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MY TRAVEL (again)

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Old 4th Dec 2003, 03:29
  #21 (permalink)  
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Dinner should be on the table, but isn't, so have time to reply to previous post of yours.

You reckon you had several years working in The City, so what I say?......I say, well, for a start, several can be classed as 2 or more. So how many was it?

"A good deal of those was as a proprietary trader"....I say, 'Well, I was a PROPRIETOR in The City, so I guess that's 4 hearts to me!'

"Not vindictive?"...Let the readers decide that one. Go read your various postings!

"R & M only?"....ask those affected by your posts, what anguish and anxiety you cause them!

"nothing suppressed?"...that's why I can call you to task as a vindictive, etc!

"Who had the proper education?"...I dunno there, but will let the readers decide on the facts here, despite it being R&N.

Your agenda is obvious to most, I suspect, 'clear as a bell to me', inspite of your attempts to 'soften' your words. I tell it as it is, sunshine!

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Old 4th Dec 2003, 03:41
  #22 (permalink)  

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Sorry, but your posts just do not carry any strength.

"a proprietor". Of what?

"can be more than 2 years" etc. Try six years. That is long enough to form opinion believe me.

But, let's stay on topic here.

Let's wait and see what happens next shall we?

I am still hoping you enjoy your dinner. Mrs Jack will have it ready by now I am sure.

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Old 4th Dec 2003, 03:54
  #23 (permalink)  
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Can you get back on topic....please!!!

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Old 4th Dec 2003, 04:17
  #24 (permalink)  
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Proprietor of a major financial institution, is what

More than 7 years, in my case, in that capacity

As Hamrah says, lets get back on topic; I made my points, and those that see sense will realise that

Go to go back to Cheryl now, byebye
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 04:51
  #25 (permalink)  
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Tailscrape.......many here have already said that you are more than a wind up merchant, you are malicious. A search of your postings reveals this; not just about MT but in many areas of aviation. No genuine fellow aviator would wish what you do on any fellow professional in your many vitriolic postings.

Remember that aviation is a small world, what comes around goes around etc. You would do well to listen and learn and eat a little humble pie.

Does your boss at DHL (ex MyTravel Boeing Fleet Manager) know who you are and quite how vindictive you are ? Think on Tailscrape or your days in aviation may be shorter than you hoped. Then again, you could always go back to the city.

Jack - Spot on, enjoy dinner.

MyTravel Colleagues - It seems that there IS sufficient capital for 12 months, you'll be leaner for sure but I don't want to see the demise of one of the few British Companies still flying.

And look what was in a pm for me from Tailscrape. If you wish to converse with me Tailscrape, do it on a public forum please....I do NOT want your private messages threatening me about what you will do if you find out who I am.

17th November 2003 13:14
naughty of you.

I do not like what you wrote about me. You should reconsider it.

As for used to work for TC, well actually pal, I still do technically.

I have not tried for many jobs as u say either. True I went for one and did not get it. So what?

On the other hand, I have been offered two others and refused them.

My comments are based on fact regarding TC, not on your diatribe rants.

Put your nappy on you sad xxxx,and if I find out who you warned!!
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 05:16
  #26 (permalink)  
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I see this thread is dropping into the gutter thanks to Tailscrape!

Moderators are you going to take any action as this thread would be more at home on Jet Blast!

Oh! I forgot it is a thread about MYT! So this sort of thing will run on and on.
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 05:44
  #27 (permalink)  

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I did not drag it into the gutter at all. My fair comments attracted a barrage of abuse.


I do not know if "my boss" knows who I am. Equally it seems unimportant in the circumstances.


I would highlight again that I posted this because it was in the public domain. I can understand your defensiveness, but the facts remain that I have not said anything malicious or malevolent in THIS thread.

I hope at least some of you can see that, because the fact that a moderator has not closed the thread may show that there is genuine interest in discussing the situation.
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 06:26
  #28 (permalink)  
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Tails, don't be so sure - just keep on digging sunshine !
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 08:33
  #29 (permalink)  

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Guys Guys !

