry of I am not supposed to post here but it does amaze me how many times this misunderstanding is raised in circumstances such as these.)
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 16:45
  #62 (permalink)  
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What will happen to the poor crews stuck around the world. Wouldn't surprise me if AJ chucked them out of the hotels and told them to make their own way back to OZ!
Sorry to be really thick about this, but are Qantas really dumping crews at outstations ?? If so, my commiserations to all passengers and crew left in the lurch...
to save you the trouble of reading the entire thread reply number 3 by Skillsy states that staff overseas will not be locked out and will continue to be paid.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 17:24
  #63 (permalink)  
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You can have heavily unionised under performing airlines or you can have cheap flights but not both, unfortunately the travelling public that pay our wages seem to prefer the latter....
Simple, insightful and oh so true. Pity so many people cannot get their head around this simple reality.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 17:39
  #64 (permalink)  
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"It's our airline"???

Yes, if you believe in socialism....not really if you believe in private property.

Alternatively would you like the Federal government (taxpayer) to buy all the outstanding (relatively cheap at the moment) shares? That has not worked, (socialism, or taxpayer bailouts) ever in history by the way.

Actually, the owners of Qantas are the shareholders, so it is not really your airline, and they are the ones risking their savings for profit or loss. Would you like to buy some stock in the company? Feel free, you are only one computer click away from being an owner.

Who did TWA or the Iconic Pan American world airways belong to? (and many infititum)

Of course nowadays Obama would probably say the unions using GM & Chrysler as an example.

Anyway, the future of Qantas & stakeholders (& shareholders)? I would go long on the stock, about late next week, could be the bottom. (I don't own any Shares, QAN.AX on NYE) as of today)

When I was a youngster......I did not always believe that history would repeat that I am older, I am not so sure.

"History does not always repeat, but it often rhymes"
-Mark Twain
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 17:48
  #65 (permalink)  
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Interesting read. although quite predictable in an aviation forum.

All parties will be harmed, including the public.

The workers blame management and management blames the unionfied demands of the workers.

But to blame a single person (joyce) is ridiculous, no matter what he is paid.

I doubt that an outsider is going to show any sympathy towards the workers for the CEO pay arguments

If I were the CEO I would volunteer to give up my salary for a year if that were to solve the dispute, it won't so live with the result and arbitrate on different issues.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 18:21
  #66 (permalink)  
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You can have heavily unionised under performing airlines or you can have cheap flights but not both, unfortunately the travelling public that pay our wages seem to prefer the latter....

Simple, insightful and oh so true. Pity so many people cannot get their head around this simple reality.
*cough* Southwest? *cough*
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 18:24
  #67 (permalink)  
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Having "no dog" in this fight I would like to ask a couple of questions:

1. What was Joyce's salary before the 71% raise and what is it after he got a 71% raise?

2. Did he unilaterally grant himself the raise?

3. Did he unilaterally shut down the the airline?

4. When a Qantas worker gets their pay check who's bank account is that check dawn on, the unions or Qantas?
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 18:25
  #68 (permalink)  
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So how will the CEO become a better CEO by giving himself 2 mills as a bonus??????????????

How will that help the company?

Its ridiculous that one man can give himself a pay rise. If he can, why cant I?
And he is not worth that either, to be added...

He is to blame for all this mess Qantas is in. As I said before, Walsh didnt do any of these stupid things during negotiations, and he turned it around.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 18:26
  #69 (permalink)  
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For those of you thinking of bailing out, Emirates is aggressively hiring pilots and engineers if you're interested. Good luck to you all.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 18:59
  #70 (permalink)  
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So how will the CEO become a better CEO by giving himself 2 mills as a bonus??????????????
2 mills, dosen't sound like much of a raise?

What is a “mill” anyway?

A. One mill is equal to one tenth of one penny or one 1/1000 of a dollar.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 19:22
  #71 (permalink)  
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What will happen to the poor crews stuck around the world. Wouldn't surprise me if AJ chucked them out of the hotels and told them to make their own way back to OZ!
to save you the trouble of reading the entire thread reply number 3 by Skillsy states that staff overseas will not be locked out and will continue to be paid.
In the one strike I was involved in whilst overseas, we had been briefed by the strike callers that when asked by local management - and they did ask - that we were not on strike and if they produced an aeroplane we would fly it.

The strike only grounded all aircraft out of Base, those overseas at the time returned then stopped, our hotel bills were met until the local management had had enough of us, then they sent us home on other carriers at their ( management ) expense, so the lads overseas were looked after until they got home, then they had to make a decision.

Not supporting any argument, just saying what happened.

A very sad day, no-one will "win"
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 19:52
  #72 (permalink)  
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Qantas Australian controlled?

1. J P Morgan Nominees Australia 514,714,244 shares 22.72%
2. HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited 428,322,920 shares 18.91%
3. National Nominees Limited 413,707,968 shares 18.26%
4. Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 253,053,991 shares 11.17%

Leigh Clifford and Alan Joyce have been planning the grounding for many months with key staff positioned world wide and block hotel bookings confirmed in Australia and world wide weeks ago.

