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Security at Terminal One - EGCC

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Security at Terminal One - EGCC

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Old 4th Jan 2004, 01:16
  #1 (permalink)  
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Security at Terminal One - EGCC

After spending all summer last year going onto flight decks and apologising to Captains that their flights would be delayed due to the fact security in Terminal One could not cope with the number of passengers departing through it, I was relieved when winter came and things were starting to quieten down, or so I thought!

Every morning in the summer between about 0600 and 1000, and then between 1300 and 1500 Security was unable to cope with the sheer volume of passengers passing through the terminal, especially at weekends, Airline after airline was atributing delays due to this (AF), which I imagine must have some financial penalty attached to it, if not a loss of credability to the airport.

So did the powers that be sit down and assess this problem? Did they find a solution to this problem? Were measures put in place to ensure this problem of congestion did not occur again? The answer to these questions from my point of view, is NO!

At 1300 today the queue at Security in terminal one stretched down Gallery Walk, into the Landside lounge and around it at least twice and then further up the ramp towards the check in area. I estimate from the back of the queue to the front of the queue the average queue time was in excess of 1 hour.

I have known for at least a month now that today was shaping up to be one of the busiest single days of the holiday period, was I the only one to realise this in advance?

How is Manchester supposed to expand and attract new business when it clearly cannot cope with the business it has? Something clearly has to be done now, and wait till the summer to stop this problem happening again.

Has anyone got any guidence for the airport, in the faint hope they will take notice?
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Old 5th Jan 2004, 04:43
  #2 (permalink)  
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We're talking about the same airport that removed all the chairs from the landside lounge so the passengers would be tempted into the shops to spend money and the same airport that objects to us departing 10 minutes early because it prevents people spending more money in the shops airside. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they caused the queue intentionally in the hope people might go into the shops instead of standing in the queue........

Unfortunately for the ramp staff, they aren't the ones who have to explain to the crews why, 10 minutes before departure, they are still 50 passengers missing.

You'll probably also find that most of those 'AF' delays somehow disappear. Several flights of mine which were delayed 15-20 minutes due to this last summer had departed on time when the stats were published.
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Old 5th Jan 2004, 20:19
  #3 (permalink)  
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The PA was announcing passengers should not go through security until their flight was called on Saturday morning! I also saw the size of the queue, Orlando McCoy eat your heart out!

MAN has a nice new bus station though.......

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Old 6th Jan 2004, 02:08
  #4 (permalink)  
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but the CEO has a CBE!!
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Old 6th Jan 2004, 22:05
  #5 (permalink)  
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Helen49, you have hit the nail on the head exactly.
The situation I would assert is that, the management at EGCC and most likely other airports as well, have absolutely no interest or thought for the wellbeing and treatment of the normal passenger whatsoever. I would go further and suggest that, the passenger is considered an annoying nuisance by many airport authorities and more often than not treated with total contempt.
In the present climate of severe and thorough security checks of passengers (no problem with that), surely we need all of us on the same side, passengers, airport staff, security, police etc.
I am to understand, but would welcome other peoples views, is that at EGCC in particular the seurity staff numbers have been greatly reduced in order to save costs. This of course lloks good at the AGM and possibly more CBEs being thrown about. The security staff who remain on duty I understand are poorly paid, poorly managed and have poor conditions of employment. More and better paid security staff on duty would surely help to reduce the long wait for the general passengers, but of course the airport is not there for the good of the pax is it.
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Old 7th Jan 2004, 00:35
  #6 (permalink)  
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Having just walked through security in terminal one today I notice they have six metal detectors available with only two being used, and a further two propped up against the wall behind the staff channel looking like they have been put there just to get them out of the way. Also they have invested in two new space age detectors that only seem to get used for the odd passenger that I have seen.

A total of 5 X-Ray machines are available for use, but only 2 seem to get used, 3 if the staff channel is opened up, but as they let passengers through there as well, hardly a staff channel!