Lets not turn this into a personal witch hunt for gods sake !!!!!

Understandably a number of MYT pilots are extremely sensitive about the predicament of their employer and their own employment. In the words of Bud Fox in the film Wall Street, "we're all just one step from humility."

Reading the Easyjet thread on rostering, I wonder why, as the individuals obviously know each other, that they don't arrange a punch up at a mutually agreeable venue and time rather than waste bandwith on this website.

This is supposed to be an anonymous forum for essentially rumours and opinions. If you don't like the postings of a particular member, there is a facility to ignore them. Wasting column width on trying to infer the identity of a poster is vindictive and an affront to how this site is supposed to work.

I'm sure the results on Friday (if thats when they are released) will provoke more discussion (like it or not). Here's hoping to a better 2004 for MYT as well as BA, TUI, TCX, etc and all operators who are currently suffering.
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 17:22
  #30 (permalink)  
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Myself and a number of others on PPRuNe are employed by MYT and are very grateful for it. As I have said before, they are a great company to work for and I consider that some of the guys here are the best in the business. The next few days are going to be tough for us. It goes without saying that the finals are not going to make for pleasant reading, particulalry since First Choice are releasing next week and the obvious comparisons will be drawn. Yes it is shocking that a UK IT operator cannot make money during a summer season, however please bear in mind that the results do not relate wholly to the airline but to the entire MYT group. It is bad enough reading articles in the press (often inaccurate) that the company is 'about to go under' without having it on PPRuNe every 5 minutes.
I don't know what the next 12 months holds any more than the next man (or woman), my job may not even exist this time next year. I have confidence in the guys who are in control and they have my loyalty and trust that they will turn the thing round. If they don't it's not for want of trying.

tails - I am not going to get into a slanging match with you or anybody else but the fact remains, you USED to work in the city. You don't now. You have no more idea what the banks are thinking or proposing than anybody else on this forum. I agree that your previous employment gives you an insight into how the financial markets work but it does not give you the right to issue statements about the impending bankruptcy of a company when you have no information or facts to back these statements up. It may be a game to you but this company is the roof over peoples heads and the meals on their tables. Please bear that in mind before you pontificate any further.
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 20:00
  #31 (permalink)  
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Surely the fact that MYT are still flying and selling holidays for 2004 has the backing of financial institutions!

Good luck to all concerned and as a regular passenger for the last few years can I add that your still #1 in my books
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 21:37
  #32 (permalink)  
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Well said Chillwinston, there is no reason why MyTravel can't return to profit.

People should start seeing a improvment during the summer next year, things will get a little worse over the next few months and then you will start to see the turnaround from what I've been told by people in the know.
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Old 4th Dec 2003, 23:12
  #33 (permalink)  
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As most people know, tailscrape and I don't tend to see eye to eye on many issues. Indeed, after the last little scrap on here I thought we had made a bit of progress and a "truce" had been called. But........
Tailscrape, I don't think it's the fact that you posted the newspaper article on here that has everybody wound up, after all it was as you quite correctly point out in the public domain and not inflammatory in any way. What seems to get people's backs up is the tactless and insenstive way in which you shoot back at anyone who has the gall to post any criticism of your point of view. You fire from the hip every time and whether you realise it or not, it does not increase people's respect for you. If I had to pick a word to describe you, it would be "arrogant", because that is how you come across. I'm not looking to anger you, or wind you up, but that's how I see you and I would imagine that I'm not the only one. And as for threatening one of your fellow professionals - "Put your nappy on you sad xxxx,and if I find out who you warned!!" (A quote from tailscrape's PM to Flex). Well..................I leave the judgement on the professionalism behind that to the readership of PPRuNe.