All this a day after the Qantas AGM where Joyce picked up 71% or $3 mill per annum pay increase.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 20:03
  #73 (permalink)  
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I don't care how bang up a job a CEO does. Making 5 million per year is just bullcrap. When did it become fashionable to pay a CEO a hundred or a thousand times more than your line employees?

What has happened is that management has siphoned profit out of a company for their own gain and have not allowed the line employee the chance to participate in the company's success. Industry after industry have seen this scenario play out. At some point there will be no one left to support all those service jobs that remain in our "first world" countries. We all can't work at Starbucks.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 20:12
  #74 (permalink)  
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What is the 30 second announcement that the crews were doing that upset the management? Were they slamming on the airline?
Flew a couple of sectors with QF (LHR-BKK - 747, SIN-LHR A380) over the last few weeks. I was a bit startled to hear it the first time and made a mental note of it the next. It didnt slam the airline directly but lots of indirect allusion. It basically said that they and their colleagues in the airline strive to be professional, uphold the highest standards of safety for their passengers and were committed to an Australian-based airline (didnt use those words but that was the thrust) etc etc. It went on to refer obliquely to the industrial action and express confidence that the travelling public and passengers would understand and share their aspirations. On one flight it was made by the capt. and on the other by the FO "on behalf of capt. XX". It was about 30 sec as a previous poster said.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 20:15
  #75 (permalink)  
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1. J P Morgan Nominees Australia 514,714,244 shares 22.72%
2. HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited 428,322,920 shares 18.91%
3. National Nominees Limited 413,707,968 shares 18.26%
4. Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 253,053,991 shares 11.17%
Bankers, bloody bankers. They stuffed up the US home market, whilst lending funds to countries that couldn't repay leading to the European sovereign debt crisis. How much more of the world's business do they need to stuff up before they get reined in. Join the "Occupy Wall St" movement.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 20:33
  #76 (permalink)  
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Is this an Irish thing????
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 20:38
  #77 (permalink)  
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I don't care how bang up a job a CEO does. Making 5 million per year is just bullcrap. When did it become fashionable to pay a CEO a hundred or a thousand times more than your line employees?
When CEO's have a more than a hundred or thousand times the responsability of a line employee.

The line employed is hired to do a job.

The CEO is hired to run the company.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 20:41
  #78 (permalink)  

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Into the ground, it seems, in this case.

Qantas' decision to ground the entire Qantas fleet is "holding a knife to the nation's throat" and CEO Alan Joyce has "gone mad", the Australian and International Pilots Association (AIPA) says.

AIPA vice president Richard Woodward said the move was "premeditated, unnecessary and grossly irresponsible".

"Alan Joyce is holding a knife to the nation's throat," Captain Woodward said.

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"No-one predicted this, because no one thought Alan Joyce was completely mad.

"This is a stunning overreaction. It is straight-up blackmail.

"I knew he was trying to kill Qantas, but I didn't know he wanted to do it this quickly.

"This is a grave and serious situation and the board should move to sack Mr Joyce immediately. This is the saddest day of my 25 years with Qantas."

He said AIPA's industrial action has been limited to making brief, positive in-flight announcements and wearing red ties.

"In response to this, Mr Joyce has now locked out every pilot working for Qantas. This is nothing short of crazy behaviour," he said.

"Mr Joyce is stranding thousands of Qantas passengers all across the globe so he can engage in his mad game of one-upmanship. All so he can pursue his delusion that Qantas should be an Asian airline, instead of an Australian one.

"We believe this action is unlawful and we are currently seeking legal advice.

" He has locked out short-haul 737 pilots who aren't even involved in any action at all.

Mr Woodward said this action would have been planned months in advance.

"Let's be clear about this: Mr Joyce would have planned to strand thousands of Qantas passengers all across the globe months ago," he said.

"To ground your entire fleet, when doing so is completely unnecessary, is not the act of a sane and reasonable person.

"He has snatched his ill-deserved millions on Friday and grounded the airline on Saturday.

Last edited by Rollingthunder; 29th Oct 2011 at 21:02.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 21:12
  #79 (permalink)  
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Does anyone remember 1989?Strong had his face on T.V. every time you turned on.A Labor Government was in power and two great airlines ceased to exist today.
P.S. the Government of the day called in the Airforce.
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Old 29th Oct 2011, 21:13
  #80 (permalink)  
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@glhcarl Well, a base salary of 5 million is just ridiculous. However, if it's based on performance incentives and/or profit margins there's nothing wrong with it.

Given Qantas' financial performance I would wager a guess that this is simply a base salary (making it ridiculous). I can't say definitively though as I haven't found anything saying one way or the other.

Grounding an entire airline though? Over a labor dispute? Sounds like 1870s union busting tactics... or Ryanair.
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