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think it takes a genius to work out that if all these facilities were utalised to their full potential queues would be shorter!!!!!!! (I expect the CBE is stuck in the post)
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Old 7th Jan 2004, 02:54
  #7 (permalink)  
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I fly through Manchester Every 6-8 Weeks and from the Check in Staff, Security, Cleaners and the Guy at Harry Ramsdons (Thrombo), I have never seen so many Depressed and inefficient staff with in a single organisation.

On one occasion I was stopped buy security as they demanded that on my 1 year old sons Boarding card should read a seat number. I explained that he dose not have a seat as he is under the age of 2 she insisted I was incorrect so I proceeded to show her all the Boarding card stubs from previous flights with no seat allocation for my Son. She claimed that on all the other occasions the Boarding cards where incorrect and that on future flights I would not be allowed to pass through Passport Control.

Several others of my colleges fly the same route and all have the same thoughts. I appreciate that allot of the Staff are employed by independent companies Harry Ramsdons, Car hire companies and the like but surly it is Manchester Airports best interest to ensure top quality service.
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Old 7th Jan 2004, 03:37
  #8 (permalink)  
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They could always get TSA in to man security!!!!
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Old 7th Jan 2004, 04:13
  #9 (permalink)  
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To understand the problems at MAN you have to go back to the start.

Ever since it was opened the airport was run by the local authority, interested more in its self-serving bureaucracy than customer service. Maggie Thatcher (Gawd bless her) brought in the Airports Act to force this dead-leggery to end but the council got round it by privatising it and keeping all the shares. Further they kept all the local councillors on the Board, most of whom are chip shop owners from Oldham or teachers from inner city Manchester who can't run a bath let alone a company.

Anyway despite rather than because of these managers pax numbers kept growing and they kept making a profit so all was well. Sir Gil Thompson fronted it up and it looked great. With no profit motive (excess profit is taken by the regulator and given to the airlines via lower charges so why bother making too much of it?) they poured it all away on baggage handlers lightbulbs and cleaners, so it worked quite well and was spectacularly clean and well maintained.

In the early 90s Sir Gil retired when T2 was opened but before the row over permission for runway 2. That was when the trouble started. Geoff Muirhead (recent CBE!) became CX over the far more capable (but much less loved by the lefty councils) Paul Connellan. Geoff was the chip shop owners' puppet and the company drifted rudderless with no clear policy for most of his tenure. Costs were cut, the place got shabby, the queues got longer, change was constant (and debilitating to staff) and more importantly they missed out on loads of new business. When the internet, lo-cos and other opportunities rose up, the company was paralysed and let them all slip through their corporate fingers.

A couple of years ago when MAN bought HUY EMA and BOH the consultants marched in and tipped the place on its head, at the request of the bankers who were providing the ££ for the purchases (they mortgaged all of HUY EMA and BOH and most of MAN to pay for them - bargain?). Geoff was promoted out of the way where he couldn't do much more damage and most of the deadleg senior managers were thankfully sacked by John Spooner when he arrived. Due to his reputation for axing staff at EMA he was feared, but in his two years there to be fair he has done a good job of turning it around.

It was Group managers and the consultants who shafted the security guards by turning one part of the company against another in the name of "profit" (which all goes back to Group anyway probably). Spooner has brought in bmibaby with more to come, forcing BA for example to raise their game. Also many other new carriers (see other threads).

Spooner recognises that underpaying the guards causes huge turnover of staff and poor service. I predict shortly MAN will ask for permission to increase security charges just so they can pay guards more to stay awhile. Other charges may increase soon too, forcing airlines to address their own inefficiencies rather than expecting the airports to do it for them. (Are you listening BA?)

The real cause of MAN's malaise is Geoff and the other ballast in the Group, and now they have a proper Chairman of the Group Board (not a councillor) I also predict it won't be long before he and hopefully some of his useless mates (especially the hopeless-in-love Scot) do the honourable thing and clear off.

Finally, from the recent survey of employee views, here are some questions with the % who strongly agree or agree in brackets after. Hardly an achievement after 10 yrs at the top is it Geoff?