At the end of the day, we are all supposed to be reasonably intelligent professional people, and I can't see how these endless slanging matches serve anyone or anything. Yes it is frustrating and worrying for us at MYT when we see the endless rumour and speculation surrounding us on a daily basis, but I personally believe we will survive. Yes the results are going to be horrendous, possibly worse than forecast, but I still believe that we will eventually pull through. I think it's going to be a long hard battle, but hopefully one we will win in the end. If we don't, then it will be us MYT employees and our families who have to live with it, not anyone else.
Thankyou to everyone who has wished us well - your wishes are warmly received. To those who wish us ill - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


Last edited by SLT; 5th Dec 2003 at 03:49.
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Old 5th Dec 2003, 01:48
  #34 (permalink)  
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I hope to God you survive too. If it's any comfort at all, (I fly the 146 for BACX) I would far far rather be in your Company, despite the present rumours, than in mine. At least you seem to be able to support your management - maybe YOUR management are worth supporting. I hope to God we BOTH survive, but I'd give good odds on MYT over us.
Worst case scenario - well, your aeroplanes are full, the overall holiday capacity is there, so even if the worst happens and the Company goes under, within a couple of weeks you'll have a new uniform, a new paint job, and probably most of your current salary. Pension might suffer a bit, but probably not. Be optimistic guys, you have good equipment and a fairly loyal customer base. Best of all, there's no way for the market to absorb your punters without using your aeroplanes.

Now, should I start on the sorry state of affairs at BACX???? Nope, I've run out of Diazepam............
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Old 5th Dec 2003, 02:28
  #35 (permalink)  
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Hear, hear BITE!!! I think you said it better!!!
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Old 5th Dec 2003, 02:41
  #36 (permalink)  

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"Put your nappy on you sad xxxx,and if I find out who you warned!!" (A quote from tailscrape's PM to Flex). Well..................I leave the judgement on that to the readership of PPRuNe, and to the moderators.
SLT..we don't moderate Pmessages. If posters wish to flame or personally abuse each other than Pmessages is the place to do it. Not on the forum.

This is a rumours site, PPRuNe does not guarantee the truthfulness of the threads. We do not determine who is, or isn't qualified to post on a particular thread, it's up to the members to decide the legitimacy or otherwise of a posting. Members who personally abuse just reduce the argument to school yard silliness and do themselves and their claimed expertise no credit at all.

Those with an interest in aviation whether they are professional pilots, managers, pax etc are welcome to post on PPRuNe


Last edited by Hawk; 5th Dec 2003 at 04:27.
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Old 5th Dec 2003, 03:46
  #37 (permalink)  
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Fair enough Hawk, I take your point about the Private Messages. Post edited (slightly).

Thanks SLT

Last edited by Hawk; 5th Dec 2003 at 04:12.
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Old 5th Dec 2003, 07:13
  #38 (permalink)  
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If your not a captain yet, you should be.

Hopefully in time to come should I ever get my dream job,
you are the sort of guy that I would like to be sat next to
in a flightdeck.

Your post is the only one I've read in months that showed
exactly what this industry needs right now.

When a balloon is sinking, ballast sometimes has to
be thrown out to get airborne again.

From what I see, this is what is being done at MYT in
order to survive and I hope it works for all of you.

I hope your company is here for some time yet
and its going to be one whose door I will be knocking
on in the next year or two when things pick up.
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Old 5th Dec 2003, 17:18
  #39 (permalink)  
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Friday 5 December 2003

BREAKING NEWS: Wilson resigns from MyTravel

Duncan Wilson, chief executive of MyTravel UK & Ireland, has resigned. Hands on responsibility for the UK and Ireland businesses transfers to chief operating officer Philip Jansen. Wilson will stay with MyTravel during a transition period, reporting to group chief executive Peter McHugh. MyTravel's results for the year to end-Oct03 will be puiblished on Thursday 11 December.
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Old 5th Dec 2003, 17:18
  #40 (permalink)  
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SLT - "and I can't see how these endless slanging matches serve anyone or anything."

Dont know about you but the spats and slanging matches are from people passionate about their beliefs and feelings. In this case someone has quoted an article and articles like this are for the benefit of investors with scant little regard for the company or more importantly there employees and famalies.

How many times have we all seen a company spiral into bankruptcy from ill founded stories in the paper.

The spats we all read (and have to admit, I personally do think they add to the thread) are 9/10 someone defending their beliefs and the odd 10% are just rhetoric.
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