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Old 3rd Aug 2013, 11:15
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Global Warming is a Scam

Global Warming is one of the great hoaxes. Not because of the sheer numbers that are involved in it, nor for the hitherto unequalled sums of money it will generate for its perpetrators. It will go down in history as the worst wrong turn made by the human race. The arguments rage over weather (sic) the climate warms or cools, but in reality, our knowledge of the planets climate, though growing, is just a tiny blip in the history of Earth. We cannot extrapolate the behaviour of the atmosphere beyond a week. Yet the globalists would have us believe that the climate is warming because we are emitting tiny fractions of a gas that is measured in parts per million.

A large percentage of the population understand we are destroying the environment and ecosystems of the planet. Helped along by a media campaign of the usual nauseating orgy of self-flagellating guilt, the population have fallen hook line and sinker, and they are now ready to crash headlong into saving the planet. Henny Penny Wong says the sky is falling and we must act immediately for we will all die. The only way out is to create a tax on, wait for it, ENERGY!

Many of us have noticed changes in the weather, because weather changes, but what do those changes mean? Rather like the 13th century religious fanatics who argued over the hierarchy of archangels in heaven, the Climate Changers argue over a subject they know little about. The worth of the data the Climate Changers put out is of the same value as the religious dogma. Meanwhile the same guys that brought us the GFC are sitting back in the wings, sniffing the blood in the water, laughing at us for falling for the most basic scam of all, the world is ending.

The real danger, which the globalists have no intention of stopping, is the rape of the Earth's resources for profit. Vast swathes of forest disappearing, fisheries harvested to exhaustion, habitat destruction and the unparalleled species extinction rate (except homosapiens) are the reasons why Mother Nature will turn against us. It is not because we emit a gas that helps plants grow. It's because we have radically altered the face of the Earth.

The real tragedy of climate change will not be the amount of money that it will fleece from the population. It will be the missed opportunity of mankind to attack the real problem, overpopulation, by peaceful means. Make no mistake if this tax is passed into law it will be used to fund war and the population problem will be solved by violence, not by intellect. We stand at the dawn of the information age, empowered by our understanding. Will we succumb to our base animal instincts and destroy the Earth, or will we rise above our petty quarrels and fulfil our true role, to protect the Garden of Eden we are already in. What if we are alone in the universe?
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