Where I work there are enough staff to get the job done (20)
I am satisfied with the opportunity I have to get a better job here (18)
My manager motivates his/her staff (26)
There is good cooperation between mgrs and staff (13!)
There is good communication across the Group (9!!)
I have confidence in senior managers (14!)
Overall I satisfied with direction and leadership of Group (14!)
I have the opportunity to contribute my views before change (11!)
I think it is safe to speak up ... in this organisation (15!)
Group cares about its staff (10!)
Group is committed to customer satisfaction (26) and allocates sufficient resources to it (14!)
I believe action will be taken on the results of this survey (15!) - little happened after the last two surveys

Thankyou for reading and sticking with me.
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Old 7th Jan 2004, 04:38
  #10 (permalink)  
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Manchester airport is no different from any other in the UK (outside BAA) airport managers don't give a monkies about security, airport managers in general are only interested in customers service and thats all. Manchester security officers took a pay cut just after 'September 11'

Many security officers working million pound x-ray machines have the choice of pressing a Green for LET GO or a Red for STOP N SEARCH for as little as 5.20 per hour, working 48-65 hours a week to earn anything like a decent wage. Companies are pressuring staff to work more than the 48 hours set by the EEC.

The government is failing its duty to protect passengers from terrorisum and protect decent people from earning a decent living. Aviation Security Officers are not Security Guards, they are trained well to do the job they do, but are not given any respect from AIRPORT AUTHORITIES, GOVERNMENT, AIRLINES or even the PUBLIC. I hope for everyones sake something is done soon.
Old 7th Jan 2004, 17:35
  #11 (permalink)  
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Since Manchester Airport imposed new terms and conditions on the security section in April 2002 things have rapidly gone downhill. The work force have had to endure a 40%+ pay cut...... yes.......... 40%. A 42 hr week, horrendous rosters, working 3 out of 4 weekends, Christmas, new year etc. for......... wait for it....... £14000 pa mmmmmm greeeat.
This forced the majority of the experienced well trained and highly motivated security staff to leave the company for better paid 9-5 jobs with more money, better terms and conditions and a lot less responsibility.
On average 6 security officers are leaving every week and staff turnover is running at approx. 70%. Compare that to pre 2002 levels of virtually 0%.
The airport has a massive problem recruiting staff and has to go far and wide to find potential employees willing to work at the airport. This is in stark contrast to the 'old days' when the airport could pick 'n' choose who they wanted to work for them.
So don't think these queues (that have seen a lot of press interest over the summer) are going to disappear, because they will not.
The airport are currently seeking another 120 new starters, but they will only be replacing the employees that are leaving on a weekly basis.
How many airports do you know that have senior managers loading x-ray machines?
The only way to get rid of the queues is to return to the old terms and conditions and have a work force that is well motivated, well trained, conscientious and willing to go that extra mile for the company and actually want to be there instead of being totally demoralised as they are now.
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Old 8th Jan 2004, 05:35
  #12 (permalink)  
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I guess that you guys have made a good many true and pertinent points.

Manchester Airport is truly riddled with the politics of power, incompetence in high places and too much spin. In the present climate one can only express sympathy for security staff who are badly paid and treated in an abysmal manner. However a glance at the senior management in that part of the company explains everything. The good guys at Manch enable it to succeed despite the corruption at the top!

The words 'p**s up, brewery and couldn't' spring to mind!!

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Old 9th Jan 2004, 02:22
  #13 (permalink)  
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Unfortunately Helen 49, it appears that, the term `p..s up in a brewery` and possibly the odd CBE go together.
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Old 10th Jan 2004, 00:00
  #14 (permalink)  
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Don't worry folks Geoff has promised he will sort it out again!!!!!
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Old 10th Jan 2004, 01:26
  #15 (permalink)  
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Manchester Aviation Security Officers really have been ***** on. They now get what a Mc Donnalds Assistant gets paid and that is no joke!

This cannot be acceptable in this era, when aviation security should be at an all time high. There is only one way forward, that is for the Department for Transport to take control of Aviation Security, taking it away from irrisponsable private companies.

