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Old 28th Mar 2007, 07:21
  #201 (permalink)  
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Capt. Horrendous

Thanks for telling me the reason for yesterday's delay. Unlucky to suffer both LGW baggage and a tech problem in he first three days.


Your suggestion of waiting a week to let things settle down is sensible. But to the travelling public (= me!) damage has been done.

Let's hope there are no more gremlins waiting to pounce!
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Old 28th Mar 2007, 08:45
  #202 (permalink)  
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I travelled out yesterday on the delayed LGW which was combined with a later flight on a FlyBe aircraft. The FS staff at check in were doing a great job under extreme pressure on what seemed like a system that was very slow and not doing them any favours, then when we got to the gate the departure lounge staff from the other company MR were having to check 97 people off a very long print out as there are no boarding card readers for the FLYBe flights, seems to me that both sets of staff deserve a pat on the back for the proffessional way they are behaving under difficult circumstances and from other posts that the 2 managers of these companies should stop trying to score points and take some direction from their very skilled and proffesional staff. I feel that these 2 managers could learn a lot from their own staff
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Old 28th Mar 2007, 14:32
  #203 (permalink)  
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Seemed like a good time to register G-MABR. More legendary than TZ but lockers smaller than a LET!
Old 29th Mar 2007, 15:03
  #204 (permalink)  
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Travelled back to the rock today
Saw the last couple of postings about MR and their morale have to say that all the MR staff that I saw at the airport today looked as if they didnt have a morale issue much the same as when I flew out, maybe they are just generally a really happy bunch and if their morale is low it certainly didnt show on their faces to the flying public, maybe like has been said before though its just because they are a proffessional bunch of people and know how to behave in front of passengers. If that is the way the staff appear it will be a shame to lose them as handling agents for FlyBe it really helps when the staff at checkin in and departures give you a cheery smile, hope FS can learn something from the MR team must say they didnt seem to be quite as smily
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Old 30th Mar 2007, 09:38
  #205 (permalink)  
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manxbudgie what you saw was professionalism, the problems might not be obvious on the surface. Most of us feel like we have been taken for a ride. Right or wrong what would really help is for someone to let us know where we stand. People are disenchanted. Seem to be improving slightly though.
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Old 31st Mar 2007, 09:08
  #206 (permalink)  
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Manx Regional Monkey
Hear what you are saying, It is a shame that your management cant understand the needs of its staff especially when the staff appear to be acting very proffessionally, could it be that they dont know which way to go after all this is a volatile industry, one minute up one minute down, if they decide to get rid of people for instance then in a months time something else comes up they have lost, from what I see, some very good staff. Perhaps its time for the staff to actually approach the management and ask the direct question ie "are we likely to be made redundant" any manager worth their salt surely would have to give a direct answer. Also if the station manager isnt being upfront perhaps its now time to go higher up. Whatever happens I hope you all get to stay as I reiterate my statements that you all seem a very proffessional team and it would be a shame not to have you at Ronaldsway. Good Luck and keep smiling!
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Old 31st Mar 2007, 11:11
  #207 (permalink)  
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I've got every respect for you guys at MR but you need to do the maths. When the Flybe contract moves entirely to FS what's left for you to handle and how many bodies will it take. Not many.
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Old 31st Mar 2007, 16:16
  #208 (permalink)  
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Ever cheerful Hansol!!! You should change your title to " Sir doom and gloom"
I think the staff at MR are quite aware of the problems with losing BA but as has been said many times "watch this space" not everything is as it may seem. No one is stupid enough to think things will remain the same this is the airline industry but it may not be as bad as you would like to paint it. There have been staff leaving MR through "natural wastage" over the last few months that have not been immediatley replaced and with the BACon hangar closing there may be a few more going. Things have a habit of happening for a reason.
Not so long ago FS were in a similar position, laying off staff changing T&C to save money. Oh and what happened to their CS Manager obviously didnt conform from what Ive heard!!! or was it just that money had to be saved somewhere!!!!!!!
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Old 31st Mar 2007, 16:30
  #209 (permalink)  
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Treacle the thread was talking about MR mamnagement being straight with their staff, if you have any new information about more work coming MR's way please tell, I don't it. The deal with Manx 2 is a give away and FS has everything else stitched up. Its not fair to lead the good guys and gals at MR on with promises of Jam tomorrow, give them the facts so they can make the decision for themselves. If it isn't all doom and gloom please tell and make us all feel better.
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Old 31st Mar 2007, 20:08
  #210 (permalink)  
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Hansol ("Mr Doom and Gloom")

I think the staff at MR are aware that they have a decision to make but maybe some staff feel a loyalty to the company to stick it out and see what happens after all they have nothing to lose by doing that. As for those that dont want to stay then they have their own choices to make.
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Old 31st Mar 2007, 20:16
  #211 (permalink)  
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Dont think you are reading all of Treaclecats message they are saying that MR dont need to be reminded of what is happening they are fully aware but they have already lost staff from natural wastage so perhaps losing more staff isnt an option at the moment. Treaclecat also pointed out that it wasnt so long ago that FS were singing from a different hymm sheet maybe that should be remembered.
Also heard from a contact at the airport that FS should read up on the Triple A procedures seems not all their despatchers are fully aware of the implications of sending an aircraft out when the bags dont reconcile - quite worrying that, hope its not true!!!!

