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Old 27th May 2013, 21:53
  #2571 (permalink)  
Courtney Mil
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I didn't say I doubt the F-35 will perform as it is said by the test pilots, JSFfan, although read on and I may get close to it. As usual, just because I question such things instead of simply accepting the manufacturer’s promises, YOU are making the incorrect assumption that I don't think the aircraft will be a good front line asset. Unlike you, I have watched quite a few golden projects before, enough to know that requirements, planning assumptions and the wishes of those that will operate said beast don't always live up to expectations. I also know that threats and requirements move on.

I would go further. Many of our disappointments have come about because too many people were too complacent and trusted both the manufacturer and the MoD to deliver. It's only now that we have begun to hear, very publicly, that the stuff that was put out in the public domain was (being kind) a little glib. Plenty of us either in or close the projects, or on the receiving end of the product knew full well or soon found out when it turned up in our HASs.

I personally really want to see this programme succeed; we all have a lot riding on it. Unlike you, I understand that it is perfectly reasonable to question anything about it, discuss the shortcomings and ask 'why' when things go wrong - especially when there is so much riding on it. And also to want to how and if they will be fixed. Things do not always get ‘fixed’ properly – like for example drastic reductions in the sustained g or accel times.

So, to your point specifically, I don't doubt that F-35 is performing in the areas that it is declared as performing. I know it is not performing in the areas that have been officially reported as currently failing. I believe that a lot of those shortfalls will be rectified, in time. But I have NEVER seen a new aircraft brought into service that lived up to ALL the promises. And the more cutting-edge the system and the complex the systems, the more shortfalls there will be.

Understand this. The F-35 design principles are very heavily reliant upon a lot (no, a LOT) of complex, immature, expensive and (in some respects) delicate technologies. Some of the design requirements, the stealth for instance, have required compromises in other areas, meaning that if the stealth isn't perfect, those other areas of weakness will become factors. If it works in all wavebands and is perfect, then no worries; you won't have to question what it did wrong to get WVR.

If you think I'm anti JSF, then you are very much mistaken. I'm anti people being not willing to question the development, the processes, the major potential shortcomings and having a blind regard for what people on the LM payroll have to say.

If it helps, I was equally critical of the same people and the same issues when Tornado F3 and Typhoon were being developed and brought into service. Had it not been for people being willing to stand up and question the integrity of the process, they would have even worse than they were.

I hope that explains.

Last edited by Courtney Mil; 27th May 2013 at 22:25.
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