Manchester Security Officers still fare better than their counterparts at Leeds. At Leeds the average rosta would look like this. This would be working 48-62 hours per week for 5.32 per hour

Thu 1200-2000 Fri 1200-0000 Sat 1200-0000 (Lates)
Sun 1700-0700 Mon 1700-0700 Tue 1700-0700 (nights)
Wed Day off Thu Day off Fri Day off
Sat 0400-1200 Sun 0300-1200 Mon 0400-1200 (earlys)
Tue 0700-1700 Wed 0700-1700 Thu 0700-1200 (days)
Fri Day off Sat Day off Sun Day off

This cannot be acceptable?????

Last edited by LBAir; 10th Jan 2004 at 01:36.
Old 10th Jan 2004, 01:43
  #16 (permalink)  
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Was coming into work the other day (MAN)... put my bag on the Xray machinen walk throught the metal detector went off got an air search i.e they did not touch me .... and i knew the guy at the xray screen asked him why he was not looking at the screen and he said i could not be botherd we do not get payed enough to be botherd looking at the screen as he took another puff on his fag.

sooner or later someone will cotton on to this and somthing big will happen at MAN ...

cant blam them tho they have been shat on from a great hight and get cr@p money for a job that they can do very well
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Old 10th Jan 2004, 05:16
  #17 (permalink)  
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Because they get paid s==t and the hours are c==p does that give them the right to endager the lives of hundereds of passengers by not doing their job properly. I think not.

I assume from the comment about puffing on the fag you were going through the staff channel in one of the terminals and not the passenger areas. but the job should be treated the same there as it is up on the concourse. I personally walk into work 4 times a week with a knife and fork in my bag to eat my dinner with, along with a swiss army knife on my belt. It seems that if they go through the x-ray they are allowed airside. Surely this is wrong.

I agree with rampman, something big will happen at MAN if these shoddy practices are allowed to continue, and I am just thankful that it will not be me that was in the position to have stopped it happening.
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Old 10th Jan 2004, 14:38
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one truevoice

all i was doing was giving one instance what happend to me this week thats all i was discusted and the incedent was reported after all at the end of the day it is my safetythat theyhave in there hands as well as thousands of others each day that pass through as passangers or as staff.

p.s i also walk through with my knife and fork in my bag as well as my swiss army .... dose not make scence what so ever
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Old 10th Jan 2004, 22:06
  #19 (permalink)  
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Rampman, Yes there are people who can't be bothered in Aviation Security but not everyone is like that. Aviation Security Officers have to take crap everyday of the week. This by joe public, RAMPMEN, the airlines and management. The list is endless. People like you who TRY IT ON by taking knifes and folks, swiss army knifes etc. through staff channels are not going to exactly make moral any better, are you? Do you take your coat off at the scanner, or are you one of the ones who says "Why do we have to do this? This is rediculous!" everytime?? Do you know what it is like to search under someones sweaty coat?

The fact is that it could be made a good job if conditions and money are improved. The job should be a career, where school leavers want to say "I would like to be an Aviation Security Officer and guard the skys" At present, people just see the job as a career gap filler.

The bottom line is people are starting to become complacent throughout the industry. Bags are not being checked correctly, people are not being searched correctly. Like I said before the security officers have the choice of pressing a button RED TO STOP a suspect hold bag or GREEN for LET GO. It is time they where given the credit they deserve.

from YORKSHIRE the place to be is the city of Leeds.
Old 11th Jan 2004, 00:16
  #20 (permalink)  
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Airport Security

LBAir, your comments make a good deal of sense to me and I can well understand your feelings. I do appreciate that often Airport security officers have to take large doses of c**p, not only from some of the pax, but from the airport management as well. After hanging up my helmet and goggles after 37 years / 16000 hours at the front end, I can appreciate many of the problems and difficulties that the Airport Security officers have to put up with, in particular at present. I would have to say though, a quick smile and a polite ` good morning sir I'm sorry but I need to search your bag` will get the pax on your side, unfortunately more often than not I find myslef treated with total distain as though I crawled out of the gutter when passing through the checks these days.
That said, I most certainly agree that the post of an Airport Security officer should involve in depth recruitment procedures, full thorough training and recurrent checks as well, good conditions of service and fair salary to refelect the nature of the job. As LB mentioned, the position of a Security Officer should be one that is looked up to and one that people want to obtain and be proud of.
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