RED 17

That answers the question then maybe they dont know yet or maybe they are just keeping the answer close to their chests unfortunatley with June fast approaching they will have to make some kind of decision soon I would think as I believe that is when the handling transfers over completley - watch this space I suppose the answer could come in the next week or so
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Old 31st Mar 2007, 21:02
  #212 (permalink)  
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You think you have problems I did the last LGW IOM flight 24th March and managed to get in 25 minutes early!

Following day here in MAN dont think a flight left less than an hour late.

Handling agent?


Did Flybe tell anyone?


Dont you love professionalism.

As to the comedy act at check in on the IOM I dont think Ive ever seen a more disorganised shambles in 18 years of professional flying Wednesday morning.
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Old 1st Apr 2007, 03:13
  #213 (permalink)  
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Sounds like the FS bashing is warming up nicely. Lets not forget in all this that MR lost the contract they had with Bacon, so the manangement there have only thereselves to blame for the pesent situation. Loyalty is fine but not if you are being kept in the dark by those you are being loyal to. I hope when the time comes MR have the resources to do the right thing for all.
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Old 1st Apr 2007, 07:59
  #214 (permalink)  
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Just to put you straight MR did not lose the contract with BAcon, Bacon no longer exist after June. Get it in your head BA are gone its a whole new ball game.
Yes MR did not win the contract with Flybe but that has nothing to do with their ability to do the job its that FS management are prepared to offer the services for a much lower price. Thats the world of business. But Its the FS staff that have sufferred over the last week some working longer hours than is legal with no days off, how long can they keep that up before they all collapse with exhaustion. Both sets of staff are working their socks off for the management at the moment whichever company they are working for they are working as one team which proves once again the staff can get on, lets hope that continues. Come June MR may not have the volume of traffic passenger wise although flight wise there will be at least 25 flights a day which is enough to keep at least some of the staff in a job so dont kill them off just yet. Keep your heads up MR and at least if nothing else continue to do the job proffessionally. Just to remind you Hansol MR are the handling agents for Aer Arann, Eastern, Logan Air and not just Manx 2 you seem to be under the illusion that its just Manx 2 and unless "Sir Doom and Gloom" knows any better none of those airlines have any plans to change handlers

Last edited by treaclecat; 1st Apr 2007 at 08:11.
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Old 1st Apr 2007, 08:28
  #215 (permalink)  
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Hansol Treaclecat and The Blade

All good comments but it is only still week 1 of a new operation give the staff a break wherever they are Im sure they are doing the best they can.

I think you should back off MR with your comments about them losing staff if you cant take the comments that other people are making about FS then you should take a leaf out of your own book and stop making these snide remarks about MR. Both companys are doing a great job under difficult conditions you seem to be the one that is creating a FS bashing from your own comments.
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Old 1st Apr 2007, 09:19
  #216 (permalink)  
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I wish everyone at MR well at what is a very difficult time, the discussion I thought we were having was about how well informed the staff were about future prospects for the company and therefore themselves. If management has been honest and forthright in their communication to all involved then there is nothing more to say, if however they are staying silent so as to maximise their profit over the next couple of months while keeping people hanging on with false hope, this would be wrong. Once again good luck to all at MR I am sure that everyone will do the right thing.
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Old 1st Apr 2007, 10:45
  #217 (permalink)  
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Talking Manx Regional

Things at manx regional are looking up, has been a massive improvement from this time last week, back to normal . Maybe was the presure from last week. Must say though we all are happier and think I might be sticking around because it will be a intresting and hopefully very good summer for MR !! Things are on the up for definite. Keep up the good work. We are behind everyone 100% all of the way,
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Old 1st Apr 2007, 11:12
  #218 (permalink)  
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Sorry if you thought I was deviating and you are right part of the discussion was regarding "being kept in the dark" but it was YOU who intimated that the only important contract MR had was the BAcon and that FS held the majority now that Bacon have gone I was just pointing you in right direction that the staff at MR do handle more than the BAcon contract and those other airlines are just as important if not as large. However I do agree with you that the management need to take heed and start talking to their staff and not treating them like mushrooms.
You are quite right the morale has improved no end long may it last. MR staff are a good bunch of people who dont stay down long however bad things appear from the outside.
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Old 1st Apr 2007, 13:41
  #219 (permalink)  
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Open day

Do IOM airport have open days for tower visits?
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Old 1st Apr 2007, 16:18
  #220 (permalink)  
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Had a PM today suggesting that some of my comments about MR management are not doing the staff any good not sure what the message actually referred to but under the circumstances I will not post again relating to any staffing issues at MR. I will watch this thread with interest though, shame the PM sender could not be more specific in their comments but then as they have not posted on this thread before maybe they feel they shouldnt be contributing. Anyway bye guys and good luck everyone
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